WHY is Turkey not a football powerhouse? | Documentary

Turkey is a country that loves and breathes football like no other. Istanbul is probably the most passionate football city in the world. Galatasaray, Fenerbahce and Besiktas – the big three dominate Turkish football. But what about the national team? The country has big clubs, great footballers and an amazing talent pool. Yet they haven’t been really successful on the big stage! Why is that? What do you think? We go on a tour to find out…

For Turkish subtitles click the subtitles/CC icon in the bottom right corner of the video player screen.

Report: Pascal Jochem
Camera: Manuel Vering
Editing & Color: Cem Mete, David Jacobi
Graphics: Google/ Hecko Flores

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37 comentarios en “WHY is Turkey not a football powerhouse? | Documentary

  1. If Turkish teams had not plotted against Fenerbahce, now Fenerbahce was one of the top 5 clubs in the world, which was one of the richest clubs in the world at that time.

  2. As an Englishman I'd love to see a Turkish club win UCL for once. Some great clubs coming out of Turkey, Galatasaray, Fenerbache, Besiktas. Sick of seeing only Spanish, German, English clubs winning.

  3. I am not sure the Turkish player have the possibility to express another political opinion…They can only follow Erdogan or go in jail. unfortunately, too much turkish journalist are now arrested because of the lack of speech of freedom.

  4. You Germans can take Syrian refugees instead of giving money to Erdoğan government. US supported YPG, ISIS and Russian supported Asad ruined Syria and because of them refugees migrated to Turkey. We intervened in Syria after Russia, USA, France and after 5 years of civil war. Turkey isn't your scapegoat hypocrite Germans.

  5. Beitrag des Freitages, 26. August 2022

    3. Platz
    WM 2002: Halbfinale gegen Brasilien; Spiel um den 3. Platz gegen Südkorea
    FCC 2003: Halbfinale gegen Frankreich; Spiel um den 3. Platz gegen Kolumbien

    EM 2008: Deutschland

    EM 2000: Portugal

    WM 1954: BR Deutschland; VR Ungarn; Südkorea
    EM 1996; 2016: Kroatien (2*), Portugal, Dänemark, Spanien, Tschechei
    EM 2002: Italien, Schweiz, Wales

    UEFA Nationenliga
    UNL 2018/2019: Gesamtplatz 22; Liga B; Schweden, Russland
    UNL 2020/2021: Gesamtplatz 29; Liga B; Russland, Ungarn; Abstieg in Liga C

    UNL 2022/2023
    Tabelle nach 4 der 6 Spieltage
    Liga C
    Gruppe C1
    12; Türkei
    7; Luxemburg (2:0 in Luxemburg Stadt; III) (am Donnerstag, 22. September 2002 in der Türkei; V)
    4; Färöer (4:0 in Istanbul; I) (am Sonntag, 25. September 2002 in Thorshavn; VI)
    0; Litauen (6:0 in Wilna; II) (2:0 in Izmir, IV)

    Auswahl der Gegner
    WMQ 1962; 1970; 1982; 1990; EMQ 1976 : Sowjetunion (5*), Tschechoslowakei, Österreich
    WMQ 1966; 2022: Portugal (2*)
    EMQ 1964; WMQ 1974: Italien (2*)
    EMQ 1972; 1980; 1984: BR Deutschland (3*)
    WMQ 1986; EMQ 1988; 1992: England (3*), Nordirland
    WMQ 1994; 1998; 2014: Holland (3*), Norwegen, Belgien; Rumänien
    EM 2004: Lettland (Qualifikationsplayoffs der Gruppenzweiten)
    WMQ 2006: Schweiz
    WMQ 2010: Spanien, Bosnien-Herzegowina
    EM 2012: Kroatien (Qualifikationsplayoffs der Gruppenzweiten)
    WMQ 2018: Island, Kroatien

    Verzicht auf die Endrundenteilnahme
    WM 1950

    WMQ 1934
    WMQ 1958: Verzicht auf Spiele gegen Israel (Wales qualifizierte sich für die WM, als UEFAs bester Gruppenzweiter, gegen Israel.)

    WMQ 1930; 1938
    EMQ 1960

  6. I'm just astonished by the amount of turks you've found who can actually understand english. like, I've been in istanbul for the past 4 years and it's just so rare, gave me a lot of difficulties as a foreigner myself

  7. When players start being political stooges, they simply start losing the respect.
    Supporting a dictator like Erdogan is personal choice and should never be a compulsion.

  8. Content is wonderful…wish you spent more time with Galatasaray fans instead of fenerbache fans(also known as "F**** B*****"… but it definitely demonstrates the delusional state Turkish society is in! They want to progress quickly… they want titles every year so the average age is 29… how pathetic no wonder even the big teams are poor as shit!!! Never develope a home grown team to dominate the league.

  9. I lost my respect totally for rivaldo in 2002 because of the red Card for the Turkish player in group stage,he kicked the ball against his knee and rivaldo acted like he was punched by mike Tyson in his face,shame on you rivaldo you were one of my favourite players.

  10. This is also happens to Indonesia, we have passionate, hooligans, and a lot of talents even one of the biggest in Asia. But we still couldn't reach the big 100 of FIFA ranks 🙁

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