Los aficionados del Real Madrid van al partido más importante del fútbol (fútbol) – El Clásico – CONTRA el Barcelona… IN, Barcelona. ‘¡No esperaba que fuera así!’ ¡Gracias por mirar! Dale me gusta, suscríbete, comparte si puedes
Sígueme en Instagram @bergennat
Música de Epidemic Sound ¡Pruébalo gratis aquí con mi código! :
Compra Camisetas de fútbol antiguas, replicas auténticas. Moda clásica. Todas las noticias sobre Fútbol publicadas en EL PAÍS. Información, novedades y última hora sobre Fútbol.
¡Hala Madrid y nada màs! Greetings from Philippines.
Proud Madridista always 

Hi Natasha!
Me and my brother went to see a game at Camp Nou a few years back when Zlatan Ibrahimovic played in Barca.
It was awesome! We sat at a much lower level than you guys, almost at one of the corner flagpoles.
I remember first time coming into the stadium seeing the field for the first time… So perfect flat. OMG!
Question: Why is your mask on your chin???

Isn't it supose to cover your mouth??? All the time???
Be safe
Good to see that a lot of people can be in a stadium at the same time and watch and experience a football match!
Hopefully that level of mass gathering can continue and not like the past winter where everything that was fun was cancelled!
Hi, that was brave. I support Glasgow Celtic. I couldn't see me at the Rangers end, how uncomfortable that would be. I dare not think what would happen if you cheered at the wrong moment.! Keep up the good vlog