Vinícius Júnior fue objeto de insultos racistas en un partido de la liga española una vez más el domingo y el entrenador del Real Madrid, Carlo Ancelotti, dijo que consideraba reemplazar al delantero brasileño. Los hinchas del Valencia parecían corearle “mono” a la estrella después de que el partido del Madrid en el Estadio Mestalla fuera detenido temporalmente. Vinícius había dicho que un aficionado lo insultó desde las gradas, y Ancelotti dijo que inicialmente Vinícius no quería seguir jugando. Vinícius ha sido objeto de abusos racistas desde que vino a jugar a España hace cinco años. El brasileño fue expulsado más tarde tras un altercado con los jugadores del Valencia, y al salir del campo hizo un gesto a los aficionados locales sobre la lucha de su equipo contra el descenso. Vinícius había llamado al árbitro sobre el minuto 70 y empezó a señalar a una persona sentada entre la afición valencianista detrás de una de las porterías del Estadio de Mestalla. Se acercó a la grada y se enfrentó a la afición mientras los jugadores de ambos equipos intentaban recuperar la calma. La policía finalmente llegó a las gradas para ocuparse de los simpatizantes. Se hizo un anuncio pidiendo a los fans que se comportaran. Ancelotti habló con Vinícius al margen y éste siguió jugando. El partido en Mestalla estuvo parado durante casi 10 minutos, y poco después de su reanudación Vinícius chocó con jugadores del Valencia y fue expulsado por empujar a uno de sus rivales con una mano en la cara. ¡Suscríbete, dale me gusta al video y comparte donde puedas! ¡Ayuda a apoyar el canal desde solo £ 0.99 al mes! ¡Obtenga insignias especiales de fidelidad junto a su nombre en los comentarios y en el chat en vivo! ¡También obtendrás emojis de la insignia del equipo de tu equipo favorito para usar en el chat en vivo y los estrenos! Haga clic en ‘Unirse’ debajo del video para obtener más información o visite = **NO copie ni vuelva a cargar ninguna parte de este video en ningún lugar, de lo contrario, se realizarán acciones de derechos de autor. No tienes mi permiso para usar este video** Para asegurarte de no perderte ninguno de mis videos en este y mis otros canales, por favor: ¡Suscríbete aquí!: Twitter: TikTok: Instagram: Facebook: Para consultas comerciales, patrocinios, y anuncios, comuníquese con #viniciusjr #ancelotti #laliga
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The Spanish have a bee in their bonnet about the history with the Moorish conquest etc… same with Eastern Europe – they remember the Islamic incursions into Eastern Europe… central and northern Europe has a different history and so we don’t understand the hatred.
Spain is literally a maggot country. The laziest of people in the whole world . Its funny that they think they are superior when its such a poor country.
What are Spanish people thinking when they do this, how can they say racist things when there not like me a reall Aryen race and I can also say this about Spanish people that the look like
with black hair but why would I 
so mono is monkey in Spanish and there is audio stereo + mono

The fact that a player and a coach has to speak out against this disgusting behaiviour and the football divison itself is just beyond me .
Carlo Ancelotti: a class act. Usually, quite and unassuming, but when it really matters steps up to the plate. Thank you for speaking up against racism. I

The chokehold on Vini Jr is ok? But the white skin dog shit gets away….funny the same thing another Brazilian player did in the EPL gets red carded and fined.
Why are Spaniards so racist? Not everyone of course but
why are so many of them so racist? Can anyone explain to
me clearly and coherently and logically and fairly????
What a shame!! It just makes Spain looks so bad!!!!!!!!!
Fuck racist piece of shit people!!!
Ah poor vini didnt like the atmosphere poor him.
Spanish seems to be like Israel jewish country…
you cant put walkoff decision in the victim … real madrid’s senior/spanish players should led the walk off
If they don't like spain they can go where they love them, also ancelotti can go to uk if he likes it because in italy isn't welcome anymore
Echate este hombre que no tiene respecho por quien lo paga, la misma cosa hace con los italianos, quando sale de italia abla mal de nosotros, il Real es il mas Espanol de todo el pais y vinicius es un jugador y nada mas, ancelotti es ora de viajar para sudamerica
Fact check found it , Real Madrid team players start insulting by those people,as soon as the Bus arrives in the stadium and when they are getting off from the bus –
Outside people start insulting them ..
and it was continued to stadium.
They are just unbelievable!
The organization should something strong action to take it !
Without it should band the games there ! I think EPL never should go there play ever!! Also
La Liga president need to resign immediately! That guy cannot qualify enough to stay there ! What a shame !
La Liga, president should get out that position immediately ! People should let him out ! All country should help let him out !
It’s not about the games , not the La Liga , truly not about Vinicius Jr., I think. Look , it’s about racism , specially, as a president from La Liga , he really did not understand what is problems in here ? What a shame .
He cannot handle this situations , can not do any action ?, cannot stand up for this ?
Gosh , he should resign immediately!
He cannot be in position leadership, he could be a leader for the 3rd class citizens. Tragic!!
I mean what do Spanish people know about racism im wanna be real Spanish people pffff come a bit in europe a Spanish to see wats being racist absurd this things
Chris Rock was right….racism will never die…it will only multiply
Racism isn't good but just so Ancelotti knows there are also many black who are also racist against other people and religions.
Its funny because Spain is in favor of lgbt and trans BS all day but then they’re ok with insulting and racism…then lets stop lgbt propaganda
Great coach. La Liga you are giving the beautiful game a bad name. C mon Vinicius, We love ya
FIFA made CONCACAF stopped games in Mexico last year, they also made Mexico play without people in stadiums, and made them pay money for yelling 'puto' . In Europe we keep seeing racists videos in stadiums and FIFA and UEFA pretending everything is OK, blind, deaf… what a joke..
Racist is the sign of low class mentality people.scum
The referee was blind and have no balls
Spain has become a shameful nation.
Soft AF, go play in premier league if you get offended that easily
As an American, in a country with a dark history of racism, I must say that this kind of thing would never happen in the NFL, MLB, NHL, in 2023. And if it did, the fans would get beat up very badly by an angry mob.
Ancelotti knows this from Italy as well… Ask Ballotelli…
An Italian talking about racism

I don’t understand how those broke Spaniards could be rasict to anyone
As a LIVERPOOL die hard fan. Leave vini jr alone . Very sad for humanity
Spaniards are notorious racists and cowards. Busquets for instance routinely calls black players monos. But what is Spain but a third rate country that would be economically destitute if it were not for the economic might of the UK and Germany? Most of their so called men are not taller than 5 feet and wear more make up than their women.
Why do most people blame Germans for nazism in the past? Not Belgians (Massacre in Kongo, Spain as it had a fascist government that supported Hitler's regime and sent troops to the eastern front?).
I have ALWAYS liked Ancelotti vut my respect for him.went WAY up
What we saw happening to Vini was simply Europe showing its true colors again.
These Valencia racists fans are earning a tiny faction of what Vinicius is earning . It makes them jealous so have no choice but to resort to calling others monkey when they are the real monkeys themselves

Spain, the Spaniards, and la liga are all a disgrace. This is common in that country… against everybody that is not Spaniard… most are like Franco
Unsurprising but very disappointing. Football hooligans really can be some of the most bigoted and hate filled people. Really sad to see our sport stained with these idiots even today
Respect to Carlo for standing up for his players. A really bad situation. I can see why JR was angry! A stadium chanting that is ridiculous. I’m glad Carlo corrected the journalist on the “stupid” comment.