La Copa Mundial de Fútbol de 2022 en Qatar es muy controvertida. Las acusaciones van desde corrupción en la adjudicación del torneo a Qatar hasta duras críticas a la nación anfitriona por su historial de derechos humanos y sus emisiones de carbono de la Copa del Mundo. Incluso cuando comienza la Copa del Mundo, las críticas no han cesado. La decisión de celebrar el prestigioso evento deportivo en medio del desierto, en el pequeño estado del Golfo de Qatar, ha sido controvertida desde el principio. Los funcionarios de la FIFA están acusados de aceptar sobornos para otorgar los derechos de hospedaje a Qatar. Mientras tanto, el propio Qatar está acusado de explotar a cientos de miles de trabajadores migrantes para construir sus estadios de la Copa del Mundo. Luego están las enormes emisiones de carbono. El torneo se trasladó al invierno para evitar las temperaturas veraniegas de Qatar de más de 50 grados centígrados. Pero incluso en noviembre, los estadios necesitan un aire acondicionado significativo. La periodista Christa Hofmann muestra cómo el emirato musulmán conservador busca establecerse en el escenario mundial con megaeventos deportivos como la Copa del Mundo. Visitó los estadios recién construidos y habló con trabajadores migrantes, así como con funcionarios de Qatar, representantes de aficionados de la Copa Mundial y analistas de Qatar y Medio Oriente. #documental #dwdocumentary #qatar2022 #qatar ______ El documental DW le brinda conocimiento más allá de los titulares. Mira los mejores documentales de las emisoras alemanas y productoras internacionales. Conozca gente interesante, viaje a tierras lejanas, eche un vistazo detrás de las complejidades de la vida cotidiana y desarrolle una comprensión más profunda de los asuntos actuales y los eventos globales. Suscríbete y explora el mundo que te rodea con DW Documentary. Suscríbase a: ⮞ Documental de DW (inglés): ⮞ Documental de DW (español): ⮞ Documental de DW وثائقية دي دبليو (árabe): ⮞ Doku de DW (alemán): ⮞ Documental de DW हिन्दी (hindi): Para obtener más información, visite: Siga el documental de DW en Instagram: Siga DW Documental en Facebook: Le pedimos amablemente a los espectadores que lean y cumplan con la política de netiqueta de DW en nuestro canal:
Tu tienda especializada de Camisetas de fútbol retro y vintage Información de primera mano del primer equipo de fútbol del Barça. Noticias de Piqué, Ansu Fati, Pedri y todos tus jugadores favoritos.
After all those things western world is just really scared and trying to suppress any other continent getting importance around the world. They are trying soooooo hard to make a bad name for Qatar. Shame on western people.
Please Improve The Living Conditions For Migrant Workers….. Terrible State Of Affairs
Execellent Football Hosting…The Best World Cup I've Never Seen.Way To Go.
less world cup…..
more Qatar policies……
what a documentary
Many misinformations r there in this vedio. It's just an opinion of the content creators, not by talking qataris. And also try to tolerate others culture also. qatar Hosted for an everseen worldcup ever in the history.
Bet DW and the makers of this video feel stupid. Well done champions Argentina and Messi. Definitely well deserved. Thank you Qatar for the best world cup ever. Shame on BBC, Gary Lineker and other ignorant racist inbreds for their facist and Zionistic coverage of the venue
Qatar brought the world together. Germany wanted to bring the Gays together! lol
Shame on You biased and hypocrite media.
India is a 6th largest economic country and our leader has world class leadership and world has recognized it. Dont call India as poor country please in your video. Few of the world's richest person belongs to India and are Indian,
Thank you DW for your in-depth research and authentic presentation.
Germany sent Jews to Palestine, Germany killed Jews, why do Palestinians have to bear the sins of Germany? we want germany to collect back the jews and give them land to create isreal state in germany
Western Agenda Fake Propoganda Against Islamic Culture
Unfortunately, this lady is trying very hard to portray Qatar in a bad light. Her commentary is derogatory towards Qatar but she is disguising it as “knowledge”.
Great country and wonderful people!
The metro looked like I was in Dehli
Yet another propaganda video against middle east. The journalist clearly was trying to squeeze out negative sentiments from the migrant workers but failed at it miserably LOL. Then she brings rights of women and decision making which are nowhere related to the World Cup. Nobody gave her what she wanted to hear so she herself made up a script to spew poison against Qatar. She joins a fellow journalist from Germany. Birds of the same feather flock together. Go look into the mirror you'll see the atrocities your own countries have committed over thousands of years. Shame on your journalism. Qatar has been a great host and set a great example for the years to come.
Money money money and thieves
A question !!!!!!
