27 comentarios en “Talked To Martin Today Chat

  1. But if u get him anything electric someone will steal it from him I know he's not strong to be pushing himself around but it's the best thing right now and Art you are amazing don't give up on Martin in many ways he reminds of Blake🙏🏿🙏🏿💜💜 your such a kind giving man and u care u make people feel that they matter keep up the good work thx for this update on Martin 💜💜🙏🏿🙏🏿

  2. That’s awesome to interview the nurse babies don’t ask for any of this it’s selfish on the mom and parents so sad I pray for all addicted babies❤️🙌🏼❤️🙌🏼

  3. Would like to hear updates on some of the homeless if they ever do what they say ?????? Otherwise they don’t want help or change Your so nice Art just don’t let people take advantage 👍👍👍

  4. It's Sunday there in Australia and we started daylight saving today,besides a full-time job and you are still willing to use your extra time to help all these homeless people, you got my respect!
    The Chinese on your right is 天上天下(Heaven and earth)on your left is 唯我獨尊(I am the only one who is supreme)

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