Asesino sonríe después de que su padre lo ataca por matar a su hija

El padre de una mujer asesinada por un delincuente sexual convicto se arrojó sobre la mesa de un tribunal para atacarlo el jueves poco después de que un juez sentenciara a muerte al acusado por matar a tres personas y envolver sus cuerpos en bolsas de basura. Van Terry, el padre de Shirellda Terry, caminó hacia el frente de la sala del tribunal para dar una declaración sobre el impacto en la víctima y se volvió hacia Michael Madison, quien le dedicó una sonrisa maliciosa. Terry se abalanzó sobre Madison e inmediatamente fue rodeado por los agentes del alguacil mientras Madison y sus abogados se apresuraban a apartarse.

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46 comentarios en “Asesino sonríe después de que su padre lo ataca por matar a su hija

  1. I'm so sorry for the father's pain! I cannot imagine! Just horrifying that a killer can be so horrible!! May the family find peace and happiness soon . Rest in peace to the precious daughter. 💔

  2. Whenever I see one of these videos I always go back and watch the old video of the father shooting his sons rapist in the head as he's being ecorted through the courthouse. That's the ending these people deserve. Also, if your giving him the death penalty anyway. The father should be the one who gets to handle that part. He at least deserves that.

  3. So very often we hear those in the law enforcement industry tells us, there's nothing I could do…"
    But they all came together to prevent a grieving father from getting a little satisfaction, didn't they?

  4. Wait it out! Find out which prison he goes to. Catch him out in the yard through your scope. Squeeze the trigger. Take his head off from half a mile away. Easy! There's always an empty field or fields surrounding a prison!

  5. That cop has poor manners. If I was him, I’d let the father get at least a few hits on that garbage before I stop him. No judge on their right mind would rule anything against that father if he did land a few punches. Nor would anything matter at this point for the father since he lost the most precious light of his life.

  6. Sociopath and Narcissist, this guy is obviously part of Cain's bloodline he's definitely not going to heaven so we all can smile about that, you know what they say, he who laughs first shall be laughed at last 😂😂😂 POS won't think it's funny when demons are torturing him for eternity

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