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Please Note: Young People Wear Many of These Styles Throughout Europe. These tips are geared toward 35+ year old travelers. Thanks for watching!
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Heading to Europe & Not Sure What to Pack? Here are a few things that my fellow US travelers may want to avoid packing if they are traveling to Europe.
1. Baseball Caps: Europeans in general do not wear baseball caps, especially backwards. You would be better served to wear a more traditional hat. You will see an occasional NY Yankee hat, but why not buy the fancy hat you always wanted instead?
2. Athletic Wear: Europeans tend to wear athletic wear to do sports, not to wear around town. There is a trend of more athleisurewear in Europe, but it is not to the extent that there is in US.
3. Khakis: the omnipresent US male pant choice is not something you will see too often in Europe. Go for colored pants or jeans. If you want khaki like pants wear Chinos instead of Dockers. The pants you will see are a thinner cut or «skinnier» fit than in the US.
4. Oversized US University Sweatshirts.
5. Sport Shoes or High Heals: US sport shoes and white socks are not quite as popular in Europe as they are in the US. You may be better off with Urban Street shoes like Vans instead. Also, women should be careful with high heels as with all the cobblestone it is easy to hurt your ankles.
Filmed in Rome, Italy
What Shoes to Take to Europe
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Please Note: This Video is for 35+ year old US travelers heading to Europe. Young Europeans do wear most of these styles and trends, but the 35+ European crowd do not wear them to the same extent. And the locals won't care what you wear, so this is more to help you blend in a bit better. Great travels to you all & Thank you for all the comments & subscriptions.
American here, middle age Texan- I use my cowboy hate, protection against the sun… will that be issue with locals?
I love to travel and have been to a few places in Europe. Europeans west baseball caps, sportswear, khakis, logos, hoodies so this video is kinda wrong. Also living in the Uk which is considered Europe you wear whatever you want. Like others have said please just wear what your comfortable wearing.
Great tips for traveling anywhere – fit in. Some things that I never considered.
Why wear anything at all.
Sunny Europe.
How things have changed in the last few years.. head to Germany or Poland and you’ll see lots of:
– American football team tops
– Track pant style trousers for casually walking about
– American baseball caps
I’m not an American, I’m a European traveller and the styles that I used to see and tend to wear in Central/Eastern Europe seem to be dying out in favour of sports/‘comfortable’ clothing. It’s a shame to be honest because you do still see some great clothing and styles in Europe.
I go to London twice a year and at middle age I know better not to wear heels but I do wear a great pair of black suede high wedge sandals at night. When I was young I wore the fashion stuff to sightsee and walk around and now it’s tennis shoes. I don’t care, they are are comfortable and I can walk easily 8-10 miles a day. I get looks and it’s like wow those sand weird sneakers but original because they are ASICS which no one has in Europe. I wear track suits on the flight and if I’m running around I’ll wear it to the farmers market. I look original now. Btw their are fat people in Rome, London and Paris and New York.
I am an American living in Europe, pick pockets get everyone when there is an opportunity. I dress so american I can be spotted a mile away. I talk to everyone, smile etc… I just make sure I keep my money hidden, nothing in my back pockets, and stuff in my backpack in a secondary pouch that's hard for people to reach in and grab stuff. I've been fine. I've also one 4 solo back packing trips and no issues. So yeah good to be aware, but no need to blend in imo.
Athleisure is the most common style in Europe, in Denmark it's mixed with designer brands, another common style with a designer twist is gorpcore. But we don't label styles, we just have a lot of style conscious people here. A lot people wear nothing but sports clothing and never do any sports, especially large people tend to..
I'll wear what I'm comfortable wearing. I find that what makes it easier to enjoy another country is to try and speak at least a little of the local language. Sure, everything I'm wearing might scream, "I'm American," but if I respect the locals, things are much, much smoother.
Most giveaways for tourists are that they don’t think about looking good and just focus on wearing clothes and equipment to climb a mountain or to spontaneously ‘explore’ – why this is needed in European cities I have no idea!! None of these items in isolation is bad but if you look like nothing goes together, you’re either American or Northern European. Just loosen up… it’s a holiday not a mountaineering course…
This dude literally has the worst advise of any travel channel I have seen…after arriving to London and finding his advise to be complete $hit I have realized this dude makes videos for the sake of making videos. Get your travel advice elsewhere…
You literally named all the clothes I own.
People in foreign countries know that you’re a tourist just as we can identify the tourist who come to America?
What’s a “regular” hat?
