Fútbol – Los fundamentos del fútbol

Aunque el fútbol se considera un deporte divertido y fácil de aprender, los fundamentos del fútbol pueden variar significativamente. El fútbol también conocido como balompié es un deporte dividido en 2 tiempos de cuarenta y cinco minutos. Cada equipo defiende sus porterías mientras intenta penetrar en la portería contraria. Los requisitos del juego son simples, dos goles, una pelota y piernas que se doblan a la altura de las rodillas. Qué mejor manera de divertirse.

Aquellos que quieran seguir una carrera en el fútbol definitivamente necesitarán dominar otros aspectos del juego. Aunque las reglas del juego nunca cambian, los obstáculos y la complejidad del juego actúan como un gran filtro que inevitablemente eliminará a la mayoría de los jugadores antes de que alcancen su máximo potencial.

Entonces, ¿cuáles son los cimientos del fútbol?

Motivación – Nadie puede entrenar por ti, ¿verdad? Nadie más puede mejorar tu juego. La motivación es un aspecto importante del fútbol y uno de los que menos se menciona.

Capacitación – Para mejorar, necesitas practicar y entrenar. Necesitas mejorar tus niveles de condición física y mejorar tu fuerza física.

Nutrición – Necesitas comer una dieta sana y bien balanceada que le permita a tu cuerpo entrenar a altas intensidades. También necesita los nutrientes adecuados para ayudar en su recuperación.

Ejercicios de fútbol – La mejor manera de mejorar tus pases, tiros y regates es a través de la repetición. Los ejercicios son ideales para practicar una técnica a través de la repetición y te permiten dominar ciertos aspectos del juego. Recuerda practicar, practicar y practicar.

Entrenamiento con pesas – Para competir al máximo durante 90 minutos, deberá acondicionar sus músculos durante 90 minutos de carreras de velocidad, trote, caminatas, cambios de dirección e incluso carreras hacia atrás. Levantar pesas definitivamente te dará una ventaja en los últimos 10 minutos de un juego cuando tus oponentes comiencen a cansarse.

Psicología – «Team Spirit» es probablemente el aspecto más subestimado del juego. Tu entrenador y equipo siempre deben hacerte sentir como un ganador, no como un perdedor, independientemente de la línea de puntuación.

Tus pensamientos y lo que hablas con tus compañeros de equipo afecta tu rendimiento y juega un papel importante en los niveles de confianza que tienes. Recuerda alimentarte siempre con pensamientos positivos para mantener la confianza y aumentar tus niveles de disfrute.

Disfrute y diversión – Si te gusta el fútbol y te diviertes, lo más probable es que permanezcas en el juego. Jugar al fútbol durante largos períodos de tiempo es la única forma de mejorar y llevar tu juego al siguiente nivel. Esto inevitablemente te dará todas las posibilidades de jugar el juego profesionalmente.

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Consejos para el mantenimiento de los tacos de fútbol

Realmente se siente genial tener botas de fútbol limpias y brillantes al entrar en la arena, aumenta nuestra confianza de una manera discreta. Pero cuando se requiere dominar el deporte con mucha práctica, en campos obviamente polvorientos y pantanosos, su limpieza es difícil de percibir. Entonces, tendrás que ser un buen chico y empezar a cuidar tus equipos. La limpieza regular de los tacos de fútbol es muy importante si desea ‘mantenerlos felices’ y no degradarlos antes.

Ahora, antes de que te entusiasmes demasiado y te abrumes y vayas a meterlos directamente en una lavadora o lavavajillas o torturas de cualquier tipo, lee lo que tengo que decir durante unos minutos. Aquí, discutiremos consejos para limpiar los tacos de fútbol cuando se ensucien mucho. Puede limpiarlos de dos maneras: manualmente o usando una lavadora.

1. Limpieza manual

Para este método, necesitará

* Un trozo de tela (preferentemente de textura similar a una toalla)

* Un cepillo para botas para frotar las puntas planas

* Un cepillo de dientes para grietas finas

* Un recipiente lleno de agua tibia.

* Detergente en Polvo o Líquido

1. Para comenzar a limpiar, primero rellene el hueco de los zapatos con una bola de periódico para evitar que se filtre agua en el interior del zapato y facilitar la limpieza.

2. Desatar los zapatos y mantener los cordones separados para su posterior limpieza.

3. Comience frotando la parte superior y el talón. Son los más fáciles de limpiar y forman la mayor parte de la superficie expuesta de estos botines de fútbol. Sumerja el paño en el agua y simplemente elimine el exceso de suciedad sobre ellos.

4. Para limpiar la mosquitera, ponga un poco de detergente en el paño, empape el paño nuevamente y comience a fregar. Las pequeñas motas de suciedad deben eliminarse.

5. Naturalmente, hay mucho barro acumulado alrededor de los tacos en la suela exterior. Puede usar un cepillo para botas para limpiar esta área. Si todavía queda algo de suciedad en los rincones, no dudes en utilizar un cepillo de dientes para limpiarlo.

6. La región donde la suela se encuentra con la parte superior y el talón debe limpiarse con un cepillo de dientes.

7. Para limpiar el forro del calcetín, sáquelo del interior y use detergente en polvo para frotar el área. Para los cordones, sumérgelos en el recipiente y frótalos. Las pequeñas motas de suciedad que puedan contener deben ser borradas.

No es necesario que seas muy amable, pero eso no te da la libertad de tratar tus zapatos de fútbol con ferocidad.

2. Limpieza en lavadora

¡Bien! Puede usar la lavadora y ahorrarse el trabajo. Pero para eso, tendrás que tener ciertas cosas en cuenta. En primer lugar, separe los cordones y el forro del calcetín de las botas de fútbol. Asegúrate de haber colocado suficientes toallas o un paño grueso alrededor de ellas para que no se ensucien con las paredes de la lavadora. Ajuste la temperatura a alrededor de 30 grados centígrados y haga un enjuague adicional. Con todo esto asegurado, está listo para comenzar.

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La importancia de los botines de fútbol cómodos

El fútbol es un deporte que es una combinación de habilidad y equipo apropiado. Si bien tu talento natural y tu velocidad te ayudan en gran medida a realizar tu sueño de ser una estrella del fútbol, ​​no se puede negar que eres tan bueno como tus zapatos. Si sus zapatos no son compatibles con su velocidad y agilidad, no puede exhibir sus talentos por completo en el suelo. Si todavía no estás convencido de la importancia de unos tacos cómodos, sigue leyendo para obtener más información al respecto.

Posición de juego

¿Sabías que un delantero, un mediocampista, un portero y un defensa del mismo equipo usan diferentes tipos de botines? Sorprendente, ¿no? Sin embargo, la verdad es que tienes que elegir el par de tacos adecuado si quieres sobresalir en tu posición de juego. Un delantero necesitará zapatos livianos (alrededor de 5 a 8 onzas) para poder marcar goles con gran velocidad. Un mediocampista tiene que correr durante mucho tiempo, por lo que necesita zapatos que tengan almohadillas, plantillas y entresuelas acolchadas para permitir una acción de carrera rápida.

Un defensor recibe muchos ataques, por lo que necesita zapatos con suelas fuertes para soportar todas las patadas. Un portero necesitará zapatos que permitan una tracción rápida. Por lo tanto, como puede ver en los puntos anteriores, independientemente de lo bueno que sea en sus respectivas posiciones de juego, necesitará el par de tacos adecuado para complementar sus acciones y ayudarlo a sobresalir en el campo.

superficie de juego

Es posible que no obtenga la misma superficie de juego en todas partes. Aquí es donde el par correcto de tacos es importante para ti, de modo que obtengas un buen agarre y equilibrio en la superficie en la que estás jugando. Si juegas en una superficie dura y firme, debes usar zapatos para suelo firme con clavos que te hagan sentir cómodo. Si tiene que jugar en una superficie blanda, debe usar zapatos que tengan una pequeña cantidad de tacos. Si está jugando en césped, debe usar zapatos que estén ligeramente elevados en la parte inferior. De estas explicaciones, ¿no es evidente que tus zapatos te protegen de tropezar y caer cuando juegas?


Como jugador de fútbol, ​​tienes que usar tacos durante mucho tiempo. Por lo tanto, es esencial que use zapatos diseñados para brindarle comodidad y evitar la aparición de erupciones o ampollas en los pies. Puede obtener el tamaño de su zapato perfectamente correcto, pero aún así, puede experimentar un dolor considerable al usarlo durante largas horas. ¿Por qué es así? Esto se debe a que es posible que hayas ignorado un factor básico: el ancho de tus pies. Elija marcas que diseñen zapatos a su ancho exacto, para que sus dedos tengan suficiente espacio para respirar. Cuando te sientes cómodo en tu lugar, obtienes un mejor control de tus habilidades y puedes ejecutar tus planes en el terreno perfectamente. Elija el material adecuado (cuero de canguro, malla, cuero de cabra, etc.) en función de sus niveles de asequibilidad y las condiciones climáticas, para el tipo de experiencia adecuado.

