Marruecos es el último equipo africano en la Copa del Mundo y busca llegar a los cuartos de final cuando se enfrente a España hoy en los octavos de final. En la primera Copa del Mundo de Oriente Medio, Marruecos representa la última oportunidad para un equipo de la región de levantar el trofeo este año. Sara Khairat de Al Jazeera informa desde Doha, Qatar. Suscríbete a nuestro canal: Síguenos en Twitter Encuéntranos en Facebook Consulta nuestro sitio web: Consulta nuestra página de Instagram: #Qatar2022 #2022WorldCup #MoroccoSpainMatch #Morocco #MAR #AtlasLions
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Love Marrokko…
I am Algerian and I am also for our Muslim brothers in Morocco, hope you win and make us all happy
الله يوفقكم واعلموا إن قلب كل عربي معكم وتذكروا ما قالت فرنسا والفرنساويين علي نبيكم محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم.
Not one mention as Africans even from the morrocans?
Arabs for Morroco, blacks for France!
Morocco will win against France
The first time Muslim nations and African inshallah will win the cups
What a pessimist translation
إن شاء الله سيخسر المغرب
is Morocco is the Middle East or Africa? Are they Arabs or Africans? How can they disregard as African winner as well. shame on them
Hopefully they won’t destroy the cities during the celebrations – as was the case in Brussel the last two wins. It was a great game and the best team won – congrats to The people of Morocco well deserved
Mubarak ho
Dont forget

Am ethiopyan but i support Portugal
bc African are not Arabic 

FACT! Morocco is an African team, why are you guys not saying that. Anyway from Africa we are behind Morocco
Free Palestine
Morocco's World Cup performance is such a big win for Muslim world, especially Indonesian fans.
I strongly agree with you mate.
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I am Turkish and I am also for our Muslim brothers Morocco just like millions of Turks. Go Morocco!

They reached the quarter finals Alhamdulillah. May Allah swt grant them success In sha Allah. Ameen
We re so proud of them
Muslim ,African and Arab nation
I pray for morocco’brothers

Maansha Allah , Alhamdulilah,Congratulations We love you Morocco
from Somaliland
ARABS Morocco is NOT arab POINT
Morocco should stop qualifying with African slots and the whole of North Africa, they should get there own MENA slots.
Morrocans are not just also Berbers..
Why are arab fans supporting us? We're not arab, some are just arabized and brainwashed throughout time. We're Amazigh no matter what a moroccan calls him or herself and therefore African in our blood and bones. The moroccan culture is literally the Amazigh culture, with some arabic influences but that's it. Shout out to all Africans, stay strong.
Seriously, Arab is not only about bombs, beating up women, dictatorships, radicalism, intolerance and corruption; sometimes they have good things too, such as winning at a football game.
By the muslim world they are celebrated!
muslim world are with morocco, we dont care about winning
If a European team's victory in a football match is glorified as a victory for Whites or Anglo Saxons will you call that as racism? Try to see a football game without regionalism and ethnic biases.