@AGT | Temporada 16 | Audiciones 7 #AGT #AmericasGotTalent #TalentRecap Para obtener más videos en HD, noticias, análisis y resúmenes de America’s Got Talent, suscríbase y siga Talent Recap: en la temporada 16, America’s Got Talent de NBC sigue a Simon Cowell, Howie Mandel, Heidi Klum y Sofia Vergara con el presentador Terry Crews en su búsqueda de talentos, mostrando artistas únicos de todo el país. Para obtener más videos de episodios completos en HD, noticias y resúmenes de America’s Got Talent, suscríbase y siga a AMERICA’S GOT TALENT EN SOCIAL Me gusta AGT: Siga AGT: AGT Tumblr: AGT Instagram: TALENT RECAP ON SOCIAL: YouTube: Me gusta: Siga: Google+: Instagram : ACERCA DE AMERICA’S GOT TALENT El creador y productor ejecutivo Simon Cowell regresa al panel de jueces junto con Howie Mandel, Heidi Klum y Sofia Vergara. Terry Crews, quien tuvo un gran impacto como presentador de la serie inaugural «America’s Got Talent: The Champions» el año pasado, se une como presentador de «America’s Got Talent». Con el programa abierto a actos de todas las edades, «America’s Got Talent» continúa celebrando el formato de variedades como ningún otro programa de televisión. Año tras año, «America’s Got Talent» presenta una colorida variedad de cantantes, bailarines, comediantes, contorsionistas, impresionistas, magos, ventrílocuos y estrellas prometedoras, todos compitiendo por ganarse los corazones de Estados Unidos y un premio de $1 millón. ACERCA DE TALENT RECAP Talent Recap es el sitio web independiente número 1 dedicado exclusivamente a los fans de los programas de talentos más populares del mundo. Como fanáticos apasionados de estos programas, brindamos noticias, análisis y participación de los fanáticos en America’s Got Talent, Britain’s Got Talent, The Voice, The X Factor, American Idol, The Four, The Masked Singer, The World’s Best y sus concursantes. America’s Got Talent 2021 Noticias y resúmenes de America’s Got Talent
Camisetas de fútbol , NBA y NFL baratas de la mejor calidad y de los mejores equipos y selecciones del mundo de Hombre,Mujer y Niños. Consulta las últimas noticias sobre fútbol nacional e internacional. Todas las competiciones, fichajes y análisis de los mejores partidos
W DAD AND SON! High respect for martial arts
Even if they read a book together, the love is there, talent has no role here. Every father should have such a relationship with his son/daughter
the next karate kid?
Lmao these guys are pushing a mobile game on YouTube Ads

Goku and Gohan
He fucking hung him
first attempt at that trick must been scary 
dude what kind of dad kisses his son like that your kid isnt 4 anymore dude
no wonder my entire generation is queer but we're going to pretend its mysteriously just because "We're in new times" whatever tf that means LOL just some made up jargon for low-iq people to not have to think about why its really happening
Avatar Ang and his son
Very powerful
Love the Dragon Energy

So this didn't get golden buzzer
Only who screams instead of singing will get
Love these duo
So basically anyone who can mix showmanship and martial arts with their child can do well on this show?
He is Chinese
OMG it’s like a movie…

Son goku
Shout out to all my brother and sisters who know why they are wearing those colors.
The boy is fantastic and amazing I am really proud of him in that performance well done

If Kratos and Atreus was from the East
The iron break must have been fake, there is no way you can break the iron just by smashing unless they pre-cut the iron at some points.. Fuckkkkk
El maestro: vamo a provechar que es oriental este niño…
The Gokus.
One of my dream is to perform on AGT. And BTW I like you Sofia. Cause you are beautiful and amazing. One day I will perform in front of you
Estuvo muy buena
X men
Can we change this to the proper idea of a dad bod?
Kids at Shaolin doing this for morning warm up before breakfast
Kratos and atreis
Amazing skill !!!! Looks like they are ready to kill some god together.
Tbh this is like 1% of what kung fu can do. Nothing exciting. But then again, that’s cause I’ve seen more than most.
Lil dude could be the next successor to Brandon lee's Crow
They amazing
What a warrior family
It looks like maste roshi cosplaying goku
2:55 W
tenshinhan and chaozu
Who is this boy
Great talents and the love of this father for his son is awesome
Must teach a long time this backflip.
The Power of Dragon Ball Z.
They both probably actually when to China's shaolin temples …
The names of the father son duo, anyone ?
It feels like goku and his son gohan training together
I hope they were on America’s Ninja Warrior
What is that I watched