10 Most Dangerous Bugs In The World
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We all know insects suck. They also bite, sting, and kiss! You might think that wild animals are
more dangerous than little bugs but even something as tiny as a fly and mosquito can cause way
more deaths than a vicious beast like a bear! Here we have 10 of the most dangerous bugs in the
world. Watch out for the first one as it will give you chills like never before!
Number 10. Bullet ant
Starting with the biggest ant in the world, the bullet ant is the bug you definitely need to avoid!.
This small incest is capable of bites that can trigger an extreme level of pain in the bitten area.
The sting from a bullet ant is perhaps the most painful insect sting ever known to humans. The
venom-filled sting from a bullet ant would feel like being shot. That’s why this deadly ant is
named bullet ant. They are found in the lowland rainforests of Nicaragua, Bolivia, and Paraguay.
They mainly inhabit the bases of trees. bullet ants are also among the largest ants in the world.
Their sting is almost 30 times more painful than a honeybee sting and they use such intensely
painful sting solely for their defense. When threatened, no matter whether it’s a large animal or a
human, bullet ants will sting repeatedly. Their venom causes intense pain, burning, and swelling.
Typically, the pain of bullet ant sting will last for 24 hours.
Number 9. Botflies
Could there be anything more disgusting than flies developing under your skin and then eating
their way out? The larvae of botflies are internal parasites of mammals. The young female bot
flies lay eggs within the skin of mammals. The larvae penetrate through skin and lives in
subdermal zones of human skin for more than 60 days and it can cause dangerous effects to the
human body. The patients could feel the movement of larvae beneath their skin. Once larvae
development gets complete, it leaves out of the body. If you are vacationing south of the U.S.
border, in Mexico, or down through South America and the rainforests, take precautions and
beware of subtle illness after returning home. It has been reported that a person can hear these
parasites when the infestation is around the neck area. How creepy!
Number 8. Fleas
Fleas are just like people whose opinions differ from yours. In other words, they’re small,
wingless, bloodsucking insects. They can also infect you with the plague. In the 14th century
Europe, the Black Plague killed about 25 million people. A flea’s life is spent searching for a
place to call home, where they can enjoy a meal of sweet warm blood. They are external
parasites that suck blood from humans, birds, reptiles, and wild and domestic animals. Fleas only
have the size of the tip of a pen and reproduce very quickly. Every female flea lay 2000 eggs
within their life span. Of the 3,000 types of fleas worldwide, only about a dozen are considered
harmful to humans, causing plague and/or a flea-borne variety of typhus. The most important
species are the rat flea, the human flea, and the cat flea. The best way to stay from them is by
staying clean and vacuuming your carpets. Keeping a check on your pets if they are itching
themselves is very important too.
Number 7. Fire ant
Yes, ants can kill you, although it’s highly unlikely. They can also inflict extremely painful bites.
One of the most painful bites is from the Fire ants. These little ants build their colonies on the
ground in soil and sand, very close to your feet! If you’re not careful, your feet can be covered
in record time and the biting begins before you ever have a chance to getaway. They attack and
kill small animals. Fire ants only bite to get a grip, then they sting and inject a toxic venom
composed of oil alkaloids mixed with small amounts of toxic proteins. The sting, which feels
like being burned by fire, typically swells into a bump quickly, which can cause further pain and
irritation. Some people either are or become allergic to the venom, sometimes to the point of
anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal. Fire ants are very protective of their colonies and so
intruders are given NO mercy, so you better watch where you step!
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Ahh God these images are just disgusting and disturbing all at the same time
Jesus Christ the palm on that thumbnail is so much of a thing I wish I can unsee
Had mungo worms in Africa was interesting
Cody and dave more a man then that one guy they used them to clamp a cutt shut
Mosquitos bites is so scary
That bugs is so dangerous.
the giant water bug looks so cool
That thumbnail is fucking terrifying
The giant water bug
Thanks for the very amazing trypophobia thumbnail
Was scrolling through videos on the home menu and saw this and now im itchy as hell
Bullet Ant: hi u will die
horror die
better get my luck
If I see them I’m grabbing the metal baseball bat and I’m hitting em 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times
I’ve got beat by a fire it I had a bump and then I got bit by another one another day I had a boat I try to stretch it or take it off it hurt so when it got smaller I took it off I didn’t die
Bro I've been bit by the very last bug and that's the mosquito but for some reason I survived them I've been bit by a lot of them and still survived
Where are those insects at
click bait bs
I almost got bite my a bullet ant

If I had that on my hand I’m chopping it off it’s freaky to look at
I love your videos
My favorite bug is fire ants and bullet ants mosquito sting me and it didn’t work on me
The thumbnail makes me asleep daily
When i was younger i got bit by a whole red ant hill and had to be rushed to the ER
Dose the kissing bug live in Ontario
"free relastate"
So the thumbnail was click bait? Ok, reported and down voted.
I have been stung by phone many times

yes i am so instrested
Bro change the thumbnail.
I have tryptophan
Thumbnails for the trypophobic gamer
I thought *the hammer worm* is the most dangerous bug because it multiplies when you kill me or cut it in half
Perfect material for a horror movie
I am so scared
I wana watch a bugs life now
Its all Interesting and informative, Until you turn off your phone and the bug is still in your leg
what was that crazy trap beat in the beginning tho?
I have trypophobia
i am scared to go to sleep now
i hope u stibu your toe for that thumbnail