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Licensing: Help To Grow Existing Product Lines

The attraction of licensing trademarks for business intentions appears to be at an all-time high, mostly in the fashion arena where consumers are buying more licensed products and brand names than ever before. For retailers, licensing opportunities provide them with a point of difference from their competitors.

Licensing is leasing a legally protected property (like trademarked or copyrighted name, logo, likeness, character, phrase or design) to another party in combination with a product, service or promotion. It is a process which lays stress on consumer management, development of brand equity in line with international imagery, providing right shopping ambience and perhaps is less about manufacturing. Licensing is a way of growing with an already established brand. It provides the brand recall benefits, which are not achievable in case one comes out with a brand new image.

There are many types of licensing business like art & design, corporate brands, events, fashion brands, food & drink, institutional, magazine brands, music, personalities, sports and television licensing to name a few.

The advantages of licensing for licensors

The main advantage for a licensor is the facility to use and develop its brand or property.

Licensing can achieve this by:

. Improving its brand existence at a retail or distribution outlet.

. Making further brand perception to support its core products or services.

. Providing and increasing its core values through various links with the licensed products/service or category.

. Coming into new markets (consumer or geographical) which were unfeasible with its own strengths.

. Making new revenue flows, often with little involvement or additional financial resources

The advantage of licensing for licensees

The main advantage for a licensee (particularly manufacturer or retailer) is the capability to considerably upsurge consumer interest in and sales of its products or services.

Licensing can achieve this by:

. Shifting the values and consumer favour towards the licensed product or service.

. Providing added value and differentiation in the competitive market.

. Offering additional marketing support or speed from the core property’s activity given by the licensor.

. Attracting new target markets who have not been paid attention in a licensee’s product or service.

. Providing credibility for shifting into new market sectors through product extension.

. Attaining additional retail space and favor.

Licensing: The increasing scenario worldwide

Reviewing the year-after-year worldwide retail sales from 2000 to 2004, the licensing business this year has shown an increase. In general, 2004 anticipated worldwide retail sales of licensed business increased 1.5 per cent to $175.3 billion against 2003 $172.7 billion, with the USA making nearly $110 billion (nearly $5.805 billion in royalties) and Europe $34 billion. In UK, the brand licensing industry is worth approximately £7billion in retail and £368million in royalties.

Recently many international textile-garment-apparel manufacturing companies are in news due to their licensing agreement with many other companies.

Everlast Worldwide Inc, which is a men’s and women’s apparel and accessories seller, recently announced signing a new four-year license agreement with Jacques Moret Inc of New York City. As of January 1, 2006, this new agreement grants Moret, a major supplier to the US apparel market, a license for Everlast men’s activewear, sportswear, outerwear and swimwear in the United States. Moret will partner with M. Hidary and Company Inc for design, development and sales of the activewear portion of the license. M. Hidary has achieved great success with its vast experience in the men’s branded activewear business. They will purchase certain men’s apparel inventory owned by Everlast and assume other transitional costs associated with the men’s business. Additionally, certain key sales, merchandising and operational personnel will join the new group.

Burnaby, B.C.-based ID Wear, a group of Pimlico Apparel, has recently received the sole license for the manufacture, design and sale of the Playboy brand of high-end denims for the North American market. Pimlico produces denim products for its own brands, ID Wear and private labels such as Nordstrom’s and Harley-Davidson. Moreover, ID Wear is the first North American company to provide laser logoing on its garments.

Marvel Enterprises, Inc., a global character-based entertainment licensing company, recently declared that it is strengthening its important apparel licensing business with leading partners Kids Headquarters (as master apparel licensee) and Mad Engine (which will spearhead t-shirts and tops). This statement means a brand new partnership with Kids Headquarters and an expanded relationship with Mad Engine.

Juicy Couture has partnered with Sàfilo Group for a full eyewear collection that it will introduce in spring 2006. A budget-priced set of sunglasses and ophthalmic eyewear for men will also be introduced via an agreement between fashion brand Haggar Clothing Co. and The Feldman Corporation’s I-dealoptics division.

Aviation and military-inspired leather outerwear and sportswear brand Avirex signed a multi-year license agreement with Kids Headquarters for sportswear and outerwear for boys.

Outerwear and Sportswear Company G-III Apparel Group obtained privately held outerwear companies Marvin Richards and Winlit Group Ltd. G-III now possesses licenses for Calvin Klein and Guess men’s and women’s outerwear, Tommy Hilfiger leather outerwear, London Fog and Pacific Trail.

Top 5 Children’s Apparel Character Licenses: 2004

1. Winnie the Pooh & Friends

2. Disney Princess

3. Spider-Man

4. Mickey Mouse & Friends

5. SpongeBob SquarePants

Sesame Workshop and Pearl Izumi, an athletic-wear producer, have tied up to launch Sesame Street cycling jerseys and socks. Through a licensing agreement with plus-size apparel manufacturer Bodywaves, Inc., Champion has set up Champion Plus, a full line of women’s activewear that covers both performance fitness and «ath-leisure» styles. Warner Bros. Consumer Products and Tunk Limited., a CINQ Group brand, have partnered to make tops, jackets and headwear.

Licensing practice in India on a rise.

Nowadays, many Indian textiles companies are entering into licensing agreements with international brands, leading to the growth of the concept of business through licensing.

Gokaldas Images Ltd, which owns and markets the apparel brand Weekender, has signed an agreement with the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) for licensing and marketing the apparels with the WWE logos in the domestic market. A successful form of licensing – sports licensing, has developed into a multi¬billion dollar systematic business and has increased its scope to sporting events like WWE, the Olympics, EURO, Cricket and Soccer World Cups. It is estimated that one fifth of the WWE’s $ 300 million per annum profit is achieved by licensing. Moreover, Weekender – Gokaldas Images Ltd. markets the Enamour lingerie as well.

Character and entertainment licensing too has benefited in last few decades, making billions of dollars of profits each year.

S. Kumars is planning to introduce six new international brands into the country and it is looking towards a long-term partnership with these international textile brands.

Recently, Indus Clothing Ltd signed a licensing agreement with Disney cConsumer Products (DCP) to produce its kids’ wear brand Disney cJeans in India. This deal will permit Indus Clothing Ltd to venture into standalone retail stores for the complete product line covering the Disney brand. The company intends to invest about Rs. 21 crore to establish 20 standalone Disney jeans outlets by the end of 2007 and 50 outlets the following year. Their main focus is to put up a strong retail network for the brand and subsequently plan to develop and maintain a consistent brand image. Indus Clothing Ltd is also the licensee for Lee Cooper apparel to market their products in India.

Madura Garments possesses the world license for three brands namely, Louis Philippe, Allen Solly and Peter England. It has now also come into a strategic tie-up with the fast-growing brand Esprit, with an objective of strengthening its brand portfolio in key segments like women’s segment, premium relaxed clothes segment and accessories. An Italian brand that is synonymous with MTV, UMM (Underground Music Movement) has joined Pantaloon, one of India’s largest retail chain stores.

American innerwear brand Jockey entered the Indian market in 1998 through a marketing arrangement with Bangalore based Page Apparels. Besides the normal production and distribution rights in India, the brand also has a buyback arrangement with the parent company.

The Shirt Company (TSC) has been granted the license by the owner of the Barbie brand – Mattel, to make and retail Barbie apparel in India. For this it works closely with Smith & Brooks, the official licensee for Barbie clothing in the European market. Moreover, the apparel division of the Forbes Gokak Group is the licensee for brands like Daks, Trussardi and Savile Row.

Tommy Hilfiger entered the Indian market through a joint venture between the Murjani Group and the Arvind Mills. Called the Arvind Murjani Brands Private Limited, AMB has the licensing agreement for marketing and distributing Tommy Hilfiger apparel in India. The Murjani Group, located in New York, was established in 1930 by B K Murjani. By 1958, with a production of over 10 million units per annum, Murjani’s became one of the biggest apparel producers in the world.

It was in the early 1970s, when Murjani initiated brand name development and marketing. Over the years, the group has widened and introduced a range of major global brands, such as Gloria Vanderbilt, Coca-Cola Clothes and Tommy Hilfiger. Fashion retailer French Connection UK has firmed its plans to launch the brand in India. The company is assumed to be in talks for the licensee deal with Vijay Murjani, Murjani Group.

Many companies prefer licensing in order to reinforce brand image, create recognition and build brand equity. Licensing is the business arrangement in which the proprietor of the ‘product’, ‘trade mark’ or ‘brand’ allows some other group to use its brand name in return for specified royalties or payment.

Recently, the government of India has approved the UK-based kids’ care retail chain Mothercare Plc’s offer to set up a 100 per cent subsidiary in India with an investment of Rs 32.25 crore. The Indian division will find and purchase textile and garments from local traders and would promote the same in India through franchise operation with third party business associates.

Mothercare has already provided a license to Shopper’s Stop to use its trade mark and brand name on the products to be supplied by its Indian subsidiary to the retail major for sale and distribution in India.

