WHY is Turkey not a football powerhouse? | Documentary

Turkey is a country that loves and breathes football like no other. Istanbul is probably the most passionate football city in the world. Galatasaray, Fenerbahce and Besiktas – the big three dominate Turkish football. But what about the national team? The country has big clubs, great footballers and an amazing talent pool. Yet they haven’t been really successful on the big stage! Why is that? What do you think? We go on a tour to find out…

For Turkish subtitles click the subtitles/CC icon in the bottom right corner of the video player screen.

Report: Pascal Jochem
Camera: Manuel Vering
Editing & Color: Cem Mete, David Jacobi
Graphics: Google/ Hecko Flores

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Deutsch lernen (A1): Ganzer Film auf Deutsch – "Nicos Weg" | Deutsch lernen mit Videos | Untertitel

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WHY great players often fail as coaches

So they were great at kicking a ball around. Yet many of them fail when you take their boots off and put them in a suit on the sidelines. Funny, isn’t it? Nah, logical actually. DW Kick off! explain why great players often fail as coaches…

Report: Paul Jäger
Edit: David Jacobi

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