Video captures flying objects that officials can't explain (2020)

Mysterious drone-like objects have been flying over Colorado and Nebraska in recent weeks, but authorities can’t figure out who is responsible for the aircraft.

Key lawmaker warns at UFO hearing: ‘Unidentified aerial phenomena are a potential national security threat’
By Clare Foran, CNN

Key lawmakers warned at a House hearing on Tuesday that unidentified aerial phenomena — popularly known as UFOs — must be investigated and taken seriously as a potential threat to national security.

The event marked the first congressional public hearing on UFOs in decades, a high-profile moment for a controversial topic that has long been relegated to the fringes of public policy.
For many lawmakers and intelligence and military personnel working on unexplained aerial phenomena, the bigger concern with the episodes is not that alien life is visiting Earth, but rather that a foreign adversary like Russia or China might be fielding some kind of next-generation technology in American airspace that the United States doesn’t know about.
Democratic Rep. André Carson of Indiana, the chairman of the panel holding the hearing, warned in his opening remarks, «Unidentified Aerial Phenomena are a potential national security threat. And they need to be treated that way.»

He went on to say, «For too long, the stigma associated with UAPs has gotten in the way of good intelligence analysis. Pilots avoided reporting, or were laughed at when they did. DOD officials relegated the issue to the back room, or swept it under the rug entirely, fearful of a skeptical national security community.»

«Today, we know better. UAPs are unexplained, it’s true. But they are real. They need to be investigated. And any threats they pose need to be mitigated,» he said.

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37 comentarios en “Video captures flying objects that officials can't explain (2020)

  1. Humanity proves that is FAR BEHIND BOTH MENTALLY AND TECHNOLOGICALLY !!! I mean we have not even landed on our closest neighbour (Mars) and we also (humanity, not me) believe that we have not be visited by extraterrestrials…!!! Hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… I guess humanity is too stupid and retarded at the end of the discussion..

  2. This is what happens when you allow CHINA to purchase acres of farmland in the middle of your country. It’s probably the CCP conducting reconnaissance so they can better target our military bases and ICBM’s.

  3. So tech that can travel and hold up to speeds above 100000kmh + hold up to the rigors of space ….obviously all the sensors and vid profiling to function at such speeds ie seeing objects 100 000 km ahead and further ….coms included and people think they need to fly through the atmosphere 1 km up and need to do biological abductions with no knowhow of how to formulate anesthesia and compounds to absolutely knock out the subjects..??

  4. Drones flying through the wing of an airline? The same airliner wings that seem to fly through buildings? Oh, I get it. These are those indestructible drones that that guy got fired for creating…..

  5. At least one of these sightings that was reported to be a drone was identified to be a small plane (Cessna 208). As for others, if they actually were drones, The Colorado Springs Gazette reported on January 5, 2020 that the U.S. Air Force confirmed that it conducts counter-drone exercises out of the Francis E. Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The Air Force Global Strike Command oversees Minuteman missile silos located in northeastern Colorado, southeastern Wyoming and western Nebraska, and carries out extensive testing of commercially available drones in order to defend missile silos from surveillance or attacks.

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