Acusado colapsa en corte tras veredicto de culpabilidad

Diana Lovejoy colapsó en un tribunal de California el lunes después de que fue condenada en lo que las autoridades llaman un complot fallido de asesinato a sueldo contra su ahora ex esposo, quien recibió un disparo en septiembre de 2016 pero sobrevivió. Suscríbase al canal «CBSN» AQUÍ: Vea «CBSN» en vivo AQUÍ: Siga a «CBSN» en Instagram AQUÍ: Me gusta «CBSN» en Facebook AQUÍ: Siga a «CBSN» en Twitter AQUÍ: Obtenga las últimas noticias y lo mejor en reportajes originales de CBS News entregado a su bandeja de entrada. Suscríbase a los boletines AQUÍ: ¡Obtenga sus noticias sobre la marcha! Descargue las aplicaciones móviles de CBS News AQUÍ: obtenga nuevos episodios de los programas que le encantan en todos los dispositivos al día siguiente, transmita noticias locales en vivo y vea temporadas completas de los favoritos de los fanáticos de CBS en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar con CBS All Access. ¡Pruébalo gratis! — CBSN es la primera red de transmisión de noticias digital que permitirá a los consumidores conectados a Internet ver cobertura de noticias anclada en vivo en su televisor conectado y otros dispositivos. En el momento del lanzamiento, la red está disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana y hace que todos los recursos de CBS News estén disponibles directamente en plataformas digitales con cobertura en vivo y anclada 15 horas cada día de la semana. CBSN. Siempre encendido.

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27 comentarios en “Acusado colapsa en corte tras veredicto de culpabilidad

  1. In likewise fashion after death all will have to answer to God. Repent and believe the Gospel you are a wretched sinner before a holy God as such you stand condemned but Jesus came and died on the cross for your sins and died the death that you (we) deserve and rose again on the third day. (John 3:16-18; John 3:36)
    Dying without a savior has eternal consequences..

  2. I think I can read people pretty good and she was putting on a show! First off, she KNEW that going to prison was a very real possibility ever since she committed the crime. There was NO reason for her to act shocked about it! Secondly, she was bobbing her head and playing her facade for attention for about 1 FULL minute. IF she was truly feeling dizzy, she would have simply put her head down on the desk, but she didn't! She made sure to bang her head on the desk so EVERYONE could hear it, but for some reason she STILL never fell over onto the floor. PHONEY!

  3. Please 🙏 don't make negative comments, have a heart. We don't even know the whole story. Poor lady has passed out, and even worse her family are suffering too. I hope they are ok. Life is tough for everyone and nothing is one sided, things happen for a reason

  4. She thought playing a sweet, innocent woman and a victim was going to get her out of it. This was just another stunt. She had likely been playing poor, pitiful girl to get out of her actions her entire life. It had always worked on her family and friends so she expected it to work in court too. Her family was still falling for it in court. She was shocked when the jury didn't give a shyt about her games.

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