Indian players have used the licensing practice after the huge success of the strategy in the international market. The inclination for making business through licensing has assisted many companies to post some big alternations of the otherwise ‘own brand extension’ concept. Oxford Industries, Inc. is an illustration of how a company can get bigger with licensing. The company is a diversified international producer, licensee and wholesale marketer of branded and private label apparel for men, women and children.

Oxford offers retailers and consumers with a huge variety of apparel products and services to suit their individual requirements. Its major brands cover Tommy Bahama, Indigo Palms, Island Soft, Ben Sherman, Ely and Walker and Oxford Golf. These brands are offered in national chains, specialty catalogues, mass merchants, department stores, specialty stores and Internet retailers. The company also has exclusive licenses to make and sell several product categories under the Tommy Hilfiger, Nautica, Geoffrey Beene, Slates, Dockers and Oscar de la Renta labels.

Fashion licensing is largely divided into two categories: apparel brands and designer names. The priority of fashion licensing is brand extension, which is mainly obtained by designers through licensing products other than their main apparel lines. Calvin Klein remains one of the premier examples for this type of licensing agreement, as its income tripled after adopting such a marketing strategy.

In 1997, licensing, which is responsible for more than 90 per cent of the label’s sales, has now made the brand’s global retail volume of about $ 5 billion from $ 2.1 billion in 1994. Many international brands catering to Indian players for licensing is a clear signal that a market which was premature a couple of years back, has now been accepted by the entire business community and will reach to its maximum level in the coming years. Licensing prospects now exist in all spheres. Leading international names that offer huge opportunities to harness the power of their name are Warner Bros, You and Me Baby, Nickelodeon, Barcode Kitties and BBC Worldwide, that is famous for operating brand names like Teletubbies, Tweenies and Fimbles.


In year 2004 licensing business shown tremendous growth, with notably 5.6 percent increment in entertainment, 3.8 percent in brands & trademarks and also showed good growth in other categories compared to 2003. So as character and entertainment licensing business showed a healthy growth in last few decades, and making billions of dollars of profits each year, the prospects of over all business, particularly fashion, textile and garment retailing will definitely have a bright future.

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Pervasive Computing

Pervasive computing is the trend towards increasingly ubiquitous (another name for the movement is ubiquitous computing), connected computing devices in the environment, a trend being brought about by a convergence of advanced electronic – and particularly, wireless – technologies and the Internet. Pervasive computing devices are not personal computers as we tend to think of them, but very tiny – even invisible – devices, either mobile or embedded in almost any type of object imaginable, including cars, tools, appliances, clothing and various consumer goods – all communicating through increasingly interconnected networks.

Modern devices that may serve the ubiquitous computing model include mobile phones, digital audio players, radio-frequency identification tags and interactive whiteboards. Other terms for ubiquitous computing include pervasive computing, calm technology, things that think, everyware, and more recently, pervasive Internet.

Ubiquitous computing encompasses a wide range of research topics, including distributed computing, mobile computing, sensor networks, human-computer interaction, and artificial intelligence.


Pervasive computing is the third wave of computing technologies to emerge since computers first appeared:

o First Wave – Mainframe computing era: one computer shared by many people, via


o Second Wave – Personal computing era: one computer used by one person, requiring a

conscious interaction. Users largely bound to desktop.

o Third Wave – Pervasive (initially called ubiquitous) computing era: one person, many

computers. Millions of computers embedded in the environment, allowing technology

to recede into the background.


Eight billion embedded microprocessors are produced each year. This number is expected to rise dramatically over the next decade, making electronic devices ever more pervasive. These devices will range from a few millimeters in size (small sensors) to several meters (displays and surfaces). They may be interconnected via wired and wireless technologies into broader, more capable, networks. Pervasive computing systems and services may lead to a greater degree of user knowledge of, or control over, the surrounding environment, whether at home, or in an office or car.There have been calls for more widespread debate on the implications of pervasive computing while it is still at an early stage of development.


Pervasive computing technologies classified in to four converging areas

– Mobile Computing

– Embedded and Applied computing

– RFID and Sensors

– Mobile and sensor networking

Mobile Computing

The widespread use of mobile computing devices has changed the way people compute and vastly expanded research areas in distributed computing and networking. In fact, traditional distributed computing is actually a subset of the broad area of mobile computing. Many topics in «mature» areas like distributed databases, distributed fault tolerance, and resource management now require much additional study, because many traditional assumptions are challenged. Mobile computers operate in more hostile environments, are resource-constrained (limited power, frequent disconnection), and are peripheral-poor.

Mobile computing is changing the way we live and work, as profoundly as the introduction of the automobile did almost a century ago. Key advances in mobile networking, wireless connectivity, mobile information access, content adaptation, data synchronization, technology for notebook and wearable computers, and innovative mobile e-business solutions have come from worldwide research laboratories..

Some of the recent research in mobile computing includes:


TeamAwear is a basketball jersey that displays real-time information about its wearer’s statistics such as their fouls, points, and scores and alerts players when the game is nearly over or when time is running out to shoot. Mitchell Page and Andrew Vande Moere at the Centre of Design Computing and Cognition of the University of Sydney developed the system, which consists of numerous colored electroluminescent panels. A small computer attached to the player’s body controls the panels and communicates wirelessly with a server that tracks relevant game statistics. For example, panels on the jersey’s side light up to show how many goals the wearer has scored, with each panel representing 10 goals Although the inventors developed the TeamAwear jersey originally for basketball, they claim that it could also work in other fast-paced sports in which player-specific data changes rapidly, such as soccer, volleyball, cricket, and baseball. It could also support emergency teams working in noisy environments where verbal communication is inefficient.


If you’ve ever looked at the night sky and wondered what stars you were observing, Celestron’s SkyScout might be for you. Especially useful for novice astronomers, this handheld device combines GPS technology with a map of the sky to identify, locate, and provide information about celestial bodies. To identify an object of interest, you simply view it through the SkyScout and press the Identify button. SkyScout’s technology identifies the object and tells you what it is. To locate a celestial body, you select it from a reasonably easy-touse menu of objects and press the Locate button. SkyScout uses red directional arrows around the eyepiece to guide you to the object in the sky. A nice feature is that the menu shows only objects that should be visible. (Unfortunately, Sky- Scout has no way to know which of those objects are blocked by trees). Finally, the device can educate you about many of the more popular celestial bodies. The information is available both through audio and text and includes facts about the object and its history and mythology. SkyScout’s release was delayed in 2006 because of manufacturing problems in one of the components.


Nokia has announced three new mobile phones in its multimedia Nseries, each targeting a different market segment. The N71, N80, and N92 offer a long list of features. The N71, from the Nokia XpressMusic family, offers an FM stereo tuner, a five-band equalizer, and support for audio and video formats including MP3, AAC, eAAC+, WMA, JPEG, and MPEG-4. It offers a 240 _ 320-pixel display and two cameras, one 2-megapixel (1600 _ 1200 pixel) and the other VGA (640 _ 480 pixel). It operates on dual-mode wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA)/GSM and triband GSM. The N80 offers a 352 _ 416-pixel display and a 3-megapixel camera with features including four flash modes, 10 scene modes, manual exposure correction, and four color tones.

Embedded and Applied Computing

Embedded and ubiquitous computing is an exciting new paradigm that provides computing and communication services all the time and everywhere. Its systems are now affecting every aspect of our life to the point that they are hidden inside various appliances. This emergence is a natural outcome of research and technological advances in embedded systems. An Embedded Pervasive Computing Environment is equipped with hardware and software components that autonomously respond to the needs of its occupants. Embedded system is the core part of pervasive computing and it deals with various applications like wearable computer architecture and applications, sensor networks, real-time embedded operating systems, embedded servers, embedded system networking, address-free routing, smart spaces, dynamic service discovery, mobility and case studies. Some of the on-going researches in embedded systems include:


Who hasn’t dreamt of a display that rolls up when not in use? Phillips took one step toward this dream on a commercial scale when it formed venture company Polymer Vision in January 2004. Polymer Vision recently reported that it can make a flexible display with a 2 cm bending radius. The display is an organics-based, QVGA (320 240 pixels) active-matrix display, 5 in. on the diagonal and 85 dpi. The display layers a 200-micron thick, reflective Electronic-Ink display from E Ink Corporation (www.eink.com) on top of a 25-micron thick, active-matrix plane.


Xcelis (www.xcelis.com) has developed an innovative product for coupling cell phones and landline handsets. The Pantheon (see Figure 3) plugs into a landline phone line and, using a Bluetooth connection, routes incoming and outgoing voice calls and data from users’ cell phones to their landline handsets. The Pantheon indicates incoming mobile calls with a distinctive ring. While the mobile call is in progress, it doesn’t tie up the landline, meaning you can still receive landline calls through your other telephones.

You need one device for each landline telephone that you want to multiplex. When making calls from your landline, you can choose whether to use your cell phone or landline account. The Pantheon provides additional features, including conferencing a landline call and a mobile call, accessing a user’s mobile phonebook from a landline phone, and switching mid-call from a landline phone to a mobile phone. The Pantheon is also compatible with voice over IP handsets.


