► PATROCINA ESTE VIDEO: footballdailyuk@gmail.com Ahora que la ventana de transferencia se ha cerrado, finalmente podemos echar un vistazo al estado de juego en la Premier League y más allá. ¡Y por lo que podemos ver, hay una serie de jugadores que una vez más no han podido escapar del sistema de préstamo! Desde el niño prodigio caído del Manchester City, Rony Lopes, hasta Ethan Ampadu y Baba Rahman del Chelsea, analizamos a los jugadores condenados a cadena perpetua como cedidos. En otra parte, perfilamos al lateral olvidado del Inter de Milán, Valentino Lázaro, a Óscar Rodríguez del Sevilla y a Ángel Herrera del Manchester City, además de echar un vistazo a la extraordinaria carrera cedida de Michael Hector y el ex prodigio costarricense del Arsenal, Joel Campbell. Ainsley Maitland-Niles también juega para los Gunners, ahora en su tercer período consecutivo de préstamo con Southampton. ¡Todo eso y mucho más! ► SUSCRÍBETE A FOOTBALL DAILY: ► SUSCRÍBETE A EURO FOOTBALL DAILY: ► SUSCRÍBETE A FOOTBALL DAILY PODCASTS: ► ÚNETE A FAN RUN FD FAMILY DISCORD: ► REGÍSTRATE PARA UNA MEMBRESÍA GRATUITA DE SMARTERSCOUT AQUÍ: Esto es Football Daily, el hogar de los fanáticos de la Premier League análisis en YouTube. En este canal encontrarás Sunday Vibes, Top 10s, Explained, Transfer Talk, Unfiltered, Winners & Losers y mucho más. Si te gusta el fútbol tanto como a nosotros, ¡no olvides suscribirte!
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Tuchel. Yikes
As a Wales fan, I want Ampadu out of Chelsea asap. They seem to have bought him just for the hell of it and he needs to settle down at a club that will play him for more than one season.
tuchel got sacked…
I feel like people who are perpetually loaned out have reached a club level too high for their level. So they end up never being used, so a loan is the only option other than the bench. But it could be avoided if more players would choose a less prestigious club and be the main man there.
1000th like
What about Lucas Piazon or Kenedy? Both from Fc Chelsea
rumour has it: Hector is still on loan as a free agent
Rahman* not Rohrman
Giants* not Jants
Debut* not Deibyu
Betis* not Betís
Joel* not Jol
Rather* not Rother
Monaco* not Monacouw
Lille * not Lelle
Lopes* not Lôuwpez
Cast* not Khohrst
Maitland niles has bags of potential/ability, just needs to nail down a position and show consistency.
Sorry to be "that guy" but The Mallorca guy(pictured) is Iddrisu Baba and not Baba Rahman…
Lucas Piazon
Jordao for Wolves is a good one. Singed as a future midfielder but is no where near being a part of the first team after being signed when they got promoted
Chelsea’s amount of regularly loaned out players is insane
Football daily just hates on Chelsea in every video I swear
Why did i think AMN went to Forrest?
Only Arsenal would loan out a criminally underrated midfielder on deadline day while having chronic injuries to two of the same position and failing to bring in Douglas Luiz.
Michy batshauyi
As a Ghanaian
and a true Blue
I feel sorry for Baba Rhaman even though he still features in most of our national team matches
Hopefully Ethan Ampadu comes back as a Thiago Silva replacement, shouldn’t have been on loan this season
Very interesting
You could at least show actual images of him and not show Bertrand as if its him
Baba Rahman probably accepted a contract in freddos
Example* not Exomple
I still have hope for Ethan Ampadu. He's just 21 and his loan moves has been pretty decent. Besides, Spezia manager said that Tuchel asked him to play Ethan as CB, so fingers crossed
Chance* not Chonce
How long is Baba's contract with CHE?I thing he is long enough with CHE.Cant he terminate his contact like Barkley and Drinkwater did?Feel sorry for him…can't settle down for his career…
Venezuelan* not Venezueilan
Granada* not Granohrder
Yangel* not Yanguel
Vigo* not Vigouw
Getafe* not Guetafei
Half* not Holf
Last* not Lohrst
Liga* not Liguer