Mañana es el cumpleaños de Tom y tenemos un montón de sorpresas esperándolo, ¡incluida la primera actuación de Little Dickie Mango! Además, nos acompañan Greg Warren y Heywood Banks para hablar sobre la mantequilla de maní y cantar canciones, respectivamente. ¡Y Jeff Oskay nos trae una edición especial de Lo que no mencionaste sobre la nueva casa de Tom! Suscríbete a nuestro canal de YouTube y mira el programa en vivo o bajo demanda. –
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Puedes comprar todas las camisetas oficiales de fútbol en futbolmania, la tienda de las mejores Camisetas de fútbol – Devolución gratis. Información de primera mano del primer equipo de fútbol del Barça. Noticias de Piqué, Ansu Fati, Pedri y todos tus jugadores favoritos.
Omg you guys.. Willie’s song was absolutely fantastic!
DUDESY! Told you goofs to hop on the Will Sasso train.
Does anyone else think Greg Warren is being considered as a replacement for someone when thay retire? He's a staff favorite & has been on the show alot lately. Josh came in kind of like that.
Here’s the truth. Men do have an advantage over women in playing chess, statistically speaking. Men occupy far more points on the more intelligent (and less intelligent) standard deviations of measured IQ. Women cluster more towards the middle. So statistically, there are more men who are measured more intelligent than women thus statistically, men have an advantage over women overall. Of course some women exceed some men in measured IQ however. This is a statistical matter, not subject to debate but it is also true that we assume intelligence equates with chess playing capability.
Bob and Tom performers are all influencers.
2:19:00 Heywood's glasses were pulled off of a puppet.
willie doing "little dicky mango" was brilliant!
I just wanna kno who chicken josh is
Is it time that Willie comes in every other day? Or chime occasionally like Pat? 23 year listener and the shows better than ever. Minus Willie
I think his name is Mike?
I thought Willie was kidding when he said Tom was 70.
Nothing is funnier than imagining Tom smashing his face into a lamp at his house while carrying three iced teas.
Willie Griswold sounds like the little thing with Jabba the Hutt when he laughs and it kills me
Loved the new song, Tom lives by a code
Kristi' blouse/top/shirt. looks great.
Who is Floyd? Mike Mark?
Gregs special was frigging hilarious
Fishin worms!!!!

Glad to see more comics on the show good job MR.TOM
In the 90s as a kid, couldn't hold it at a stadium or event place, and went into the men's bathroom instead of womens. There was a long (rectangular) Troth with ice about waist high up.
Who is building Tom's house? A 10th grade shop class?
Back listening after 30 year not hearing you on Radio after moving back to Utah. Im glad I found the Podcast.
I am lobbying for a Rodney Carington Tribute to Budweiser song.
See what you can do LOL.
willies laugh 33:00 33:19
I loved little Dickie
… and that jacket was 
The greatest radio show of all time. All others dont come close, none are even half as good.
Josh is like a good camel cigarette. No filter