I asked AI to create a soccer shirt for each country.

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Images of the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Cuba, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Monaco, Morocco, Netherlands, North Korea, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Vatican City, Venezuela and Vietnam.

ENVÍO y DEVOLUCIÓN GRATIS – Gran colección de Camisetas de fútbol oficiales – Descubre camisetas de equipos y selecciones europeas en camisetasfutboleses.com. Noticias generales de Fútbol, comentarios, resultados, estadísticas, posiciones, audios y videos

[Live] ChatVote Country

Let’s vote for your favorite countries in chat!
Please enter the country code (ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2) in the first 2 letters.
I identify it.
But if you use bots or sub-accounts, or enter meaningless-characters like spams, or I judged it too, I may ban it & disable votes.

Be careful when entering words or sentences of more than three characters.
For example, «USA» is recognized as US (United States), but «Austria» is recognized as AU (Australia), not AT (Austria).

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Data update every 45 seconds.

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I identify it without distinguishing between uppercase & lowercase.
You can vote as many times as and any country.
Vote more!

«US» United States +1
«USA» United States +1
«United States» not count
«AT» Austria +1
«Austria» Australia +1
«GB» United Kingdom +1
«UK» not count
«ES» Spain +1
«Spain» not count
«JP» Japan +1
«Japan» not count
«It is Italy.» Italy +1