Todd Kuiken at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago at the Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine has developed a thought-powered bionic arm. The arm is based on a pioneering muscle reinnervation procedure that takes an amputee’s nerves and connects them to a healthy muscle. Doctors take nerves that used to go to the arm and connect them to chest muscles. The nerves grow into the chest muscles and can contract the muscle when the patient thinks, for example, «Close hand.» Electrical signals from the chest muscles drive the arm. Surface electrodes sense these impulses from the pectoral muscle and carry them through to the arm, causing it to move. Jesse Sullivan, a high-power lineman who had both of his arms amputated after being severely electrocuted, is the first patient to be outfitted with bionic arms. The arms have enabled him to do daily activities such as put on socks, shave, eat dinner, take out the garbage, carry groceries, and vacuum. Future generations of the arm will incorporate the sense of touch and feeling.

Mobile and Sensor networking

Sensor mobility allows better coverage in areas where events occur frequently in many sensor networks, considerably more units are available than necessary for simple coverage of the space. Augmenting sensor networks with motion can exploit this surplus to enhance sensing while also improving the network’s lifetime and reliability. When a major incident such as a fire or chemical spill occurs, several sensors can cluster around that incident. This ensures good coverage of the event and provides immediate redundancy in case of failure another use of mobility comes about if the specific area of interest (within a larger area) is unknown during deployment. For example, if a network is deployed to monitor the migration of a herd of animals, the herd’s exact path through an area will be unknown beforehand. But as the herd moves, the sensors could converge on it to get the maximum amount of data. In addition, the sensors could move such that they also maintain complete coverage of their environment while reacting to the events in that environment. In this way, at least one sensor still detects any events that occur in isolation, while several sensors more carefully observe dense clusters of events. On going researches in sensor networking includes:


Option is offering a PC data card that can access wireless broadband worldwide. You can use the GlobeTrotter GT Max on the 850, 1900, or 2100 MHz HSDPA/UMTS (High-Speed Downlink Packet Access/Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) networks and the 850, 900, 1800, or 1900 MHz EDGE/ GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) bands. The card can support data speeds up to 1.8 megabits per second on HSDPA networks, 384 kilobits per second on UMTS networks, 247 Kbps on EDGE networks, and 85 Kbps on GPRS networks. It’s a Type II PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card International Association)-compliant 3.3-V PC card and includes a novel «Butterfly» retractable antenna that doesn’t require users to remove the card when it’s not in use. Numerous wireless carriers offer the card, including Cingular, which recently announced that it would offer it under two plans. One plan will cost users $110 per month and includes unlimited data use in the US and 100 Mbytes of downloads in Canada and Mexico. The other plan will cost $140 and will include unlimited use in the US and 100 Mbytes of downloads in 24 countries including Australia, China, France, Italy, and Germany.


The house of the future won’t need cleaning. Not by humans, leastways. Every surface will be dirt-repellent and antibacterial; and on the floors the vacuum cleaner is buzzing around – all on its own. The outer walls are all glass which can be screened off entirely and the interior surface used as TV screen. The scenario of the self-cleaning house belongs in the distant future, maybe 20 years from now. With the rapidly increasing development of nanotechnology we have seen for the past few years, it is not easy to predict a specific time span and it will be not only self-cleaning but also self-sufficient, energy wise. Today, the Australians are already experimenting with nanoglass-houses where the glass can be treated with a pigmented coating rendering the entire house non-transparent – the roof included.


The house of the future will be capable of alerting its owner if it’s in need of repair. The building materials will, of course, be susceptible to wear and tear due to wind and weather, and they will therefore have built-in sensors. When these sensors appear, the house computer will receive a message that this particular section needs repair. A variety of conditions are similarly monitored. This way, house owners can cheaply repair worn materials and avoid major, expensive repairs after the damage has been done.


The intelligent house of the future will alert the fire brigade in case of fire when you’re at work. Or, if you’ve got a leaky water pipe, it will get hold of the plumber. Multifunctional sensors throughout the house will keep an eye on heating, lights, indoor climate etc. The house of the future will comprise two major digital gateways. One gateway will be the media server which comprises the complete collection of the family’s music, films, photos etc. Another feature will be the highly secure homegateway – a server communicating with the many sensors distributed all over the house to monitor heating, indoor climate etc. The two gateways are separate entities, as the security on the homegateway needs to be exceedingly tight. This gateway should not be exposed to hacking, which could have fatal consequences with respect to security. If, for instance, the motion detectors are tampered with, the burglar alarm might be disabled. Likewise, it would be an unpleasant experience to come home to a room temperature of 40 degrees Celcisus, because someone is mad at you and has hacked into your system to change the temperature settings Thus, each room in the house of the future will be equipped with small sensors. – Larger rooms may have several. They will measure the physical conditions in the room and communicate with the homegateway which will then take care of the Internet-based communication out of the house.

RFID and Sensors

Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology uses radiofrequency waves to transfer data between readers and movable tagged objects without line of sight. RFID holds the promise of real-time identifying, locating, tracking and monitoring physical objects, and can be used for a wide range of pervasive computing applications. To achieve these goals, RFID data have to be collected, transformed and expressively modeled as their virtual counterparts in the virtual world. RFID data, however, have their own unique characteristics – including aggregation, location, temporal and history-oriented – which have to be fully considered and integrated into the data model. The diversity of RFID applications pose further challenges to a generalized framework for RFID data modeling. Today, Radio Frequency Identification enjoys an enormous interest as the first widely deployed pervasive technology as not only from the standpoint of research

but also from Corporate practices future. Some of the recent researches in RFID technologies include:


The Ubiquitous ID Center provides the infrastructure for managing electronic tags embedded in or attached to objects in a ubiquitous environment. The center developed the ucode, a multicode tag that automatically identifies information stored in bar codes, RFID chips, smart cards, and electronic tags embedded in virtual entities such as software and electronic money. Comparable to the ISBN (International Standard Book Numbering) code used in the publishing industry, the UID Center assigns unique numbers to each tag and stores data relating to the object in database servers. The ucode tags use a 128-bit code that can be extended in 128-bit units, creating a virtually limitless string of numbers. To navigate this tagged environment, the UID Center developed the Ubiquitous Communicator, a PDA-like device that reads ucode tags and retrieves the relevant data from the UID Center’s server database. The standard UC has a host of features, including wireless LAN, Voice over Internet Protocol, infrared data communication, and a biometric reader. Apart from the PDA-like version, the UID Center developed a cell phone model and a watch style. At home, it will serve as the remote control for home entertainment systems and appliances. In the office, it will read a printer’s tag and order a replacement cartridge as needed


Smart packaging became a possibility with the introduction of small battery-free microprocessors called RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Device) tags. Though these have been commercially available for a number of years, they have been too clunky and too expensive for use in packaging. This situation is changing rapidly: industry experts predict that the price per tag will fall to under 10 cents each in the course of five years or so. The new generation of RFID tags can take the form of a sticker like the classic bar codes, or they can be directly integrated into the packaging material itself. They consist of a silicon microprocessor and some form of radio antenna–conductive carbon ink is replacing the more expensive metal coil of earlier tag types. This radio antenna functions as both input/output channel and power source. Electricity is generated in the antenna by either a magnetic field or a radio signal; the tag responds by sending out a radio signal in turn. This reply signal contains metadata stored on the chip, typically an ID number .With the help of RFID readers–in our cell phones, in supermarket freezers and check-outs, in our private fridges–we will be able to retrieve information about a particular item based on its ID number. In fact, the first cell phones with built-in readers, based on NFC (Near Field Communication) technology, are already on the market.


The smart tags which will soon begin replacing bar codes in our supermarkets are actually pretty dumb: their only ability is reciting their ID code on command. With the next generation of MEMS tags, the epithet ‘smart’ will be more fitting. MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) tags are able to perform measurements and calculations. MEMS tags are especially interesting in connection with extremely perishable goods like milk and meat. Studies have shown that the ‘sell by’ date on such products is dubious at best: milk only stays fresh until the given date as long as it is stored at the right temperature. Storage is the key term here; for example, that the temperature in around one-fifth of the meat and dairy cases in American supermarkets is three or four degrees too high. And what happens when we leave the milk out on the kitchen counter all morning? MEMS tags in smart packages will be able to take the milk’s temperature every fifteen minutes. The measurements are then sent to a small microprocessor which calculates the milk’s estimated freshness.


The fridge of the future will have a door with a built-in scanner for reading the digital tags on food packages. This way the refrigerator will always keep abreast of what is put into it; and the screen on the door can supply an overview of what’s behind the door. By scanning all foodstuffs, you will always have an updated listing of your current supplies – canned and frozen food included. In other words: the refrigerator comes to play the part of digital administrator of the kitchen. Should you e.g. keep food approaching its expiry date, the fridge will alert you. The product can then be used at once, and you avoid having to throw away food. The screen is connected to the Internet, and each and every chip tagged to the packaging will represent a Web site which can be visited by the fridge as the food products are stowed away. Thus it can check for any warnings issued for this particular product. We all remember instances of contaminated food which, undetected by producers, have ended up in supermarkets and, consequently, household fridge or freezer. In such cases, an alert from the refrigerator could reduce the risks considerably. Since the fridge frequently runs automatic checks on the net, users are no longer dependent on radio and TV alerts.



