¿Es High School Musical 2… la MEJOR? (con Jarvis Johnson) – Placeres culpables Ep. 74

Jarvis Johnson se une a nosotros para hablar sobre la película impulsada por la guerra de clases: High School Musical 2. SÍGUENOS PLACERES CULPABLES Los comediantes Zach Kornfeld, Kelsey Darragh y Garrick Bernard se turnan para compartir sus películas y programas de televisión favoritos sobre el placer culpable e invitan a sus amigos más divertidos a sentirse bien por sentirse culpable. MÚSICA Con licencia de AudioNetwork PRODUCTOR DE PODCAST Miles Bonsignore PASANTE DE PODCAST Rainie Toll

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45 comentarios en “¿Es High School Musical 2… la MEJOR? (con Jarvis Johnson) – Placeres culpables Ep. 74

  1. Since you guys were talking about Hannah Montana, I think you need to watch the Hannah Montana movie for the podcast. I think Kelsey and Rainey will appreciate and voice every Hannah Montana fan’s frustration that the events of the movie had ZERO impact on the show’s storylines after the fact. Aside from that, the movie slaps and still holds u; and that’s all that really matters 😂

  2. I love watching Jarvis unleashing his undying passion for the high school musical franchise. Can’t wait for you guys to tackle hsm3 and Sharpay’s Fabulous adventure!! That spin-off movie was actually a really good thing for Sharpay’s character.

  3. it definitely was a "how cheap can we shoot this" scenario with making the country club in the desert because the country club they filmed at is also in utah 😂just drove the cast the 5 hours down from the high school set to the country club lol

  4. So another fun fact: I remember the reason that they got a stunt double was that Vanessa Hudgens is allergic to chlorine. So that’s also why at the very end when she jumps in the pool, she literally starts almost drowning because she’s freaking out and swallowing the pool water

  5. Honestly that bloody Hawaiian song 😭 I was best friends with this girl in high school who thought she was basically Sharpé and forced me and our other friends to perform that bloody song for the school talent show 😭 it was atrocious, but when I re-watched the film with my daughter recently and the song wasn't in it I was so confused and it had me thinking the entire thing was a fever dream 😣

  6. I remember when this premiered on Disney Channel. Also, I rolled on the floor laughing the entire time of Bet On It, because that dancing was just so… if you’ve ever seen this children’s music group from Australia called Hi-5… it just reminded me of the two white guys in Hi-5 dancing. It was just so over the top.

  7. I remember I had this movie on vhs recorded from the premiere and then brought it into school and watched it with my whole class. I felt the coolest cause I was the hsm hookup lolll

  8. can't believe yall didn't mention the fact that Lucas Gabriel (the guy who plays Ryan) was wearing two knee braces & a back brace during I Dont Dance bc he had just had knee surgery & had also just come off of touring this film so his body was in shambles & yet this man STILL!! performed his butt off for that scene. He literally said the director would yell cut & he would collapse from all the pain he was in.

  9. To go back in time to the build up of the premiere of this movie, it was such a hype time and it lived up to the hype. I went to a premiere party for both DCOM movies and went with a group to see the third, and the hype for HSM is so nostalgic to me but HSM2 hits the hardest for sure, it was so much HSM fanfare, stacked with Easter eggs, and bops.

  10. from my memory, the terrible awful "hawaiian" song did not air at all on disney channel, and was released with a couple other cut scenes on the DVD extended edition. oh, DVDs.

  11. Speaking of "the gay one" …when are y'all gonna cover Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge? It better be in time for Halloween or I'll cry.

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