20 MOMENTOS MÁS DIVERTIDOS Y VERGONZOSOS DEL DEPORTE | SUPER BOWL 2020 Aquí hay 20 MOMENTOS MÁS DIVERTIDOS Y VERGONZOSOS DEL DEPORTE. Para aquellos de ustedes interesados en cómo hago mis videos, utilizo principalmente Final Cut Pro X para editar mis videos. Utilizo diferentes metrajes de archivo (tanto gratuitos como de pago), clips de videos que puedo encontrar relacionados con el video y busco imágenes para visualizar la narrativa y la historia que estoy tratando de contar. Contrato a diferentes investigadores y escritores para el guión de cada video junto con mi comentario original y contrato diferentes actores de doblaje que puedan transmitir adecuadamente el tema del video. Lo más importante es encontrar la mejor música de fondo, generalmente libre de regalías de Incompetech, para crear una atmósfera emocionante mientras ve el video. Más videos: 10 niños famosos que arruinaron sus carreras: 10 animales que salvaron la vida de las personas: 10 bellezas más raras del mundo: ¡las 10 partes del cuerpo más largas del mundo! :
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Very weak video.
He didn’t drop and break the trophy. The trophy fell apart which caused him to drop
@ 3:31 def. need 'em nachos for energy!
The goalie nadden looks like a dude
Wkwkwkwkwkwkwk like it
LOL @ # 20
A really stupid collection narrated by someone who knows nothing about sports.
Looking for the girl in the picture? Doesn't happen.
You missed Paula Radcliffe stopping for a pee on the side of the road while competing in the 2005 London Marathon
not a lot of fun to see here, american humor is a bigh questiomark
These athletes are so talented, but even they can have some hilarious fails
I was in kindergarten and my goofy ahh brain went, what is under a womans skirt, so i have known ever since and i wish i hadn't
Sarapova is a true Russian woman!! She knew what head she wanted to hit !
Happens sometimes
number 14 was my favorite
18 wasn’t embarrassing, that’s dedication
Please announcements audio bible APP friend
8:22 It broke before he dropped it.
2:42 Michael Jordan would be SO proud!
Terrible narration.
@8:20. No the trophy dropped because it broke. Look at his left hand.
@5:00 psh fuck that kid. He just stood there with his arms folded.
this sucked
Your editing and announcing are BRUTAL!!
1:02 wtf is WRONG what that girl. You DO NOT laugh when you hurt a guy in the balls. That is just plain rude and stupid.
A “female players” dress strap – only VENUS WILLIAMS!!
3:26 number four-
Thanks for wasting my time. Not.
Num 5