James Alex Fields Jr. está tras las rejas después de que supuestamente estrelló su automóvil contra una multitud de personas que protestaban contra una manifestación de nacionalistas blancos en Virginia.
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Bro traveled from ohio
Down in Ohio, swag like Ohio
When you meet someone from twitter in real life:
damn i feel really sad for the car it could really be a really good drag race car
W driver
This is simply outrageous and disgusting. He ruined that gorgeous car. Please put a guard infront of the car before doing that. That way the car is protected AND you could get a better body count too
Well hes from Ohio
Bro he's from Ohio
W Car
W driver ahahahaahahaha
horror? It's satisfying to watch, can you send it on repeat?
Of course he's from Ohio
That guy will meet big bubba in jail and get turned out
Little did we know that incidents like this one would become a regular thing in the next 5 years. 2017 was the beginning of the end.
A muscle car indeed
and he's from Ohio
Whenever I feel down I watch this video and it picks me right up.
only in ohio
Well they shouldn't be in the road
Poor car man
Omg is the car ok
Dam! I hope the car Is ok
Ahhahahah the comentary section is si funny I never expected this

poor car had a good life i'm sure
Man my only sympathy is for that poor beautiful car
Damn that is usual bowling in Ohio
protestors: eww you shall not pass
GigaChad: haha, human scale bowling
hahaha whos street ? not yours its the cars morons hahaha
well done, i hope the dodge is fine
cNN je totální hovo. Lžete lidem!!!
Ofc that driver is from Ohio
Human bowling is a badass sport
Brill can't fault him
Damn only one person died? What a shame