Gaza: Overcoming Complacency – Sami Hamdi

Gaza: Overcoming Complacency – Sami Hamdi

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43 comentarios en “Gaza: Overcoming Complacency – Sami Hamdi

  1. If Saudi Arabia normalize after what happened it It will be the greatest loss in the history of Islam and the most dangerous event since the sending of the Messenger Mohamed PBOH

  2. Sunni Shia split has been the main way that the west divided and destroyed Arab countries. It is one of the main reasons for their destruction and creation of an environment where Arab children can be killed in thousands without fear of consequences.
    And I don’t see any side saving those kids, they only use them for political points.

  3. Man: Allah where are you? How can you not help the Palestinians from this slaughter of children, women & men? Why have you forsaken them?
    God: I gave you free will. I gave you free will without any conditions. Out of your free will, you chose to slaughter one another. Now you want me to intervene. I give you free will, good bad indifferent. Find your own way back to me.

  4. The facts remain that the Sunni Arab world are not going to do anything to resolve the issue at all. Egypt, Jordan and GCC seem to have utterly been effeminate on the issue, yes? Their Sunni creed is defective and offers pacifism to the ignorant masses. Unlike the Shi'a non-state actors who actually stand for truth and righteousness at all cost. Is this worth pondering on? The question should be why does the Arab League exist? Defunct organization that accomplishes zilch. The Israelis mockingly call them cowards with good reason. Of course to be fair in criticism, shouldn't the IOC be disbanded since Indonesia, Malaysia and Bangladesh failed to help the people in Burma? No justice when the basic creed of the leaders are defective seems to be the case. Sadly, I bet $1000.00 that Egypt, the guarantor for Gaza will absolutely do nothing except facilitate the death and destruction of the inhabitants of the place. Jordan's King, who is supposedly the Custodian of Jerusalem, will never raise any diplomatic or military action to liberate or ever protect the holy sites, let alone the people. They are on their own and, if they were to change their sect to Shiism then maybe they might liberate themselves, but that won't happen. Here is the reality: the Sunni Arabs have no balls, none….It is funny how they are looking towards Turkiye who is geographically obsolete from action. Comical.

  5. May Allah swt protect you sami
    Thank god we have someone like you in our ummah Alhamdulillah may Allah guide us all to be a torch of light for this ummah and a pillar of hope through our mindset and actions

  6. I really hope our American brothers and sisters will make sure Baiden will pay for what he did. I wish i were in America to vote.

    Before i were a bit against voting. But you know, after watching Sami explain things i will be voting everytime there is a vote for anything in my country. And so will you folks InshaAllah <3

  7. ثوبان مولى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: " يوشك الأمم أن تداعى عليكم كما تداعى الأكلة إلى قصعتها، فقال قائل: ومن قلة نحن يومئذ؟ قال: بل أنتم يومئذ كثير ولكنكم غثاء كغثاء السيل، ولينزعن الله من صدور عدوكم المهابة منكم، وليقذفن الله في قلوبكم الوهن، فقال قائل يا رسول الله: وما الوهن؟ قال حب الدنيا وكراهية الموت" رواه أحمد وأبو داود

  8. It is a pleasure listening to you , we appreciate your work and support for our Ummah. May Allah swt protect you Amin Ya Rabbi 🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼

  9. The good old BBC and Sky were spending hours today talking of a single death. The prisoner in Russia who attempted to expose Putin. But when Israel murderers thirty thousand innocent Palestinians hardly a word is spoken. The hypocrisy within our media outlets is staggering.

  10. Why are the comedians of the Middle East the only people standing up for the Palestinian people , what the hell are the Middle Eastern government doing , I think it was a plan set up long ago 😌😌

  11. As a Saudi, first of all, I really really want to apologize to the Palestinian brother and to the rest of Palestine that we haven't done enough to help you, please forgive us.
    1:38:30 As for the point that brother Sami said, its not 50/50, but rather 90/10 (at the absolute most) that fears the consequences of us speaking out. And the people who are favoring the israelis are the loudest minority (and most of them is paid by the government to say it), and the rest of us are mostly in Instagram or in any other platform except Twitter, because where the crackdown begins and where the government focuses on.
    1:39:00 is also what Saudi Arabia became now: a police state as well
    This is not an excuse by any stretch of the imagination to excuse for us not raising our voice, but rather an explanation of why we seem to be silent.

    I ask Allah to empower our fellow brothers and sisters in Palestine, and ask Him to empower us as a Saudi society to fear Him and only Him alone.

  12. Only the shias – true followers of the holy prophet (pbuh) and his holy ahl bait (as) – stand with and sacrifice their lives to free the oppressed. This is the lesson from Imam Hussain (as).

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