Hay tantos consejos de seguridad importantes que los viajeros pueden saber y recibir antes de viajar, sin embargo, hay pequeñas cosas que puede hacer que pueden ayudarlo a no tener problemas cuando viaja. Aquí hay seis trucos de viaje que pueden mantenerlo un poco más seguro cuando viaja. Ideal para mujeres viajeras, niños y cualquier persona que quiera viajar. Filmado en Córdoba, España Únase a este canal para obtener acceso a beneficios: #travelsafety #safetyfirst #travelabroad Copyright Mark Wolters 2023 Aprenda a planificar sus viajes como lo hacemos nosotros con nuestro curso Travel Planning 101: tome algunos equipos de viaje Wolters World Ayúdenos a mantener hacer Más videos de viajes honestos: ¡Hola, compañeros viajeros! Gracias por ver nuestros vlogs de viajes honestos de todo este maravilloso mundo. Si desea ponerse en contacto con nosotros, síganos y envíenos un mensaje a través de nuestros canales de redes sociales a continuación. Además, si le gustan nuestros videos de viajes, no dude en compartirlos con otros compañeros de viaje. Puede encontrarnos en Internet: Consejos de viaje y destinos: Videos de viajes gastronómicos: Consejos de viaje: Educación empresarial: Tiktok: Instagram: Instagram de Jocelyn: Facebook: Twitter: Linkedin:
Compra Camisetas de fútbol antiguas, replicas auténticas. Moda clásica. Últimas noticias de fútbol de hoy para mantenerte al día de todo lo que pasa con tu equipo, jugador o competición favorita en cualquier parte del mundo.
I dont speak loud. Americans dont know it but we are loud. Its a quick giveaway if you are loud.
As a Brazilian I recognize other Brazilian everywhere in the world because the soccer tshirts, Brazilian male love to use theses shirt
Do I do the same when heading for USA?
Great, practical tips for the traveler —particularly those visiting tourist-infested locales in high season. Tip #7? Travel off-season and don't forget tips 1-6. Thank You and Bon Voyage …
I've said this below other videos already but…
one of my top safety tip is: don't wear jewels or other valuable accessories, like expensive watches, branded bags, ecc.
don't put your phone/wallet on the pocket of your trousers (especially the rear ones)
Also, and this is a counter-intuitive one: don't wear your bag in front of you!
I know it's a tip most people give, but for me it's so obvious you are a tourist when you do that!
Just… don't put anything valuable in your rear bag so you don't have to worry about it and you can wear it the standard way.
¿Is there anything that can be done about a money belt and credit cards? I tried putting a credit card in my money belt once and it bent the card.
A twist on the "football jersey" rule: I have found that wearing a NATIONAL team jersey actually gives you stat points from the locals and can be helpful. I was recently in Chile and Uruguay and I wore a national team jersey in both countries (not all the time), and I got a decent amount of recognition for it. Also, if you are in a city that has only ONE league team, wearing that team jersey can also be a good thing. That being said, I wouldn't wear an Arsenal jersey near Stamford Bridge.
I found the best safety tip which saved me several times is that if youre ever raped, dont fight back. Just let it happen. We dont want to risk upsetting our attackers and escalating the situation. Just give in. And see if you can even try to enjoy it. And when its over, just try to forget About it. Cheers.
I would also suggest using a pacsafe waist bag, it fit into your shorts/jeans so doesn't look like you are carrying anything.
its funny, to me, about the local tote bag. I never realized it helped me. i just used the local bag for fun with supermarkets. i repack franprix when we go to paris and i do my shopping in the morning. it explains why i have the best run ins with folks
Because of the Flipper, I keep wifi, bluetooth, and data off in public, not just payment option… but I remeber life before smartphones and can function without. Also, Clothing Arts clothes for pants with zippers inside zippers.
I always leave one credit card back in the cabin safe.
NEVER leave your phone (or other valuables) sitting on the table at cafes – even if you're sitting next to it. Put it back in your pocket or purse if you're not actually holding it.

I like to tuck the strap of my purse or shopping bag under the chair leg if I'm at a café and can't manage holding and eating and drinking. They'll have to pull the chair out from under me if they really want my stuff! LOL!
Brilliant tip about the contactless card payments!
I once knew a high roller gambler when I worked at a casino and he dressed slightly above homeless and almost always had a shopping bag because he was obviously expecting to get robbed but never was. Smart dude.
Great suggestion!
Not all cultures accept that you travel alone. If people start bugging you, tell them that your spouse died. That happens in all cultures and is respected.
Don’t keep all your credit cards in one place or on one person.
I always carry a monoprix bag in Paris, in order to blend in with the locals.
Excellent tips!
I would advise AGAINST pedicure before travelling, at least certain types of pedicures certain types of trips. I went to pedicure before going to Pamukkale Turkey. Big mistake. Walking there was quite painful as all the hard skin protecting the sole of my feet had been remove during the pedicure.
I make scans of all my credit and debit cards, and assemble them all in a grid, on a page with the bank contact phone numbers typed below each one.
This one page has everything I need if my wallet goes missing. I print it out, and keep several copies when traveling, along with my passport photocopy.
Important – Make sure to block out the cards' CVV codes, otherwise anyone who steals the paper will have everything needed to commit fraud!
Also, don't rely on a phone for these things. Phones can be stolen. They are also a house of cards, depending on battery, network, and your app logins. I work in a high tech field, and know enough to not depend on technology.
With Apple Pay etc I tend to keep most of my funds in a separate account and transfer over only when needed
I have my phone and travel wallet on cords which are tethered to the inside of my crossbody bag.
Then I won’t put them down accidentally.
As a female, I carry a travel alarm and a small powerful whistle,also tethered.
Moneybelt ALWAYS!
And always carry my passport in it at all times.
Wear your moneybelt in the small of your back, way more comfy.
I have a little homemade pouch with a ribbon to tie to my bra strap. i keep a spare creid card in there
Place money in a book as a backup.
I use Google maps walking directions, but I keep my phone tucked away and listen through one earbud. It looks as though I know where I'm going. Using just one earbud ensures I can still hear what's happening around me. I never leave the hotel without a backup charger. They're so inexpensive & small, it's tremendous peace of mind. I also pack my old phone & a push pin to swap sim cards, just in case I crack my screen. Also…Google Fi is my phone service & I have fast data in most every country (50 gb 5G).
And great advice re: foot care! My most recent trip, I brought a pair of shoes that I'd only worn once before. On my first day, I ended up with a pressure wound so deep & painful that it sort of ruined my trip. I struggled to find wound care supplies, even in pharmacies. It was a daily battle to prevent infection & manage the pain. Now I know to always bring a supply of thick bandages & Neosporin.
Please use caution when someone approaches you and offers to show you where something is. Do not follow them! My husband and I ended up being cornered in an isolated area. Luckily, we were unharmed but it could have turned out badly.
I really like the local shopping bag tip….
Thanks Professor Wolters! We should be in Cordoba next June.
PS: your beard looks great!
Also key to stop completely detaching from common sense, see it all the time where people will go full on vacation mode between the ears & let the stupid take over, that's where you wind up "losing" stuff or getting into trouble – you may be on vacation, but the scumbags aren't! Can't agree more on the football jerseys though, there are some places in this world which are very friendly & the nicest place right up until you're wearing the wrong "colours" in the wrong part of town.