1v1's vs D1 Player



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34 comentarios en “1v1's vs D1 Player

  1. I wanted to ask something , is it natural for a right footed player to overstep and move right ? Because i remember doing it only to the left it felt more natural .

  2. KG bro… However long you take for new video it's just get better! Thanks a lot… I learnt a lot from your videos….love you bro ♥️ your form is on an other level ?

  3. Yes bro love the video I noticed in these clips that the division 1 player took his touch closer to his body which made you come out to press him which left a lot of space behind you for him to attack. And most of the time your touch was quite big which made it easier for the defender because he could just stay back and defend the goal. This is probably why the division 1 player did so well from my point of view. No hate just giving my opinion ?

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