Learn Spanish for free using self-paced audio-visual lessons and interactive practice exercises – CultureAlley – master conversations, grammar, vocabulary and more! This lesson will help your overcome language difficulties in a new place. You will be able to ask and tell what languages one speaks and learn phrases like ‘I speak Spanish’, ‘Do you speak English?’, ‘I don’t speak Spanish’, ‘I speak a little English’ and more.To study this at your own pace, take quizzes and explore more lessons go to www.culturealley.com. See you at the Alley!
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I thought "no hablo inglés" is = no i speak english
This is very old but it is very clear
Never have I seen a more detailed, clearly explained, and easily understandable way to learn another language. I am loving these so much. I listen to them and write notes and it's been so easy
the teaching is excellent..BUT,,,sry to say so sir,,but u should focus on ur pronounciation of 't' and 'd',,,,i know in some dialects of US,,,they speak like this,,but its not the spaniah way
Learning Spanish is becoming easy with you
Learning Spanish to translate Despacito. Well thank u bro
tu enseñas español muy bien Muchas Gracias
Hablo gujarati,inglés y hindi Y poco español tambien…
in what we learned today lisa is asking her self do you speak spanish
Best spanish lesson channel
The best videos to learn Spanish !! Thankyou so much ! My quarantine couldn't be more better !!!
the best teacher ever! he made it so easy to understand!!!
Thank u
!hola! Mi nombre es Emily. ?y tu?
this is the very best way for learning languages thank you to all who has created and presented this to us
Gracias muchos!!
Culture Leaf; Don't go to Argentina.
¡Muchas gracias profesor!
i still hv confusion, if the verb form (work) is not changing then why trabajas is changed to trabajo ? ?
pls clear my confusion….
I've learned a lot and this is the best!! Thank you
Hola! Mi nombre es Parisa. Estoy bien. Yo ensanro. Yo hablo un pocco De Español. Si, hablo Ingles. No hablo Frances y Aleman. Gracias. Hasta Pronto.
Mi nombre es Lara. Soy de Líbano
Really your videos are very much helpful
why did u kept a question mark for the sentence yes,I speak spanish
¡Hola! ¡Soy Jess y mucho gusto! ¡Soy onse anyos! ¡Soy filipino!
Best teacher ever!!!!!
It means there is no auxiliary of Verb to have like in English in question structural in Spanish language ?
Muchas gracias por el video, aprendí demaciado
Thank you so much .
From Morocco
How will you say, I speak Swahili in spain
its so hard when study without communication. I mean the better communication. I need spanish friend huwaa
Mi nombre de deqa yo hablo somaliana ingles y un poca de espanola
Its been a while since you last upload.
But here, i want to express my gratitude to all the lesson that you ever made.
It is really usefull.
Thankyou so much
Hola! Me nombre es livyrroni, hablo inglès y arabic y turkeys y un boco de español
*claps *
gracias for these videos!! They help me a lot!! With these types of videos you make I have learned reeaaally much of spanish! claps
I love you bro
Hola! Hablo inglés, francés, y chino mandarín! Un poco de alman y espanol!
Bien, gracias
Hola!Yo hablo un poco de español)))
thank you for posting spanish vids
Best espanol teacher on youtube, very clear !