¿Por qué el fútbol es el deporte más popular?

Prueba The Athletic GRATIS durante 30 días: el fútbol es el deporte más popular del mundo. Y es uno de los más antiguos. Según las estimaciones, de los alrededor de 7600 millones de personas que componían la población mundial en 2018, 1100 millones vieron la final de la Copa del Mundo de 2018. Como explica Jon Mackenzie, la razón detrás de la popularidad del fútbol puede residir en su simplicidad. Ilustrado por Marco Bevilacqua. Siga a Tifo Football: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Escuche el podcast de Tifo Football: The Athletic UK: Apple Podcasts: Spotify: Vea más Tifo Football: Tácticas explicadas: Finanzas y leyes: Tifo Football Podcast: Videos más recientes: 1 Videos populares: Acerca de Tifo Football: Tifo ama el fútbol. Creamos desgloses tácticos, históricos y geopolíticos detallados del hermoso juego. Sabemos que existe un apetito por el contenido reflexivo e inteligente. Para cosas que hacen simple lo complicado. Brindamos análisis sobre la Premier League, Champions League, La Liga, Serie A, Bundesliga, World Cup y más. Nuestros podcasts entrevistan a algunas de las principales figuras del juego. Y nuestro editorial cubre el fútbol con profundidad y perspicacia. Fundada en 2017 y se convirtió en parte de The Athletic en 2020. Para consultas comerciales, comuníquese con tifo@theathletic.com. Música procedente de epidemiasound.com Material adicional procedente de freestockfootagearchive.com #worldcup #football

Tu tienda especializada de Camisetas de fútbol retro y vintage Consulta todas las noticias e información sobre fútbol español e internacional: LaLiga Santander, LaLiga SmartBank, Champions League, Europa League

34 comentarios en “¿Por qué el fútbol es el deporte más popular?

  1. The simplicity is what makes it amazing. And to digress a bit, that's why Pool is way more popular than Snooker. Snooker players are more technically gifted than pool players, but the fact that any drunkard in a bar can take a cue and start shooting balls in fairly sized pockets makes pool more popular.

  2. The thing about different physiques is what I really like. I don't like how the most popular sports in America require peoplr to be freaks of nature just to be an average player. In football, size can be an advantage but the majority of players are abot average if slightly above height, and someone like Messi can be the best in the world at an average stature

  3. The answer is easy. All you need is a ball but you don't even need a ball, you can make your own.

    I am South African, all we used was a bag they use for packing oranges and would fill it up with plastic bags and put 2 bricks on each side for goals. You don't need grass (we played in the dirt) and that is it.

    Yes and it is football. It is a round object (classified as a ball) and 98% of the time you play it with your feet…hence the term football. Please don't tell me abt the history of association of football hence soccer, we do not play hand egg (American Football).

  4. This video is great. And all of the reasons cited are true. But it leaves out one of the main reasons football is so popular: colonialism. Organized football as it is played today was invented by the English, who at one point had an empire that covered about a quarter of the world's population. They spread the game throughout their colonies (the same goes for cricket). Of course, all of the reasons cited here are why it took hold and grew exponentially.

  5. I'm in Nigeria, back in secondary school (high school) we use a bunch of garbage in a sock to thrilling football. So much so, we could beat Brazil's first team in their best form lol

  6. Futbol is the world’s sport because you don’t need to be the biggest or tallest to play it. All you need is skills and passion. Just a ball ⚽️ find a net and shoot. No need for fancy gear.

    Futbol is the most inclusive sport from a poor man’s country to a rich man.

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