“They give us the tools that we need to succeed, it’s just about the player, whether or not they can do it.”
Every day at The Academy, talented young players must fight to keep their dreams alive. Season 2 with the NY Red Bulls is here.
From B/R Football x Audi #GoalsDriveProgress
Camisetas de fútbol Equipamiento, ropa y calzado deportivo . Compra online ahora con los mejores descuentos. Últimas noticias de Fútbol. Últimas noticias, fotos, videos e información sobre Fútbol.
Hii how can I join you academ
Nice to see US soccer moving up.
Does anyone remember a show in the early 2000’s where a group of kids were competing for a tryout with a pro team? It wasn’t footballs next star. For some reason, Manchester United comes to mind as playing a role. I might be missing a lot of details. I recall perhaps a player from Mexico wining the competition? Idk help me out!
How can players in England get seen in Austria?
We have family in Vienna
How can I join guys?
Guys please I would like to join the academy but am in ghana and the possibilities are very low……. I really need help
How do I apply???
What's up with the blurring on the jerseys / badges?
The La Galaxy academy or any mls elite club in california would beat these guys
I saw myself at 6:37! Red Bulls Academy is something different, and being apart of it is a whole new level
Ended video and disliked after 45 seconds….after that dummass said soccer….FOOTBALL its called FOOT FUCKING BALL not soccer its the most popular sport on the planet and its name is not even properly addressed…u dont see boxing beeing called something else do you now? Hope i made my point. K thnx bye
I will not give up my soccer dream i will always fight in every match to reach my goal of playing pro football i have been practicing all my life for this training at home physical with the ball right now i am 16 year old (winger)from Greece playing for the first team of a non pro team at the league c i will work my way up unless i get to a pro academy and fight for the spot right away a some of my friends i grew up are at pro academy's other got kicked of from their pro academy and now may the god
give me the chance to prove myself at a pro academy
i am really good with the ball on my feet really fast pretty good first touch pass not afraid to take risks and currently working on my shouting whitch is quite decent and very good at defending even if its a bit useless at the wing
Man I feel bad being 15yo and not in a club yet
2:01 he looks like Alphonso davies

The amount of North American/English wonderkids the Bundesliga has seen in recent times is just mental
edit: I had just started the video and though it was the Leipzig badge but still
Very motivating wish i arrive to this level this year
Nein zu RB
No to RB
Football is for you and me and not for f**** industry.
Man I wish such organizations were available in sudan there is alot of talent but there is no infrastructure to support it but non the less we prevail like 10 15 kids saving to buy a good ball
i feel bad for the non black youths. There chance to be called for the first squad is rare. what sad the players they choose would last 1 season just to be playing in usl league. Don't believe me? my real buddy Kwame Awuah knew he got where he was because of his race lol but i guess they knew in the long term he wasnt good. now he forgotten in forge fc. tickets was free for us so i aint complaining.
Them in the video: SoCcEr
As soon as i heard soccer i disliked
I will make it pro too.. I am 16 I play as a CDM/CM and I will play for real madrid one day
Thumps down for the Red Bull commercial
F U Red Bull
When they said soccer I shut the video off
How do you join the academy?
This, the Champions League hotel and The Champions are the best things to watch on this Channel!!!
BR your documentry is legit Sky Sports level.
6:34 i used to play with those kids.
I thought it was Salzburg
"Those heights by great men,won and kept were not achieved by sudden flight. But they ,while their companions slept,were toiling upward in the night."
Stay blessed