Research Associate – TIFAC-CORE

Velammal Engineering College

Chennai – 600 066

Email: Vijayece2002@yahoo.co.in

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Uganda Pugilist John "the Matador" Munduga: The Buddy of John "the Beast" Mugabi

Pugilist John Munduga, a Lugbara of northwestern Uganda ancestry was one of the nation’s top boxers during his amateur career of the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. He was conspicuous for his lean build and tallness. Though he was in the lower weight classes, he was slightly over 6 feet tall. He has been regarded as one of the most skillful of Ugandan boxers. He would dabble as captain of the Uganda boxing team as he represented Uganda in several regional tournaments. Munduga competed at the summer Olympics that were held in Moscow in 1980, and he was there the national captain. As a professional, he fought in Europe and the United States where he brawled with several famous and top boxers. Munduga had a very high knockout ratio, and he remained undefeated for a relatively long time. He now resides in his native Uganda (in Naguru where he was born) where he is a high school coach and trainer–notably at Kololo High School near Kampala. During 2000, he was the national coach of the Rwanda boxing team.

Munduga was born on January 15th 1961 in Naguru near Kampala in Uganda where he studied at St. Jude Primary School where he played soccer. But he, early in life, became interested in boxing when he hang out at the Naguru Community Center near Kampala. He became a school boxing champion for several years, and then a national junior champion at age 11.

In 1977, Munduga represented Uganda at the annual Kenya vs. Uganda Urafiki Tournament. He won in the fight. He was summoned by national coach Grace Sseruwagi to get into residential training with the novices. Munduga excelled by beating his opponents then he was selected as the youngest on the team of Ugandan boxers to Thailand to fight in the international King’s Cup. Munduga impressively won a bronze medal.

In January 1978, at a Uganda vs. Poland match in Kampala, Munduga defeated Roman Gotfryd after the bout was stopped.

At the All-Africa Games of 1978, held in Algiers, Munduga lost in the second round to Kenyan Steve Muchoki who is renowned to have in the past beaten James Odwori, and having become am amateur world Champion. He tehrefore failed to move into the medal bracket.

Munduga represented Uganda at the Feliks Stamm Memorial Invitational that was held in Warsaw from November 9-11 in 1978. In the quarter-finals, the Ugandan defeated Jose Luis Rios of Cuba by 4:1. In the semi-finals Munduga beat Yuriy Prokhorov of the Soviet Union by 3:2. In the finals Munduga triumphed by beating Leszek Kosedowski (Poland) by 4:1. Here again, he won the gold. Out of the five Ugandan boxers at this venue, only Munduga was victorious.

At the Poland vs. Uganda Dual of February 1979, held in Warsaw, Munduga triumphed over the Pole Kazimierz Adach. Here boxers like Mugabi, Odwori, Butambeki, and Siryakibe were defeated.

Still in February 1979, Munduga was triumphant in the town Schwerin in German Democratic Republic where a dual match was held against Uganda. Munduga here defeated Lutz Kaesebier. Of the other Ugandan boxers, only Adroni Butambeki was triumphant.

Munduga was a 19 year-old when at the 1980 Olympics held in Moscow he was pitted against 25 year-old Nelson Jose Rodriguez of Venezuela in the first preliminary round of the light-welterweight contest. At just 5’5″, Rodriguez was about half a foot shorter than Munduga. The Ugandan triumphed on this July 21st 1980 by winning on points.

Munduga’s next Olympic battle would happen on July 26th, and here in the second preliminary he would box against Farouk Chanchoun Jawad of Iraq. Though much shorter, 25 year-old Chanchoun who was more experienced, would knock out Munduga in the second minute of the first round. The Ugandan claims that he started well, but then was unfairly punched in the neck and fell unconscious. Chanchoun is famously known to have been the Asia champion thrice. Munduga would take the position of 9th overall in the light-welterweight division.

But though Mugabi would win Uganda’s sole medal at the Olympics in Moscow, Munduga clearly stands out as the Uganda amateur pugilist that triumphed most for Uganda during the late 1970’s. He comes to mind as a very hardworking, skillful, dedicated and disciplined during a time when Uganda’s significance in boxing was quickly slipping down.

The World Boxing Council (WBC) rankings of July 24th 1987 ranked two Ugandan «Johns,» who had also represented Uganda at the Olympics, as among the top ten contenders for the world Super welterweight crown. Lupe Aquino of Mexico was the champion, John «the Beast» Mugabi was the top contender, while John Munduga was ranked as the sixth top contender. Apart from theoretically being rivals for the crown, the two were probably sparring partners given that they were both managed by Mickey Duff in Tampa in Florida. Mugabi, as a welterweight had won Uganda’s only medal haul at the Moscow Olympics–a silver in the welterweight division. On the world professional scene, Munduga would get to be nicknamed, «the Matador.» Munduga would talk of his boyhood friend Mugabi as one who «had a big punch early… at 9, 10 years, he used to knock boys out… was the only one that age who could» (Berger 1986).

Munduga started boxing as a professional in Germany, in November 1981, where he fought the first fourteen of his professional fights. Here he fought a cross-section of boxers from near and far, and he established an 85% record in these fights from 1981 to early 1984.

Thereafter he started competing in the United States whereby his first battle here was with Tommy Rogers in Tampa. He knocked out Rogers, then continued with his typical trend of knocking out most of his opponents up to when he battled Leland Hart whom he beat by points in Atlantic City in May 1986. At this stage, Munduga had a clean and imposing record of 24 wins, 0 losses, with 18 knockouts.

The next fight would be a scheduled 10-rounder with renowned American Mark Breland, a very 6’2.5″ welterweight who had won Olympic gold at the Olympics held in Los Angeles in 1984. He was two inches taller than Munduga. A very popular figure, 23 year-old Breland dabbled as an actor, and he had a very impressive streak as USA amateur champion. On June 21st 1986, Breland was pitted against the Ugandan. This happened at the Sands Casino Hotel in Atlantic City in New Jersey. Munduga was then ranked as ninth on the list of contenders for the welterweight crown, by the World Boxing Association (WBA), and sixth on the list of junior middle-weight contenders, by the WBC.

Munduga believed that it would be advantageous for him to land punches on Breland because the two were about equal in height. Munduga added that Breland had never fought an opponent as skillful as himself and he added that this was a big fight for which he had trained hard for. Breland, stating that he had fought many tall fighters during his amateur days, most of whom he had stopped, opined that it was tougher to fight short boxers. He had to bend lower to fight them, and bend even lower when they duck. Breland also regarded Munduga as the typical European fighter who would not be much of a problem, one who stands erect and comes right at you. According to Breland, Munduga had a good jab and looping right, but he was not much of a good puncher. Breland fought his first professional fight, only two months after he had won the gold medal at the Olympics in Los Angeles. He was touted to be «the next Sugar Ray Leonard,» an image that he would eventually not measure up to.

The first round revealed that both were right-handed, conventional style boxers. The taller and longer-armed Breland used these too his advantage of keeping Munduga at bay with these advantages though Munduga keeps attacking. In the first round the two were mainly feeling each other out for the pattern, the round was roughly even, but Breland uses the arm advantage to win.

In the second round, Munduga is rocked with a hard punch in the first few seconds, and he stumbles. Breland is very aware of it and he gradually moves in to attempt a knockout punch. Munduga has slowed down and he is indeed slightly hurt. But Munduga keeps attacking while the opponent’s typical reach keeps him away from scoring much. Breland’s height, slenderness, stance, and rocking blows remind one of a younger Thomas «Hitman» Hearns.

In round three, Bill Cosby, Muhammad Ali, Don King, and Jesse Jackson are seen in the high capacity 15000-audience that has come to see an Olympic celebrity box. At this time Breland was undefeated in 12 fights, but his knockout ratio was far less spectacular than that of Munduga. In this third round, Munduga is perplexed as to what tactics to use, but he courageously keeps going after Breland though he keeps running into the long-range punches of Breland.

In the fourth round Munduga becomes much more aggressive, but he is getting tired. However, Breland is apparently more fresh and gradual, like he is waiting for the chance to deliver the onslaught. Still, in this fourth round, Munduga delivers his best punches of the round, and they seem to slightly rock Breland off balance.

In the fifth round, Munduga displays more courage and confidence. He even rocks Breland when he is against the ropes, and he goes on to speed up on the attacking.

In the sixth round, the slugger Munduga is again the aggressive one and he keeps attacking Breland as he hopes to get through the opponent’s longer arms. Breland displays patience but awareness of his opponents rising confidence. He seems to wait for Munduga to become reckless and careless and leave his head open to blows. Indeed the moment comes in the sixth round. As Munduga further delivers powerful blows, Breland takes the upper hand and delivers solid killer uppercut and right-left-right bows to Munduga’s head that knock him down senseless on his back. The medical team quickly moves into the ring to attend to Munduga whose left eye is quickly closing up. The fight is decisively over; the referee Paul Venti did not bother to count him out. Munduga was hereby defeated for the first time in his boxing career. The boxing world mostly remembers Munduga because of this fight in which he displayed courage and skill against a famed and seasoned boxer.

