48 comentarios en “Fc Barcelona have ran out of shirts in their store #soccer #football #shorts

  1. I wanted to buy the Busquets shirt last week but the shirt was out of stock. I was surprised when that happened because I've never been interested in buying a Barca shirt before but the only time I'm actually interested in buying the shirt, it's out of stock.

  2. fan: lewy please can i get your signed jersey?
    lewy: yeas of course ! my pleasure

    that will be 40 euros for jersey and 10 euros for the signature including all taxes

  3. I mean why??? Barca is trash and they run the business terribly.

    If you want to let me know you are arrogant, delusional & desperate please rock your Barca kits. Fuck Barca lmao

  4. Or the true story is they are short on stock due to covid restrictions in the areas the tops are made. Doesn’t make for as good a story does it

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