Mire: cliente de Starbucks confronta a empleado por robar información de tarjeta de crédito

Una mujer descubre que un empleado de Starbucks robó la información de su tarjeta de crédito y luego la confronta en el autoservicio. Contessa Brewer de CBSN tiene imágenes de la tensa interacción.

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40 comentarios en “Mire: cliente de Starbucks confronta a empleado por robar información de tarjeta de crédito

  1. You know what this is Venom coming out of your mouth you know you make me sick you know I I get sick with you just by speaking she said she was sorry do you understand that she said I am sorry call the police and she won't do it again you know your mouth your words are very Venom that's poison coming out of your mouth wow imagine what you how you treat your kids I can't even imagine and I won't go there but just by you treating This Woman This way I can't even imagine what your marriage is like how you treat your children you know there is places like people for you this is first you can go to a colleges they can help you deal with your emotions obviously you're degrading her anyway a better day for tomorrow look at yourself you're going to be embarrassed listen to your video you're going to be embarrassed you the one that's sitting in the car you going to be embarrassed you just made yourself look very low it would have been so simple I forgive you call the police for $250 and your kids would have been happy cuz they know their mama's loving caring and kind but you're mistreating her she said I'm a beautiful person I play basketball I didn't mean to do this and you're still degrading see that's why we need more people to love one another like I said your words are very Venom it makes my stomach I want to go throw up just by looking at this video and I won't look at you again cuz you make me sick and I tell the truth nothing but the truth I love videos all kinds of videos but this one makes me really sick

  2. You're fighting for $250 you know how much it took for me $1,000 my grocery money and I let it go so you can't let go $250 wow that's nothing 250 is a pair of shoes or maybe a pair of socks wow well like I told you from the beginning be nice

  3. You know what you need to slow down a little bit what do you think you are that's why we have police officers that's not very Godly you need to be who are you why would you treat her that way call the police and they'll handle it that's what they're getting paid for

  4. Because the worker is a teen, she should have not been harassed. The customer recorded her, posted her online to humiliate her, then still called cops of course. Because the charges were fraudalent, any purchases from the stolen card would've definitely been reversed by banking institution of course. Its cringy. Just go to authorities and let them go through proper protocol and prosecute the girl. You wanted to confront/berate her, have her arrested/prosecuted and then post it online (knowing you'll get your money back being that it was fraudulent purchases). If the worker was a full grown adult, it would be completely understandable, but she's a teen. Let her be charged and get her day in court. AND…I do believe there are some racial/gender biases based on how the female customer chose to handle this situation. I cant imagine a customer who looks like Taylor Swift would be confronted in the same manner. And if it was a guy who could've assaulted her, the customer would've just let police handle it.

  5. This just happened to me at a local Popeye's drive through, and surprise, surprise, the USUAL SUSPECT was the one manning the drive through (not for long, after speaking with store's GM today, he's gonna fire the ratttttchet employee! smh

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