Confident and victorious Breland remarked after the fight (AP 1986: 32).

«His plan was to come forward, hit and get hit. I knew he was a good puncher, but I punch pretty good too. His game plan was taken away and you can’t adjust in the ring unless you are real smart.»

Five weeks before the fight with Munduga, just after he had knocked out Ricky Avendano in the first minute of the first round, Breland was asked about how he rated himself, and he replied (AP 1986: 19).

«I really don’t know. What I do know is that I don’t want to be rushed into a title fight. Maybe a year or a year and a half from now. I want everything to be perfect.»

Between 1987 and 1990, Mark Breland became WBA welterweight champion, then he lost the title to Marlon Starling, then regained it, then lost it to Aaron Davis. Breland retired from the ring with an impressive 39 victories, 3 losses, and 1 draw.

Munduga’s head had been clobbered badly by Breland, he collapsed heavily to the floor. This fight, which is the most attached to Munduga, had virtually desrepaired and destroyed him. It took Munduga nearly six months to contest again. he admits that after this fight he was damaged, no longer himself, and he somewhat lost interest in boxing. In comparison, Uganda’s Mustapha Wasajja was never the same again after he ws knocked out by Michael Spinks; John «the Beast Mugabi» was never the same again when he was knocked out by Marvelous Marvin Hagler.

Next, in Las Vegas, he won in a mediocre fight with Alvaro Granillo in December 1986. His very last major fight was with undefeated Darrin «Schoolboy» Van Horn who was a student at the University of Kentucky, and a future International Boxing Federation (IBF) world champion. In Frankfort in Kentucky, more than a year since Munduga had performed in the ring, Van Horn knocked out Munduga in the seventh of a scheduled 10-rounder in February 1988.

Munduga fought his last three professional fights in Germany and Belgium, and he lost all of them by knockout to unheralded fighters. His last recorded fight is of November 1989. He had lost his luster. Munduga is recorded as having won in 25 fights in which 18 were by knockout. However in all the five fights that he lost, he was knocked out in each of them. Many had expected so much more from this formerly high-ranked boxer.

Between 1987 and 1990, Mark Breland became WBA welterweight champion, then he lost the title to Marlon Starling, then regained it, then lost it to Aaron Davis. Breland retired from the ring with an impressive 39 victories, 3 losses, and 1 draw.

Works Cited

AP. «Breland Wins 12th Welterweight Bout.» The Index Journal. May 16 1986.

AP. «Breland Floors Munduga in Sixth.» The Index Journal. June 22 1986.

Berger, Phil. «Mugabi: At Boxing’s Front Door.» New York Times. March 2 1986.

Las Camisetas de fútbol de adidas se encuentran entre las preferidas de muchos equipos. Descubre por qué visitando nuestra colección en la web. Consulta todas las noticias e información sobre fútbol español e internacional: LaLiga Santander, LaLiga SmartBank, Champions League, Europa League

Ayub Kalule: The Road to The Fight With "Sugar" Ray Charles Leonard

Ayub Kalule, born in January 1954, is unanimously regarded as the gem of Uganda boxers. Among his significant amateur accolades are the Africa (Kampala), Commonwealth Games (Christchurch), and World Championship (Havana) victories all achieved in 1974. Kalule was crowned Africa Sportsman of the Year for 1974.

Kalule whose father was a Kampala butcher, was an excellent soccer player and sprinter when he was a schoolboy. But he soon came across and was intrigued by an article on Muhammad Ali. The impetus to box was also provided by his older brother Zaid who was a good amateur boxer. Kalule trained and practiced with his brother. Though Kalule is right-handed, he largely took on the boxing stance of Zaid who was a southpaw. Kalule would develop a good jab and hook.

While on a Uganda boxing team tour in Scandinavia, early in 1976, Kalule met Danish promoter Mogens Palle who offered to place him in the professional ranks. Within a month, Kalule left Uganda for Denmark, together with his wife Ziyada, daughters Marian and Zajida. Offspring later born, in Denmark included daughter Dauswa and son Sadat. Pressure had been placed on Kalule to remain in the amateur ranks, but his outstanding boxing success, the prospects of lucrative paychecks abroad, and the deteriorating political and economic climate during those years of the Idi Amin military regime, encouraged many Uganda boxers to leave for Europe. Some of the other pugilists who left Uganda in the 1970’s to box in Europe include Vitalish Bbege, Shadrach Odhiambo, Mustapha Wasajja, Cornelius Bbosa-Edwards, and Joseph Nsubuga. But it was also an era in which the numbers of Africans entering the professional realm was accelerating. Many Kenyan and Nigerian boxing champions also migrated for the lucrative fighting opportunities.

Kalule debuted as a professional pugilist in April 1976 in Copenhagen. Contrary to popular belief, he was not part of the Uganda team that was selected for the consequently boycotted Olympics in Montreal (July 18- 31, 1976). The Uganda team for Montreal included John Baker Muwanga (bantamweight), Venostos Ochira (light-flyweight), Adroni Butambeki (flyweight), Cornelius Boza-Edwards (featherweight), David Ssenyonjo (lightweight), Jones Okoth (light-welterweight), Vitalish Bbege (welterweight), and John Odhiambo (light-middleweight). And though listed, Boza-Edwards (future professional world champion) had already migrated to England and even represented England in at least three dual tournaments in early 1976. They were against Ireland, Denmark, and USA, and Boza-Edwards won in all of them.

In November 1977, Kalule became the leading contender for the World boxing Association (WBA). However, it would be nearly a full two years later, even after suing and legal action by Kalule’s management, that Kalule would be given a chance at the title. Mogens Palle would spend $20000 on traveling and pressing the WBA to maintain Kalule as number one contender and give him a shot at the title. The WBA was recognized as an extravagant, carefree, and flashy «fraternal club of Latin Americans» manned principally by Panamanians who had lucrative ties with apartheid South Africa and the Far East. The WBA sanctioned ridiculous title bouts, while blocking boxers that were far highly ranked. Mogens Palle would charge:

«These WBA people are all liars. Unless you send them mail that is registered, they claim they never receive it. You ask… for the rules, and they say they’ll send them, but… never do. You ask for justice… they say be patient… They don’t want anyone to have the rules, so no one will know when they are breaking them. When only the top people have the rules, they can play any game they want.» (Putman 1981)

Kalule became the Commonwealth middleweight champion when he knocked out Al Korovou of Fiji in May 1978 in Copenhagen. His biggest crown was his win over the Japanese Masashi Kudo whom he defeated in Tokyo, in October 1979, for the WBA junior-middleweight belt. His shot at the world title, for which he had been the foremost contender for more than a year, had for long been overdue. Kalule successfully defended his title four times, all the bouts in Denmark. At this time, apart from that one time in Tokyo, Kalule had never fought professionally outside Denmark. Kalule had, after tennis star Bjorn Borge, become the next renowned sports celebrity in Denmark.

The boxing world was quite divided as to who would win in the bout between 24 year-old «Sugar» Ray Charles Leonard and undefeated 27 year- old Kalule. Leonard had watched tapes of Kalule boxing and he said that he was, «quite impressed with Kalule’s constant attack; he fights with determination.» (AP 1981: 9)

Kalule’s strength lay in his being ambidextrous, in his strength, in his hard body, and in his stamina which were major factors in his wearing down opponents. But Kalule was more of a body-banger than a head-hunter. Though undefeated, Kalule’s knockout record was not excellent. Kalule had knocked out 18 of his opponents in his 36 professional bouts. And though impressed with aspects of Kalule, 5’10» Ray Leonard regarded 5’9″ Kalule as merely an advanced amateur fighter who in the ring stands straight-up in typical European style and goes directly to his opponent. And according to Leonard, Kalule was not fast enough in the ring. Though Kalule respected Leonard’s skills and status, Kalule was disappointed that popular Leonard was being treated as a Muhammad Ali, while he himself was being treated as the mediocre opponent and underdog.

While Leonard acknowledged that Kalule was a fit and well conditioned boxer who would be difficult to beat, the American predicted that he would end the fight within 10 rounds. On the other hand, renowned trainer Bob Arum was apparently Kalule’s biggest booster. He remarked, I expect it to go 15 tough rounds and I expect people to be standing at the end waiting to hear who won, and that winner being Kalule» (UPI 1981: 13). Kalule who had never been knocked down in a professional bout was adamant that Leonard had never faced an opponent like him, and that he would take his title back to Denmark. Kalule trained for much longer hours in the gym than did Leonard. Kalule’s trainer Borge Krogh, and his masseur Tage Nielsen were confident about their Ugandan fighter. Leonard, the World Boxing Council (WBC) welterweight champion would be attempting, in the quest for Kalule’s title, to become boxing’s only current dual title-holder. Impressive Leonard had only lost one fight in his professional career–a loss to legendary Roberto Duran of Panama.