I can spot Americans from a mile away. But that’s alright, i like them
What about crocs?! (kidding)
So ironic, I just came back from Europe traveling to many countries including Germany — Bavaria no less. And many locals were wearing everything you tell us not to wear in this video. I was in Regensburg, and a street vendor was wearing an LA Dodger baseball hat.
Your comment about sports shoes is off base. These are what will save your feet and i know since I have foot problems and the only thing I can wear is SPoRTs shoes. They protect and support. Now, to the Khaki pants… Have you ever watched Rick Steves? No further comment needed here. You might have added a suggestion to skip the short shorts, torn jeans and vulgar sayings on tshirts. I get the baseball hat reference, the workout clothes, the school logo sweatshirt and appreciate your suggestions but as I said, the shoe and khaki advice could use some editing. Thanks!
And then there is – the moment you speak … they will probably guess by your American accent and inability to speak another language, you are an American.
Basically – be polite, try to make an effort to say a few words in the local language, and you'll be fine.
The only dress issues I can think of are:
If you go into a Church – women may need to cover their shoulders, no tank tops, etc.
Men don't wear shorts – you can, but esp the English don't … I think it is part of their phobias from public school days.
honestly, my European friends dress more "American" than me.
And now, a word about fanny packs. NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! …
A point I'd like to bring up, once you're in Italy, is don't shovel spaghetti into your mouth, chomp, and drop it back into your plate. Select five individual spaghetti, twirl those on the side and it should turn onto a nice, neat little ball of spaghetti on your fork.
I personally have noticed that Americans have this thing where they talk loudly, they aren't like Greeks or Italians, where they create a chaotic vibe, they just have really powerful talking voices. It's pretty impressive, it's borderline belting. Usually nice sorts though.
Also, this isn't just for Americans, but all tourists, (I'm looking at you, mature English and German people) just don't wear white socks that go above the top of your shoes.
I have traveled everywhere and you know what….wear whatever you want. The second you open your mouth, they know you are a tourist. As far as high heels go….Italian women wear them everywhere….including hiking up to the top of the Acropolis in Athens, lol.
As a polish human being, i can tell someone is an american as soon as i see them
Wow, I stumbled upon your video on the youtube and I gotta say, I was totally blown away! I never expected to come across something so captivating. It really caught my attention, and I found myself completely engrossed in your story. It made me reflect on my own life and inspired me to look at things from a different perspective. Thank you for sharing such an incredible experience!
All of the things that you have mentioned, we shouldn’t be doing in America Either. Yes, we are the land of freedom, and the choice is yours but parallel to that is the risk of looking like a fool, or a country full of them……
Wjen I traveled in Europe in the 80s, everyone stared at my white Rebocks. Then Europe caught up, eventually
I travel to Europe allot.
I dress Minimalist/black with a cowboy hat. I want people to know I'm not from there, I'm eye catching. lol
This video is so so, it is true I can spot someone from the U.S. and from what state they're from just by the way they're dress. If they're from My CIty Houston I can really tell who is Houston born vs Californian saying they're from Houston or Texan.
This video is so old. Please update it. I've lived in Europe for 20 years and the only things I can agree with are don't wear sandals with socks and don't wear backwards baseball caps. Also, I would add being obese screams 'He's an American for sure'.
I’ll stay home, Thanks! Besides, right now it’s not safe.
Bruh even in Central Mexico people wear baseball caps
What you mean I can’t wear the Russian Tux – my Track Suit ? How about if I call it a “ Round Track Suit” like in the UK?
I used to live in a city that got a lot of Chinese tourists. I could spot them a mile away by their clothes and shoes (the Japanese tourists too). Never once did I think they should dress like me or the other locals. Why should they?
Wear what you want, just don't dress like a scrub.
He must be so busy looking at Americans he hasn’t noticed that many Europeans dress more like Americans, except for Italy. Decades back I could spot an American from 5 miles distant due to dress and walk. Hard now as they look like Americans but at least don’t walk like American football jocks.
I'll just walk around naked
So weird obsessing over trying to blend in . I'll wear my hoodie thanks …
American needs to just quit wearing athletic stuff everywhere period. There is nothing good or fashionable about athletic shoes, ripped jeans, T-shirts, flip flops/crocs, athletic wear, blue jeans, and stupid base ball caps when you are not playing sports or mowing your lawn. ball caps only blocks the sun from one side and yoga pants are not pants (they are leggings). Lastly, get a collared shirt and some nice slacks or skirt/dress. There is a reason no one ever makes bed spreads or t-shirts out of blue jeans denim. Denim is a cheap uncomfortable material compared to all the other fine clothes materials like wool, silk, cotton, nylon, etc.
Look who’s talking. Fashion police you are
you can wear khakis if you wear them in a formal or semi formal way