Un alma torturada en un monasterio aislado escribe una carta escrita en un lenguaje críptico que permanecería en el misterio durante más de trescientos años. Créditos: ¡Bienvenido a BuzzFeed Unsolved Network! Este canal es su destino único para todo lo relacionado con misterio, conspiración, sobrenatural, crímenes reales y todo lo demás. Suscríbete aquí: MERCH: ¡Lo tenemos! COMPRAR AHORA: MUSIC SFX proporcionado por AudioBlocks ( Heavy Heart_30 Second No Bells con licencia de Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. Dark Matters_Full con licencia de Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. Heavy Heart_Full con licencia de Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. The Asylum_Main con licencia de Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. World Crashed Down_Main Con licencia a través de Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. L’Illusionniste_Full Mix Con licencia a través de Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. Beyond All Hope_Full Mix Con licencia a través de Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. Oración por los fallecidos_Main Con licencia a través de Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. STILLS Spoleto, Umbría, Italia: Fresco de la catedral por Filippo Lippi JannHuizenga/Getty Images nuremberg wakila/Getty Images Adoración de la pintura de Maji por Diego Velesques Photos.com/Getty Images Pintura que representa a Santa Teresa de Ávila Photos.com/Getty Images Beata María de la Encarnación wynnter/Getty Images Siglo 16-17, vestiduras católicas, grabado en madera coloreado a mano, publicado ca. 1880 ZU_09/Getty Images Exorcismo duncan1890/Getty Images San Benito duncan1890/Getty Images El diablo y el mago duncan1890/Getty Images The Black Sabbath duncan1890/Getty Images Jesús cura al lunático duncan1890/Getty Images Ilustración de un aterrador vampiro volador con alas. Likozor/Getty Images Milton’s Paradise Lost – Gustave Dore – Su convocatoria llamada duncan1890/Getty Images Infierno Tratamiento especial para usureros, banqueros y falso testimonio Fresco (149 Chris Hellier/Getty Images Trabajar con el diablo stigalenas/Getty Images Monja en Abbazia San Vincenzo nik wheeler/Getty Images Pantagruel de Rabelais, monjas abriendo una caja prohibida duncan1890/Getty Images Monjas agustinas, hábitos, hermanas, novicias, siglo XVIII duncan1890/Getty Images Hábito religioso, Ursulinas, grabado en madera coloreado a mano, publicado alrededor de 1880 ZU_09/Getty Images Bendiciones, antiguas ilustraciones francesas grabadas de Les Couvents (El convento), 1846 bauhaus1000/Getty Images Víctima de Cloitree, antiguas ilustraciones francesas grabadas de Les Couvents (El convento), 1846 bauhaus1000/Getty Images Ilustración antigua de monjas pelando frutas ilbusca/Getty Images Dominican Monjas, Hábitos, Hermanas, Siglo XVIII duncan1890/Getty Images Iglesia Madre de Montechiaro Arghman/Getty Images Escalera para llegar a la catedral – Palma di montechiaro Lauz83/Getty Images Palma di Montechiaro Sicilia, Italia max-b/Getty Images La visita a la monja por Charles Lock Eastlake duncan1890/Getty Images María monja de Santa Clara duncan1890/Getty Images Monjas aprendiendo a hacer patrones de encaje benoitb/Getty Images Monjas cistercienses reciben carta de la reina wynnter/Getty Images Jesús y los dos hombres poseídos por demonios duncan1890/Getty Images Man y Half Zombie Woman CSA Images/Getty Images Viena – Arcángel Miguel y la guerra con los ángeles malos sedmak/Getty Images Siglo 16-17, vestiduras católicas, vestimenta papal, grabado en madera coloreado a mano, publicado c.1880 ZU_09/Getty Images Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa con su esposa Mondadori Portfolio/Getty Images Saint Benedict Heritage Images/Getty Images Grabado del siglo XIX de una monja arrodillada en oración; religión y culto victorianos; Henry Thiriat Revista dominical 1890 1890 Cannasue/Getty Images Monja en el jardín benoitb/Getty Images Confession Booth By Pews In Church David Bise / EyeEm/Getty Images Catedral de Vic. Siqui Sanchez/Getty Images Foto antigua de pinturas: Iglesia ilbusca/Getty Images Un ensayo de James Tissot – poder para siempre del siglo XIX/Getty Images Escultura de la antigua Grecia de Ariadna durmiente en Naxos (Figura de la mitología griega). mikroman6/Getty Images Drover BenchBo/Getty Images La danza de la muerte, por Francis Douce Nastasic/Getty Images silueta de una persona que se asoma a un cuarto oscuro a través de una puerta rota Catherine McQueen/Getty Images VÍDEO Animación de nebulosa de color rojo intenso. Cielo nublado granate oscuro. alenaspl/Getty Images Explosión por el impacto de una nube y polvo dem10/Getty Images Fondo de líneas de dibujos animados dibujados a mano en Stop Motion CreativeSource/Getty Images Animación stop motion de papel arrugado, fondo de papel texturizado. El concepto de bloc de dibujo, diseño, estilo retro, arrugas, deshilachado, en blanco Líneas de lápiz sobre un fondo de color en estilo Stop Motion Vídeo de fondo en bucle Bubanga/Getty Images
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"Sister Maria something something something something" Lolol.
So, she wrote herself a love letter and passed it all off as being 'possessed.'
Negative attention is better than no attention.
This could be interesting but I cannot listen to that voice for more than a minute.
How arrogant does human thinks they know everything to this world. Not everything can be explained by science. That is why God left the bible to us that is his words.