Music source
YouTube Audio Library
Snow Music

Country codes (250 countries / regions)
Afghanistan: AF
Åland Islands: AX
Albania: AL
Algeria: DZ
American Samoa: AS
Andorra: AD
Angola: AO
Anguilla: AI
Antarctica: AQ
Antigua and Barbuda: AG
Argentina: AR
Armenia: AM
Aruba: AW
Australia: AU
Austria: AT
Azerbaijan: AZ
Bahamas: BS
Bahrain: BH
Bangladesh: BD
Barbados: BB
Belarus: BY
Belgium: BE
Belize: BZ
Benin: BJ
Bermuda: BM
BES Islands: BQ
Bhutan: BT
Bolivia: BO
Bosnia and Herzegovina: BA
Botswana: BW
Bouvet Island: BV
Brazil: BR
British Virgin Islands: VG
Brunei Darussalam: BN
Bulgaria: BG
Burkina Faso: BF
Burundi: BI
Cabo Verde: CV
Cambodia: KH
Cameroon: CM
Canada: CA
Cayman Islands: KY
Central African Republic: CF
Chad: TD
Chile: CL
China: CN
Christmas Island: CX
Cocos Islands: CC
Colombia: CO
Comoros: KM
Congo: CG
Cook Islands: CK
Costa Rica: CR
Côte d’Ivoire: CI
Croatia: HR
Cuba: CU
Curaçao: CW
Cyprus: CY
Czechia: CZ
Denmark: DK
Djibouti: DJ
Dominica: DM
Dominican Republic: DO
DR Congo: CD
Ecuador: EC
Egypt: EG
El Salvador: SV
Equatorial Guinea: GQ
Eritrea: ER
Estonia: EE
Eswatini: SZ
Ethiopia: ET
Falkland Islands: FK
Faroe Islands: FO
Fiji: FJ
Finland: FI
France: FR
French Guiana: GF
French Polynesia: PF
French Southern Territories: TF
Gabon: GA
Gambia: GM
Georgia: GE
Germany: DE
Ghana: GH
Gibraltar: GI
Greece: GR
Greenland: GL
Grenada: GD
Guadeloupe: GP
Guam: GU
Guatemala: GT
Guernsey: GG
Guinea: GN
Guinea-Bissau: GW
Guyana: GY
Haiti: HT
Heard and McDonald Islands: HM
Honduras: HN
Hong Kong: HK
Hungary: HU
Iceland: IS
India: IN
Indonesia: ID
Iran: IR
Iraq: IQ
Ireland: IE
Isle of Man: IM
Israel: IL
Italy: IT
Jamaica: JM
Japan: JP
Jersey: JE
Jordan: JO
Kazakhstan: KZ
Kenya: KE
Kiribati: KI
Kosovo: XK
Kuwait: KW
Kyrgyzstan: KG
Laos: LA
Latvia: LV
Lebanon: LB
Lesotho: LS
Liberia: LR
Libya: LY
Liechtenstein: LI
Lithuania: LT
Luxembourg: LU
Macao: MO
Madagascar: MG
Malawi: MW
Malaysia: MY
Maldives: MV
Mali: ML
Malta: MT
Marshall Islands: MH
Martinique: MQ
Mauritania: MR
Mauritius: MU
Mayotte: YT
Mexico: MX
Micronesia: FM
Moldova: MD
Monaco: MC
Mongolia: MN
Montenegro: ME
Montserrat: MS
Morocco: MA
Mozambique: MZ
Myanmar: MM
Namibia: NA
Nauru: NR
Nepal: NP
Netherlands: NL
New Caledonia: NC
New Zealand: NZ
Nicaragua: NI
Niger: NE
Nigeria: NG
Niue: NU
Norfolk Island: NF
North Korea: KP
North Macedonia: MK
Northern Mariana Islands: MP
Norway: NO
Oman: OM
Pakistan: PK
Palau: PW
Palestine: PS
Panama: PA
Papua New Guinea: PG
Paraguay: PY
Peru: PE
Philippines: PH
Pitcairn: PN
Poland: PL
Portugal: PT
Puerto Rico: PR
Qatar: QA
Réunion: RE
Romania: RO
Russia: RU
Rwanda: RW
Saint Barthélemy: BL
Saint Helena: SH
Saint Kitts and Nevis: KN
Saint Lucia: LC
Saint Martin: MF
Saint Vincent: VC
Samoa: WS
San Marino: SM
Sao Tome and Principe: ST
Saudi Arabia: SA
Senegal: SN
Serbia: RS
Seychelles: SC
Sierra Leone: SL
Singapore: SG
Sint Maarten: SX
Slovakia: SK
Slovenia: SI
Solomon Islands: SB
Somalia: SO
South Africa: ZA
South Georgia Islands: GS
South Korea: KR
South Sudan: SS
Spain: ES
Sri Lanka: LK
St Pierre and Miquelon: PM
Sudan: SD
Suriname: SR
Svalbard and Jan Mayen: SJ
Sweden: SE
Switzerland: CH
Syria: SY
Taiwan: TW
Tajikistan: TJ
Tanzania: TZ
Thailand: TH
Timor-Leste: TL
Togo: TG
Tokelau: TK
Tonga: TO
Trinidad and Tobago: TT
Tunisia: TN
Turkey: TR
Turkmenistan: TM
Turks and Caicos Islands: TC
Tuvalu: TV
Uganda: UG
UK Overseas Territories: IO
Ukraine: UA
United Arab Emirates: AE
United Kingdom: GB
United States: US
Uruguay: UY
US Minor Outlying Islands: UM
US Virgin Islands: VI
Uzbekistan: UZ
Vanuatu: VU
Vatican: VA
Venezuela: VE
Viet Nam: VN
Wallis and Futuna: WF
Western Sahara: EH
Yemen: YE
Zambia: ZM
Zimbabwe: ZW

Puedes comprar todas las camisetas oficiales de fútbol en futbolmania, la tienda de las mejores Camisetas de fútbol – Devolución gratis. Últimas Noticias de Fútbol. Resultados, partidos y fotos del Fútbol Mexicano, Argentino, Español, Italiano y todas las ligas de fútbol del mundo.

Lando Norris and Daniel Ricciardo Play 'Hot or Not?'

We’ve seen Lando and Daniel rocking all sorts of outfits over the years, but who has the better taste in fashion? Watch the boys rate each other’s style.

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