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Genetics can be a little bit of a lucky dip sometimes. But every now and then, this random DNA lottery can produce some truly spectacular people. Individuals blessed with skills and natural talents that defy understanding. Ready to meet the people who are one in a million?
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People who are one in a million in the world! Featuring the world’s most unusual people on earth. You better check out these unusual and rare people with your own eyes.
Compra Camisetas de fútbol antiguas, replicas auténticas. Moda clásica. Todas las ultimas noticias sobre el Real Madrid de fútbol, crónicas de los partidos e información sobre los jugadores y el entrenador.
Who surprised you the most?
Yo se la pongo
Our world is full of wonders
ㅡ this is one of them !
So cutee
i lke the why how she is little

Anime Loli be like
Gomez looks like half the actors in Gaza pretending they're bomb damaged
I want to marry her because she is cute
I am 6
St3V3N ludwig
Nobody gives a shyt
I think the tallest woman is 8ft plus tall. She is a giant.
She’s so tiny! A regular adult could just carry her everywhere.
That girl is adorable. I can’t help it. She’s grown, but she’s so small and talks like that.
Hold me closer tiny dancer.
What no
That cannot be true
Hi Judy
So cool. So cool

1:23 1
She is small but a woman! Oh woah

women have to stop with the small dick jokes.It's also condition
You shouldn’t be mad at yourself because you are small that’s what makes you special
Steven is being picked up to Tik-Tok
Gyotti isn’t the shortest person, junrey balawing is. Or, he was. He was 1 ‘ 11.
Why do all of these videos start with a 2 minute copy-paste segment from wikipedia??
If the smallest women in the world is that small how smallvwas she when she was a baby?
When it comes to the lady with the long nails. Ummm, how does she wipe her backside?
Jyoti is so gorgeous and cute

If it was 35 years ago I would say recheck your math, a janitor at the elementary school I used to go to had the same shoe as that kid does.
The first few sentences of this video are literally copied word for word in the description
My anty olsa like her already 35 years old but looks like 5 years old…
The woman with the long nails is just mental and nothing else.
But how long will she live??
You jianxia's longest eyelashes fr reminds me of the Egypt ancient painting of women
Ren got the DBZ style legs
Just imagine larry gomez and his siblings go to a bank, the people would think they're wearing a ski mask and bout to rob the bank
Just imagine being this girl's boyfriend, the FBI would definitely be on your a**
Thats a tree sloth nails
You spelled Jyoti wrong you said Giotte