Why, when a European or Western team wins, only its countrymen celebrate? But when Morocco reached the semi-finals of the World Cup, the Arab peoples celebrated in all their streets, without exception.
Answer: The religion of solidarity (Islam).
This is God's religion
This is everyone's religion
Join us…..
W o oil this place is nothing but hell on earth. They too lazy n stupid to do anything. Thanks for free labor n cheaper labor . U r very welcome
Arab Gulf countries got their wealth from their own natural GOD given , EU got Their wealth from stealing and killing other countries
Al Jaber engineering salary is delayed…

I live n what they call European countries so I don't have same life the citizen like only just I'm India immigrants in
so don't blame them it's world isn't fear that's all I said
while you are supporting the dictators in the middle east by selling them weapons and many other ways of financial and politic cooperation, for oil or gas, you come to talk about human rights just because Qatar refused to provide its free gas to Germany or any other county, what a hipocracy
I've seen a french politician condemn the amount of mosques in Doha!!!! did you buy us and we do not know?!!
This is OUR culture, OUR morals, we do not go to YOUR countries and break YOUR rules, who gave YOU the right to correct people's morals inside their OWN country, and refuse the other to do the same? YOU are NOT US, WE WILL NEVER BE YOU.
You are full of hatred never seen soo many lies in one program. Shame on you.
Sex outside marriage is illegal for man and Woman this woman just lied saying is illegal for woman only.
same issues are true and some issues mentioned are fake…typical media.
At least they are not pushed back into the sea like the European government treat the immigrants who try to go to Europe.
very informative
from a colored lens one sees things different.
for the west the word ( world ) means west, no more no less.
LGBT laws and not having children out of wedlock is an Islamic law and not a Qatari law. Let's not forget Qatar is a Muslim nation. Just because Westerners has compromise their religion, doesn't mean the rest of us should. There's No Compromise in Religion. Period! So happy that all the hypocrite western countries are out of the world cup.
Qataris are doing great in economy, they run world cup much better than anyone so far, and they didn't normalize with our masters who genocide and oppress the Palestinians everyday.
We feel bad because of all these things, and this is why we have to demonize those Qataris as much as we can. Like any country Qatar has many bad things, and we just need to over focus on them all the time in media.
At 27:48 minutes in the video the man touches his daughter or young wife's ass to tell her to go on.
No body, no worker, no stranger dead when they built stadiums in germany 2006, and also no reports about this evenment, QATAR is wonderful country and by the work, Qatar gave aid to the poor countries, we will see if you can do bad reports in Mexico, USA and Canada
I dont have an idea what kind of media is this? a secret intellegence or a spy something to make Qatae become negative to the world again.
What western slogans about mistreatment /Its sustainability of madness .. i have to spend crazy usd25 thousand to watch the final world cup match … however thats good for success & investment of qatar world cup.
In conclusion my points…I hv much respect to qatar and enoght of this western check /resentment/ jealousy & mostly journalism bullshit
What the hack & pretencious talking about sustainability … i hv to sell my second car & borrow from credit cards just to go there to watch world cup .. and why all those UK/european & usa consultants making tons of dollar for all the infras rather than complaining
It is sad to see the extent western Europeans are manipulated by media. You guys live in a dystopian post-modern world complex or something. Get out and SEE the world + people.
Now make a spotlite about your long SIN, Israel. Stealing the land of Palestine with openly kill many children and women. Just be human again. Dont let Hitler mistakes, blinds you guys
Women second-class citizens?!!
Who told you this?!
BS Documentry.
1. It just hurts your feelings and ego to see a Middle Eastern country thriving.
2. Why do you wanna impose your culture on other countries? Where do you get your morals from? Your own desires?
dw shows only one side negativity of qatars this very sad .i think qatar
is a developed an highly modern and civilized country betters then germony franc UK
why dont these moaning ones from western countries employ the migrant workers and pay them better wages? ffs they get paid decent money compared to what they would in their countries and that is why they decide to immigrate….when currency is converted to their local country it is a good amount…these western lot trying to teach human rights to other countries is beyond laughable, its pure jealousy nothing else, ignore & just march on!
Qatar uses slavery and routinely violates human rights. They kill people for being gay, and this documentary is disappointing. You should have expanded on their secret police and FIFA corruption. The dictatorship isn't even mentioned. Oh, the Amir of Qatar he modernized the country. WITH SLAVE LABOR! This whole documentary is advert for Qatar. How much did they pay you guys to betray your principles for neoliberal censorship of human rights abuses?
One of the best world cup host. Good job Qatar. West just can't take the fact that you have done better than them….
Holy cow!! 23 won my heart! Heart
Don't worry, those migrant workers are not human. They are forced labors. So no human rights for them! /sarcasm