36 comentarios en “Cruising around the shops in Belgrade 🇷🇸

  1. Cool thoughts on the no flag repressed shame, makes sense. The shop where you got the cbd is literally a 3 min walk to the epicenter od Belgrade, the main street with plenty of shops and also another smaller shopping center. The building you were mentioning is probz the first stepping stone into modern society is called Belgrade Waterfront which also has “Galerija”the most modern mall. Next time try “Karadjordje” which is like a serb version of a steak (similar to cordon bleu but fried and with veal)

  2. Hey bud, thank you for showing the CBD side of weed and hopefully kids will listen you don't need to get off your head to just be relaxed and help there problems. Loving your vids mate, keep it up.

  3. Spanian!! I suffer from really bad anxiety and unable to sleep at night. Ever since i came across your vlogs I sleep to them every night, its so nice to feel like you’re company even though its not live. Your videos keep me calm and reduces my anxiety. Please dont stop with your vlogs!!! I hope you continue because I promise you people watch and it does more good than you think. Im able to sleep better and my anxiety has reduced in the day. I have you running in the background all the time. Bless

  4. Bro eastern bloc countries spent decades being spied on by the KGB. Of course they would be paranoid of someone talking a foreign language into an electronic box. 😅😂😅😂

  5. I just can’t believe you’ve been to Belgrade, the best city of night life in Europe and you didn’t experience it!??
    Also just came at the top of Knez Mihailova street and didn’t walk through??!!!
    So many beautiful things to see and you just made a comment on the area waiting for development? Among all the beauty you went to commercial shopping center that you have in Australia as well??!!
    Ate the bloody stake in the country of ćevapi, sarma and roast pork??!! Bro you just wasted hour and a half of my life.

  6. Hungary next door to Serbia is a 'flag' place …that's why they're all trying to kick them out of EU and NATO, because they're not doing all that woke western Europe traitor stuff.

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