Demon possessed someone and levitates
Look at that dude. He managed to unlock 100% of his brain.
Scientists and their ball crap.

There is so much wrong with this story as a possession situation. More likely she was indeed mentally ill.
"it was a schizophrenia episode", how easily thrown at a problem the doctor doesn't understand. Foolish.
Superstitious garbage
By the time demonic possession is apparent that’s because the person is overrun by multitudes.
I think many of us walk around everyday and unknowingly have entities dwelling within and around us.
Only until we allow so many of them inside are they able to take control to this extent.
"In reality, true demonic possession throughout were few and far between." You really don't know, what you don't know. Either it wasn't reported, or people were put into psychiatric wards, or jailed and forgotten.
Chew fresh bones to get the blood flowing around the head. No such thing as mental illness, just poor nutrition & practices. Cocaine, cigarettes & McDonald's will only get you so far ….
Everyone loves being raped by ads. Thanks
It took 300 years to figure out that she combined languages she learnt as a child? Really? Fake news
Find the Lord our God Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Believe in His precious and Holy name while you still can my friends. Pray for your salvation, for your household, for your loved ones, and whatever you do, don’t stop fighting the Good fight.
If the devil is so evil, wouldn’t he be a very poor jailer and punisher of the sinful? I mean those are his peeps. They’re more likely drinking beer and getting free internet down there. Just an observation from an atheist.
the symbols are wiccan and part code
Not everything can be explained by science . Not everything is mental health. There are real Demons in this world
Science will always try to hide an think there always right when everything does exists whats in this world!
The catholic church is demonic along with the Pope.
Science one of the greatest things the devil created
I'm an exorcist with the NYINGMA ORDER ( BUDDHISM ; TIBET ) — the case in question is indeed a fascinating account but the " scientific explanation " portions are laughable — and frankly such pat " reassurances " concerning modern methods constitute quite dangerous placation .
Folks, in the modern era if you do not have a personal exorcist it is the MENTAL EQUIVALENT of NOT practicing proper dental hygiene ; and OH LORDE but ye shall suffer downstream of such indolence .
Hunger and thirst… even the blood in your veins are the bodies weakness. Master these, and you master the self.
People who dont believe at god are also dont believe at demon they all dog
theres god and theres demon,i was possessing by a demon
Braddy shoppee apps.
The real battle is in the spiritual realm and not in physical. The weapon in the spiritual realm is not physical weapons not like in this physical realm but it is spiritual weapon, it is the armour God, HIS WORD. Ephesians 6:10-18
New International Version
The Armor of God
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
Mental disorders is not just sickness but it is connected in spiritual. It is demonic. Satan and demons wants to deceived people and put lies on us, people that is why people doesnt have a real relationship to God and read and know God's words, they get easily to get deceive in that specific lie, example in the video but it is real thing that satan doesnt want to know you that God is real, JESUS IS REAL. ONLY in JESUS NAME CAN CAST OUT DEMON and in HOLY SPIRIT'S POWER AND GOD'S WORD people can be free from the chains, walls and strongholds from demons and satan. It is important to have a real relationship to God not just because of the enemies and wgat they brings but because God loves us, God wants us to get free from darkness, sin and satan and its demons. Only God can set us free from pain, sickness, sins, from our pasts. God loves you, HE died for you on the cross and HE rose again after three days and He reigns and continue to reign forever. You might experience today or even in the future but do not be discourage because God is with you, God already wom your battles in the cross, you just need to hold on to Him and have faith and seek Him. God already defeat the battle against darkness, against satan and demons. But we still need fight it everyday because they are still here but there is a promise and certainty that they already defeated because of Jesus and what Jesus did in the cross. You can find God's promises in the bible, in His Words. God is honest and promise maker, He is God. Jesus is Lord. Only Him can set us free, can love us and defeat any thing in your life. You are strong because of God, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. God loves us, accept God today, accept Him your God and savior and father. God is powerful more tham satan and demons. God is mightier than anything — sickness, sin, curse and demons and satan.
Jesus name is enough and they will flee
Went to a Christian brothers school they got many letters from the devil too they were good friends
It's always the nun whose name's "Maria" that get possessed
Seems like she was woke and knew god was made up by man. But death is certain and real no man can fake that
If you’re quick to believe in the evil add the d now he is dominion of all evil doings and if you believe in Good remove the o and God is Good to those who are good to him and to all other than evil spirits
What happened to the two the use to do this series.
There could definitely be an explanation for this: The severe amount of stress on the body physically and mentally, praying for hours and doing chores in the church whilst also learning at least 3+ languages (which were all quite difficult to learn at the time), the isolation since she was young, and paranoia that started developing for quite a while all eventually led to her having a breakdown.
Its crazy how this happened in a place that was supposed to be so holy
Quick question for the men out there. Ya'll ever slept with a succubus? It's a simple question
I hate when the church says mental health, believe me u will know the difference….
I believe in demons and to make a whole language and a whole essay no one was able to read for decades and when translated, turned out it says all kinds of satanic things, is absolutely bone chilling
lol, pls, the messages of this possessed nun's letter were atheism? HOW CONVENIENT
I saw one of my family members go through similar
if demons and the devil are real, that means angels are too and in turn god. don’t let satans current grip of the world let you believe otherwise
Religion always believes its right until definitively proven wrong. Nuns are basically in a cult of Christ
I read somewhere "The devil's greatest magic trick is to let humans think he doesn't exist" and the fact that people view demonic possessions as a mental or psychological disorder points somewhere