In December 1979, in Denmark, 25 year-old Kalule defended his newly acquired WBA junior-middleweight title against American Steve Gregory who happened to be ranked third in the world. Gregory was also a sparring partner of Ray Leonard, both under renowned coach Angelo Dundee who was in Gregory’s corner during the fight with Kalule. Some suggested that Gregory was deliberately matched and sent over to Denmark as a test for the possible future Kalule vs. Leonard bout. Though Gregory was undefeated and highly ranked, he had not been as tested in the ring with tough opponents–he was the underdog.

Kalule outclassed and would out-point Gregory, whose hand became injured in the first round and who spent most of the time back-pedaling or hanging against the ropes, by a wide margin. The winner would take home an impressive $80000, and the loser grossed $40000. The world championship bout with Leonard, which was broadcast on short- circuit television, took place at Astrodome in Houston, amidst a crowd of between 25000 and 30000, on 25 June 1981. Leonard was guaranteed gross earnings of at least $2.5 million; while Kalule was guaranteed at least $150000. This would be Kalule’s greatest fight. Surprisingly, Leonard was in the first and second round the attacker of the solidly built Kalule. Leonard was the faster and more agile of the two boxers. This enabled him to hit Kalule as the champion struggled to figure Leonard out. Leonard’s compact jab convincingly penetrated Kalule’s defenses. The third round differed. Later on it would be revealed that a left hook delivery to Kalule’s head had resulted in the bruising of Leonard’s middle finger. The handicap would became permanent. Though the injury was troubling, Leonard valiantly attacked Kalule in round four, even dazing him a couple of times. Finishing Kalule off still remained hard, as Leonard seemed to ran into a brick wall each time he tried to subdue Kalule. The powerful exchange demonstrated just how unyielding and sturdy Kalule was.

Into round five, Kalule would establish control, mostly with his right hand. In round seven Kalule delivered a right to the challenger’s head. The blow knocked the Leonard off-balance. The challenger did recover, but Kalule gained confidence. Kalule exerted more toughness in the eighth round; Leonard was tiring and Kalule was establishing the upper hand. The ninth round was interesting. The pugilists looked exhausted but determined. The non-stop and no-holding exchange that had continued from the beginning of the bout did not show signs of waning.

Sturdy Kalule went on absorbing the challenger’s faster and more accurate punches in exchange for champion’s bruising, ambidextrous, and unpredictable blows. However the challenger did seem to sense that given the formidability of Kalule, the best solution would be for him to take the risk of delivering a quick flurry of combinations that would potentially disable Kalule. Leonard seemingly sensed that strong Kalule was also getting tired and slowing down. Near the end of round 9, Leonard delivered a series of hard combinations that seemingly confused the champion. A flash right hand knocked Kalule to the ground into a sitting position. He did not seem to be unduly hurt. He got up at the count of six, and backed up to the ropes of the neutral corner to further recover. The referee looked into Kalule’s face as he continued to count. Though Kalule stood up straight, the referee might not have been convinced that Kalule was ready to continue fighting. Kalule, who had heretofore never been knocked down and was probably temporarily at loss about how to react, did not raise his gloves to his face and step forward from the ropes to indicate as is the tradition, that he was ready to continue. The referee waved off the fight! Kalule appeared to be stunned by the stoppage, he shrugged his shoulders and arms in a protesting stance.

Most spectators probably opined that the fight was stopped prematurely, especially given that it was a global championship bought and given that Kalule was conscious enough to continue. Also, before the referee stopped counting, the ninth round had ended… but the bell was not rang. Ultimately, the fight was ruled as having been stopped at 3 minutes and 6 seconds of the ninth round. Kalule had hence been entitled to a minute-long stool corner interval, before moving on to the tenth round. Was the stoppage deliberate or otherwise a case of language miscommunication between Kalule and the Panamanian Spanish-speaking referee Carlos Berrocal who was also an assigned judge in the fight? Also one of the two-ringside judges was a Panamanian (Harmodio Cedeno), the other one was a Puerto Rican (Ismael Wiso Fernandez). And this was USA territory, popular Sugar Ray Leonard was a golden Olympian, one regarded as Muhammad Ali’s successor in terms of speed, skill, antics, and looks. Before the fight was stopped, the referees had scored Leonard as ahead by a couple of points: Berrocal (78-76), Cedeno (78-76), Fernandez (78-75).

Would Leonard have defeated Kalule if the fight had been allowed to continue? Probably. But though Kalule’s side was partly disappointed about the seemingly pre-mature stoppage of the fight, they were graceful about it and even conceded defeat. Kalule had planned to mount a full attack on Leonard after the ninth round, but then the knockdown had derailed the plan. Kalule, with his reserve of stamina was accustomed to fighting full bouts to the end. This was a 15-round title fight. Kalule conceded that Leonard was physically stronger than he had expected, Leonard admitted that Kalule was one of the best fighters that he had encountered. At this point only Roberto Duran of Panama had blemished Leonard’s record. Leonard would later in the year, in September 1981, defeat fellow American Thomas Hearns and be crowned USA Boxer of the Year. The fight with Kalule was regarded as a build-up for the fight against Hearns. A photo of Ayub Kalule fighting Ray Leonard graced the cover of «Sports Illustrated» of 6 July 1981.

After the fight with Leonard, Kalule would continue to fight at an average of three bouts a year–mostly in Denmark. He failed to recover the WBA junior middleweight title when he was knocked out in the tenth round by American Davey Moore in the middle of July 1982 in New Jersey. In November also in Atlantic City, in a non-title bout with Jamaican legend Mike McCallum, Kalule retired in the seventh round. In July 1985, in Copenhagen, Kalule won the vacant European Boxing Union (EBU) middleweight title when he knocked out Pierre Joly from Martinique. In December Kalule successfully defended his EBU title with a split decision win over legendary Sumbu Kalambay from Congo. In September 1986, in Sheffield, the Ugandan lost the title to Herol Graham when he was knocked out in the tenth round. This spelled the end of Kalule’s professional boxing career in which he impressively won 46 fights (23 knockouts), lost 4 (all by knockout), and drew none. He now lives in Uganda.

Works Cited

AP, «Sugar Ray Calls Foe ‘Advanced Amateur’.» Milwaukee Sentinel, (23 June, 1981).

Putman, Pat. «Fighting the Rulers of the WBA.» Sports Vault Illustrated (23 March 1981).

UPI. «Leonard, Hearns Fight Tonight.» Logansport Pharos-Tribune (25 June, 1981).

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Cómo escribir un informe de un partido de fútbol

Una de las funciones de un árbitro central tras la finalización de cualquier partido de fútbol es la redacción del acta del partido. Este es un documento que es muy importante tanto para la autoridad del fútbol como para la asociación de árbitros, debido a su importancia. La capacidad de redactar un informe bueno y preciso es el sello distintivo de un oficial de partido competente.

¿Qué constituye un informe de partido estándar?

Hora de inicio

La hora real del saque inicial debe indicarse claramente, incluida la duración del partido. El tiempo extra otorgado al final de cada mitad, incluida la fecha del partido, también debe incluirse en el informe del partido.

Nombre de ambos equipos

El fútbol generalmente se juega entre dos equipos con sus propios conjuntos de jugadores y oficiales. El informe del partido suele contener el nombre tanto del equipo local como del equipo visitante. El nombre del equipo local suele ir primero.

Nombre de la sede del partido

En el informe se debe escribir el nombre del lugar donde se jugó el partido. Los partidos generalmente se juegan en el estadio, excepto en los casos en que se utilizan otras instalaciones, como campos escolares y campos de entrenamiento de hoteles y organizaciones. En cualquier caso, el nombre del lugar es muy importante. El comportamiento de los aficionados y oficiales en las sedes de los partidos también se incluye en el informe.

Nombre y cargo de los árbitros del partido

Por lo general, hay cuatro oficiales de partido en un juego estándar de fútbol. Incluyen: el árbitro central, el árbitro asistente 1, el árbitro asistente 2 y el cuarto árbitro. Cada uno de estos funcionarios tiene una columna donde se anexan sus nombres, asociación, cargo y firma. El nombre del comisario del partido debe insertarse en su informe.

Sustituciones, amonestaciones y expulsiones

Todas las sustituciones realizadas por ambos equipos deben registrarse en el informe del partido. También se deben registrar las amonestaciones y las expulsiones emitidas a cualquiera de los equipos. Recuerde indicar claramente la infracción cometida por el jugador por la que fue amonestado o expulsado según se indica en las Reglas de juego.

La diferencia entre la segunda y la primera radica en la grabación del incidente que motivó la amonestación y expulsión emitida. Al documentar estos incidentes, se realizan consultas con los demás oficiales del partido para garantizar que los informes sean lo más precisos posible.

Estado del tiempo y estado de la cancha

Las condiciones climáticas pueden resultar en la cancelación de un partido, especialmente cuando el clima es inclemente. Se debe incluir en el informe una descripción vívida de la condición del terreno de juego y las condiciones climáticas.

Goles anotados

El número de goles marcados y el nombre y número de camiseta del jugador que marcó el gol deben estar bien documentados. La puntuación final entre ambos equipos y el eventual ganador también se incluirán en la redacción.

