Buying Organs on the Black Market | The Business of Crime

The Black Market Organ Harvesting is a rampant trade in human organs, involving collusion between organised criminals and corrupt doctors, police and medical administration staff. We dive into the body trade and see the ways it operates and the risks involved for the desperate people at both ends of the deal, in what is an unregulated and often perilous market.

In The Business of Crime, VICE World News looks at different parts of the criminal economy, separating fact from myth. In this episode, we find out the reality of the black market body trade.

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How to Hire a Hitman

How to Clean Dirty Money

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35 comentarios en “Buying Organs on the Black Market | The Business of Crime

  1. If you have a family member in the hospital & they start asking “if you’re interested in organ donation, for your loved one”….You’re basically signing their death certificate- because past that point they’re no longer intending on saving them!
    Same with becoming an organ donor on your ID- you go to the hospital sick/critical they’re likely not trying to save YOU, more so the organs now.

  2. 5:10 this fact actually advocates for legalizing this and making it a safe practice rather than something you have to find a shady random guy with 0 credible reputation to have it done.


  4. I mean, why don't they just require the organ to be checked thoroughly for the source, etc. and if it comes from a legal background? The donor is easy to identify by DNA testing, etc. and you reduce the black market people's trade significantly this way, I think.

  5. With her voice the narrator and journalist in this video seems to have bout an asian face on the black market are not fooling me kimchi

  6. Ok so i want tp speak on the benifits. I personally needed a kidney transplant desperately over 11 years ago..i was on a list for 2 years while my health declined and i was in and out of hospitals constanly. My medical bills piled up and to this day i still own thousands, like enough to buy a house. ( a pretty damn nice one). So amyway after two years being on the list i was finally matched woth a donor and guess what? I couldnt afford it!! My sp called insurance told me i have used well over my "limit" and they deemed the transplant not neccessary and so i was left to foot the bill..but heres another catch, most drs yes the drs themselves WILL NOT perfprm the transplant unless 55% of the money is payed up front by those who dont have insurance or those like myself who had "exhuasted" all funds provided by my so called health insurance. At the time my son was 7..i had to be here for him and i was willing to do anything to make sure i am here for a long time with my son amd live a great life. Now when i was turned away by the insurance companies, denied service due to lack of funds( again the drs litterally denied me! So much for that oath to take care of any and all patients no matter what) where do you think i went? Yes , the illegal organ "black market".. amd guess how much it cost me , $20000. Litteraly a fraction of the cost and 7 years later im here living my best life. Dont be so quick to judge and dont only show the shady side to this " business. Id do it again if i had to

  7. This is giving me chills.
    How fortunate I’m to be blessed with a safe home and sufficient money to meet basic needs. Hope the govt. take strict action.

  8. Speaking of the trio,they were not smart at all when getting this man out of the street they didnt explain anything that was gonna happen after his arrival in england,they might as well kill him right there the sentence would have turned smaller or non existant

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