Rastreando Rarezas en Japón: Tiendas de Segunda Mano y Sus Fascinantes Sorpresas

En esta salida encontramos cosas MUY CURIOSAS , las tiendas de segunda mano de Japon siempre nos regala figuras y videojuegos poco usuales PERO en esta ocasión me llamo la atencion una camiseta de futbol y unas fotos 🔥Apoya al canal y MIRA LOS VÍDEOS PRIVADOS desde 1 o 2 dolares! 🔥INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: GAMEPLAYS: 🔥TWITTER : CONTACTO: japangemu@gmail.com TIKI TOKI: : 🔥PAG WEB: GRUPOS: (COMPRA Y VENTA) FACEBOOK: DISCORD:

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Inside THE CRAZIEST soccer stadium in Honduras | Estadio Morazan, San Pedro Sula ??

Estadio Morazan, located in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, is known for the violent clashes, brawls, and shootouts that happen between supporters of rival soccer teams. But exactly HOW crazy, dangerous, and out of control do soccer matches in Honduras get? When I was given the opportunity to watch the league final between Olimpia and Real España—the biggest rivalry in Honduras—I had to decide if attending was worth the risk. I decided to go to show you one of the craziest stadiums in the world.

Twelve people were shot, supporters fought with police, tear gas was fired into crowds (and even into the stands), and pandemonium ensued throughout much of the evening. To my shock, the Hondurans were unphased as if everything happening was completely normal. They continued to cheer, eat, and drink as the game moved forward. The experience at Estadio Morazan was CRAZIER than my wildest imagination.

Olimpia won. I walk through the post-match, alcohol-infused carnaval that ensues throughout the streets of San Pedro Sula and interview fans to show you how soccer fans celebrate in Honduras.

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