Estados Unidos se enfrenta a Portugal por un lugar en la Copa Mundial de Rugby del próximo año en Francia. El partido fue épico con el juego llegando al último puntapié del juego. — Mire Rugby en vivo gratis – Únase a nuestro Discord – Comprima episodios de The Season Brisbane Boys College – RUGBYPASS MERCH – SUSCRÍBASE a Rugby Pass para videos diarios de rugby, entrevistas exclusivas, conferencias de prensa, momentos destacados, documentales originales, programas de chat semanales y mucho más más: — LISTAS DE REPRODUCCIÓN RECOMENDADAS: GUINNESS SIX NATIONS 2022 British & Irish Lions Tour 2021 RUGBYPASS FAN ZONE NOTICIAS DE RUGBY, CONFERENCIAS DE PRENSA, ENTREVISTAS Y REACCIÓN: PARTIDOS CLÁSICOS COMPLETOS Y DESTACADOS: THE ACADEMY S1, LEICESTER TIGERS – PLAYLIST: RUGBYPASS ORIGINALS – PLAYLIST : HOLD BACK THE RIVER – PLAYLIST: THE SEASON S1, ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE – PLAYLIST: THE SEASON S3, ST PATS SILVERSTREAM – PLAYLIST: THE SEASON S5, HAMILTON BOYS HIGH SCHOOL – PLAYLIST: THE SEASON S6, BRISBANE BOYS COLLEGE – PLAYLIST: — RugbyPass es el principal destino para los fanáticos del rugby en todo el mundo, con las mejores noticias, análisis, programas, resúmenes, podcasts, documentales, estadísticas de jugadores y partidos en vivo, blogs en vivo y, en algunos territorios, Transmisión en vivo de los mejores torneos de rugby del mundo, todo en HD. En 2017 y 2018, RugbyPass adquirió varias propiedades de rugby populares, incluidas Rugby Dump, Rugby Onslaught, Rugby365 y Fantasy Rugger, convirtiéndose en la red independiente de audiencia de rugby en inglés más grande del mundo. RugbyPass Network llega a decenas de millones de fanáticos del rugby a través de sus canales de redes sociales y millones de usuarios a través de sus sitios web. MIRA: episodios semanales de The Breakdown (NZ), The Aussie Rugby Show (AU), The Rugby Pod (Reino Unido), The Aotearoa Rugby Pod (NZ), The Breakdown & Offload. VISITE para obtener las mejores noticias, puntos de vista y entretenimiento del rugby local e internacional. — #Rugby #RugbyPass —
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Congratulations Portugal from Samoa

Enhorabuena Portugal, gran trabajo!!
Very sophisticated Rugby from Portugal! Hope they keep making these strides, exciting team to watch
The only amateur team in world cup, amazing!
Wow,, gents well done great game
It’s strange rugby is not a popular sport in the US…is its resemblance to football a good or a bad thing?
Congrats Portugal
defeated USA
This is like winning the world cup. These guys make us all proud. Have fun now lads, you deserve playing with the big teams.
So the winners go through, but it was a draw.
When the price for energy food, commodities and other goods and services rise the entire economy is affected.Rising price known as inflation
Parabéns Portugal!!
Fantastic for Portugal. It's so great to see some of the smaller rugby playing countries comi'g through.


Look it’s history now but the referee could have easily given ANOTHER penalty right under the posts for USA holding on after that missed drop kick. If Portugal had missed that last kick then the referee could have really messed things up for them by blowing too early.
Parabéns Portugal. Bienvenus pour la coupe du monde
Congrats Portugal!
USA, my team, congrats Portugal. I'm crushed but not surprised. How the U.S. has not improved while other countries had surpassed them by leaps and bounds is beyond me. We have the talent. I believe the coaching is lacking. We seem to just copy everybody else. The Whole U.S. kicking game is befuddling to say the least. Gary Gold is Mr. kick the ball away. Where is the inside ball? Where is the pick and go? Where is there any imagination? It's one out, one out, one out and box kick. One out, one out, one out and kick deep.
Can some one explain how portugal score a pen at 16-13 and they win? What am I missing here ?
Samuel "Lobo Alfa" Marques.
Grande Portugal!!!!!!
Saludos desde Chile
Félicitations au Portugal ! Et quels nerfs pour passer la dernière pénalité, chapeau !!!
The USA will be kicking themselves for this one.
Wales vs georgia loocky
Really impressed with the standard of play for Tier 2 nations. This is far more entertaining to watch than the top teams where the efficiency of defences has ruined the game as a spectacle.