Continúan celebrándose los funerales de los soldados rusos muertos en acción en Ucrania. El último número oficial de muertos fue hace dos semanas del Ministerio de Defensa de Rusia, que dijo que 498 soldados habían perdido la vida en lo que el Kremlin llama su «operación militar especial». En un cementerio en Kostroma, la gente se reunió en el funeral de Mikhail Orchikov, quien era subcomandante de una brigada de fusileros motorizados y murió en acción en Ucrania. Mikhail es conocido en su ciudad como un «defensor de la patria». El editor de Rusia de la BBC, Steve Rosenberg, informa. Suscríbete AQUÍ #Rusia #Ucrania #BBCNews
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Russians have had enough of this pointless war started by Putin..
Hundreds of NATO mercenaries die in Ukraine every week. Tell your audience about them please
Brave men. Hope our heroes make it back safe. Glory to
Putin should just give up
Yesssss……family and Putin happy

The Russian Orthodox Church is a supporter of Czar Putin and just as guilty of genocide.
I hope Ukraine pays for their lives and the lives of 14000 ppl from the Donbass with Odessa, Ukraine landlocked, nothing less.
Her husband sacrifice is not in vain …
It doesn't matter what anyone says, these are my comrades and I salute their sacrifice. Anyone who hates on our brave soldiers will always be my enemy.
Why were they in Ukraine?
ПУТИН И РАШЕН, как кость у всех гадов в горле!
Russians are vermin – why should we care
Show welcome British coffins at the military airfield !!!
you probably forgot, just to remind you !!!
Pоссияне Вернитесь ДОМОЙ! Вы нужны вашим семьям. История запомнит ваши смерти только как злых захватчиков, а не героев! Ваши дурацкие жертвы напрасны, потому что украинская земля больше не нуждается в ваших российских Удобрение.
Russia’s please GO HOME! Your families need you. History will only remember your deaths as evil invaders, not heroes! Your stupid sacrifices are in vain, because the Ukrainian land no longer needs your Russian fertilizer
It is necessary and heroic. Shame on the west for provoking this military operation! Governments have Godly authority to use "the sword" to protect and defend their nations and people. God bless Russia and her people!
Russia invade ukraine with an force of 180,000 troop on Febraury 24th, 2022 and as of today November 20th, 2022….. RUSSIA lose 90,000 soldier ether killed or wounded already. While ukraine lose an Estinated 35,000 troop only.
They are killed because they wend out to kill others . The more rusian blood flows the better
The Russians are now sending 'call up papers ' to the dead. Families seeking their loved ones with no idea they've been killed, but receiving their 'draft papers '. If that doesn't give an indication as to how many Russians are dying, then I've no idea what else does.
Death from Rusia
Good to see that pressure is building in Russia to stop invading their neighbours otherwise this will not even be newsworthy.
Putin is going to die…before he wants to kill as many Russians as he can