El informe completo generalmente se envía a la autoridad de fútbol responsable de organizar el juego, ya sea por correo postal o electrónico. La duración estándar para enviar dicho informe suele ser de 48 horas después del partido. Es importante señalar que todos los incidentes ocurridos fuera del terreno de juego también deben registrarse, especialmente en caso de intimidación por parte de los oficiales de equipo contra los oficiales de partido. Al final del informe, se debe adjuntar su nombre, asociación de árbitros y firma al informe.

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Arsene Wenger – 1000 no fuera

El partido número 1000 de Arsene Wenger a cargo del Arsenal puede haber sido uno de los más decepcionantes, ya que perdió 6-0 ante el Chelsea, pero ha tenido grandes éxitos.

Aquí echamos un vistazo a algunos de los altibajos de la carrera de Wenger en el Arsenal.

Wenger fue nombrado entrenador del Arsenal el 30 de septiembre de 1996 y se ganó el apodo de «El profesor» debido a su enfoque muy reflexivo del juego.

A lo largo de su carrera en el Arsenal, Wenger se ha apegado religiosamente a sus principios y ha jugado al fútbol de la forma en que cree que debe jugarse.

En su primera temporada completa a cargo, el Arsenal ganó la Liga, derrotando al Manchester United en el segundo lugar, y la Copa FA, derrotando al Newcastle 2-0 en la final para ganar el doblete.

El Arsenal terminó segundo en la tabla detrás del Manchester United durante las próximas tres temporadas a medida que se intensificaba la rivalidad entre los dos clubes, entrenadores (Wenger y Ferguson) y capitanes (Vierra y Keane).

Durante este período, Wenger hizo una serie de fichajes, incluidos Ljungberg, Henry, Pires y Wiltord, mientras intentaba construir un equipo capaz de ganar la Liga y jugar al fútbol a su manera.

La temporada 2001-02 resultó ser una de las más exitosas de Wenger en el club y también vio la llegada de Sol Campbell en una transferencia gratuita del Tottenham, rivales del norte de Londres.

Ganaron cómodamente la Liga, anotando en todos los partidos, ya que terminaron con siete puntos de ventaja sobre el Liverpool y 10 puntos sobre sus rivales, el Manchester United. El título se ganó en Old Trafford, con Wiltord anotando el único gol en la victoria por 1-0, lo que hizo que el éxito de la liga fuera aún más dulce tanto para Wenger como para los seguidores del club.

También ganaron la Copa FA, derrotando al Chelsea 2-0 en la final, para reclamar el doblete por segunda vez en cuatro años.

La temporada 2002-03 vio al Manchester United recuperar el título al terminar cinco puntos por encima de The Gunners, que había liderado la carrera durante gran parte de la temporada.

El Arsenal de Wenger retuvo la Copa FA, el primer equipo en hacerlo desde el Tottenham en 1982, al derrotar al Southampton 1-0 en la final.

Podría decirse que la campaña 2003-04 fue la mejor bajo la dirección de Arsene Wenger a pesar de perder en las semifinales de la Copa FA y la Copa de la Liga y en los cuartos de final de la Liga de Campeones.

La campaña de la Premier League vio al equipo de Wenger hacer historia al convertirse en el primer equipo en quedar invicto en una temporada de 38 juegos y solo el segundo en lograrlo en la máxima categoría (Preston fue el primero en 1888-89).

Con un récord de 26 victorias y 12 empates, el equipo se hizo conocido como «Los Invencibles» y ganó el título terminando con 11 puntos de ventaja sobre el segundo clasificado, Chelsea.

Arsenal ganó su cuarto trofeo de la Copa FA bajo la dirección de Arsene Wenger en la temporada 2004-05, derrotando al Manchester United 6-5 en los penaltis en la final.

Esta victoria se produjo poco antes del partido número 500 de Arsene Wenger al frente del club.

Los siguientes 500 partidos de Wenger no han demostrado ser tan exitosos, ya que el club no logró ganar ningún trofeo importante a pesar de estar cerca en varias ocasiones, sobre todo cuando terminó subcampeón ante el Barcelona en la final de la Liga de Campeones.

La tarjeta roja de Kieran Gibbs en el juego número 1000 de Wenger fue la número 101 del Arsenal bajo la dirección de Wenger, pero podría decirse que la más costosa fue la de Jens Lehmann en la final de la Liga de Campeones.

Hay muchos expertos y fanáticos que atribuyen el hecho de que el Arsenal no haya ganado ningún título en los últimos nueve años a la renuencia de Wenger a competir en el mercado de transferencias y la incapacidad del Arsenal para retener a sus mejores jugadores.

Desde la victoria de la Copa FA de 2005, el Arsenal ha vendido a regañadientes a Patrick Vierra, Ashley Cole, Thierry Henry, Alexander Hleb, Mathieu Flamini, Emmanuel Adebayor, Kolo Toure, Gael Clichy, Cesc Fabreras, Samir Nasri, Robin van Persie y Alex Song.

Con el Arsenal ahora fuera de la carrera por el título 2013-14 después de 1,000 juegos y casi 18 años a cargo, ¿es hora de que el Arsenal le diga gracias, Sr. Wenger, pero nos gustaría que un nuevo entrenador tome las cosas desde aquí?

Gracias por leer.

jane brooke


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Levántense todos los fanáticos del Chelsea

¡Arriba Chelsea FC! ¡Arriba toda la afición del Chelsea! Es hora de que todos los fanáticos del Chelsea nos levantemos y le demos a nuestro club el apoyo masivo que necesita para que nuestros jugadores ganen la Premier League inglesa 2009/2010. Siempre ha hecho todo lo posible para brindar el aliento y el apoyo que han sido el hueso fuerte y el refuerzo que han impulsado a nuestro gran club a la victoria en varios frentes.

Todos sabéis que no lo conseguiremos si no dais vuestro apoyo, si no asistís a los partidos en directo para animar a nuestros chicos y si no compráis los souvenirs, camisetas, placas, llaveros, cubrebocas, etc. ayudar a generar ingresos para nuestro gran club. Nuestra alluta debe verse en todas las áreas donde el club necesita de nuestra solidaridad. ¡Chelsea por siempre! ¡Eso es por cierto! Hombre. U y Arsenal FC están seriamente en nuestra búsqueda en la liga, con solo unos pocos puntos que nos separan. Ahí es donde entra nuestro deber. Tenemos que demostrar cuánto amamos a ‘The Blues’ estando ahí cuando más importa.

Nuestro entrenador, Carlo Ancelotti, lo ha hecho notablemente bien esta vez. Has estado viendo los resultados, ¿no es así? ¿No viste lo que le hicieron al Sunderland el fin de semana? Solo el Tottenham Hotspur ha superado ese margen de gol esta temporada. Tuve miedo cuando el Campeonato de la Copa Africana de Naciones estaba a punto de comenzar en Angola; Pensé que con jugadores como Didier Drogba, Michael Essien, John Obi Mikel y Salomon Kalou yendo a la asignación nacional, estaríamos en un serio problema, incluso mis amigos aquí me han dicho que Chelsea ciertamente caería. Hoy, sin embargo, el juego de pelota es completamente diferente: nos estamos fortaleciendo incluso en la ausencia de estos muchachos, gracias a Roman Abramovich, Carlo Ancelotti, la seriedad de nuestros muchachos, nuestro patrocinador (Samsung), nuestros proveedores de equipos (Adidas) y tu apoyo incondicional. Seguramente llegaremos allí nuevamente este año por la gracia especial de Dios.

No lo hemos estado haciendo mal. Todavía recuerdas nuestros récords: títulos de liga en 1954-55, 2004-05 y 2005-06; Copa FA en 1970, 1997, 2000, 2007 y 2009; Copa de la Liga en 1965, 1998, 2005 y 2007; Escudo FA Charity/FA Community en 1955, 2000, 2005 y 2009; Copa de Miembro Titular en 1986 y 1990; La Recopa de la UEFA en 1971 y 1998 y la Supercopa de la UEFA en 1998, no es un logro menor. Es posible que no hayamos llegado a donde nos dirigimos, quiero decir que todavía tenemos suficiente espacio para mejorar, y este año nos brinda otra oportunidad de agregar otro trofeo a nuestro cofre. No se aplaque: Necesitamos más de su apoyo esta vez.

Nuestro hombre del año 2009, Frank Lampard anotó dos veces en nuestro último partido. Queremos disfrutar más de sus juegos y de los juegos de nuestros otros jugadores habituales: John Terry, Peter Cech, Branislav Ivanovic, Ashley Cole, Michael Essien, Ricardo Carvalho, Joe Cole, Didier Drogba, John Obi Mikel, Michael Ballack, Florent Malouda. , José Bosingwa, Paulo Ferreira, Deco, Salomon Kalou, Alex, Juliano Belletti y Nicolás Anelka. Esperamos con ansias el día en que el trofeo de este año sea entregado a John Terry. ¡Arriba el blues! ¡Arriba todos los aficionados del Chelsea! ¡Solidaridad por siempre!

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