¡GRAN ANUNCIO DE RONALDO! ¿Cristiano dejará el Manchester United en enero? ¿Que sigue? ¡Man Utd castiga a Ronaldo por actitud controvertida! Cristiano pretende rescindir su contrato de forma oficial y The Athletic El cuerpo técnico del Manchester United se mostró firme en sancionar severamente a Cristiano Ronaldo por el incidente ocurrido durante el choque del Tottenham, cuando el portugués decidió irse al vestuario antes del pitido final. Como castigo, Ronaldo se ha quedado fuera de la convocatoria para el próximo partido ante el Chelsea y entrenará de forma individual o con la Sub-23 hasta final de semana. En el contexto de este escándalo, The Athletic agregó que ten Hag quería sustituir a Ronaldo en el minuto 87, aunque este último se negó a unirse a la acción en el campo. Después de eso, Cristiano está aún más inclinado a rescindir el contrato con el Manchester United en enero. El periodista portugués Pedro Almeida difunde la misma información. ¡Continuaremos monitoreando de cerca la situación alrededor de CR7! #fútbol #soccer #ronaldo
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He should go play tfc with the Italians
Cr7 is retiring after world cup
Forever Ronaldo

Ronaldo is best player in world

ronaldo wont go to psg bcs he would be always on the bench there…
If Ronaldo joins PSG then it would be a beast trio with neymar messi and ronaldo
He walk like a lion.. cr7

Too old to be acting like a prime star .time to step down
Stop trying to steal Chelsea’s players (lol)
goood teamates are mean
Click bait
I hope messi puts his ago aside and forget about his rivalry with Cristiano and really asks and allows PSG's management to bring Cristiano to their squad. Let Mbappe go and bring Cristiano
Let's go
That’s must be skid row
Lets be honest. He is 37 and his game is in a massive decline. He is a legend but he is no longer the player he was. How many great players have we watched declined before they retire?
He his still the best in the world
Very sad stuff! Does anyone know who this guy is? Seems familiar.
Sporting lisbon cannot afford him
Tell dedog , he will retire on the bench .
Not a ronaldo or united Fan…. But it's sad how lots of people that called themselves ronaldo fans are throwing him away saying they play better without Ronaldo… BETTER???? You still playing crap.
the biggest clickbait channel = Football News
Where in the whole video did Ronaldo announce that he is leaving ManUtd? Just speculations. Click bait videos of this channel won't end.
The thumbnail for me
Something about man Chester uniteds coach scares he seems like a villian
MBAPPE has issues with MESSI and NEYMER being at PSG I can't IMAGINE the arrival of HAALAND.he'll die with BP
with THIS being said I think RONALDO and MESSI made the worst season transfers beacuse BOTH heroes HAVE issues NOW.
Tenn Hagg seem to be intent on building his name and reputation at ManU. Everything else is secondary. Ronaldo seem now to be principally, in Tenn Hagg's mind, a pawn; a big means of establishing his(Tenn Hagg's) reputation.Whatever Ronaldo does, it seems that this is going to continue to be the focus. The best thing Ronaldo can do now is to move to another club where he can make a big difference, inspire others and help them to win a trophy.Furthermore, Tenn Hagg seems to me to be a good, solid, workmanlike manager rather than an inspirer and motivator like Ole was. Ole, could and would lift players, club and spectators to heights almost unbelievable and cause players, far and near, to want to play for him.
What is the dark-power behind the clown ETH against Cristiano Ronaldo, it can not be only because of hate or because of leaving 4 min before. I’m convinced that there’s a dark agenda and they are using Cristiano Ronaldo to entertain the fans, so that they can implement or do something else with the club without objections, otherwise it doesn’t makes sense the whole injustice with Ronaldo and also to damage the reputation of the club by themselves. #RESPECTRONALDO#FREERONALDO
Ronaldo must leave after the World Cup, regardless of how well or bad MU is doing. The toxicity at MU is stifling. Also, the incompatibility and mutual lack of respect is apparent between him and Ten Hag.
Its surprising that messi got the player of the month for psg and not mbappe. I thought all awards will be mbappe's
CR7 didn’t need to come to Manu because Manu total shit shit shit at the time. He came out of loyalty to the club and fans. But the disrespect he has been getting from Day 1 has led to him walking out on 90th min. Oh no how terrible how disrespectful how this that blah blah blah from everyone including fans. He must be so heartbroken wasting his love time and money coming to an ungrateful American sale out Manchester United.
Good let him leave we have had enough of the rotten apples in our locker room the past seasons we don’t need another one who think he can stir up the ship by testing the authority of the coach and his staff, he tries the same crap at Juventus with Sarri throwing a tantrum because he was substituted.. Pelligrini let him go during his era.. good riddance.
I won't say Renaldo can't perform I will say that the coach don't know how to use him right
Ronaldo has done well especially for himself. He must just accept that his game is a lot slower than it used to be . There is not much left in the tank . He must be the big guy to accept it . If anything I will be a happier man without Ronaldo in this current squad. The younger players feel obliged to passing the ball to him even when they are in better position to shoot because his presence overshadows them . I personal feel it’s time to part ways….
Why manchester
a legend footballer this early century but very snobbish and non respectful ending his career this way.
Many admires his perseverance and enthusiam in trying so hard to continue his legend by giving goals. however, its not happening and fans pardon him given his age…
what he had done and how he had been reacting to MU team is not acceptable. Not about TenH but a team player, long time ballon D'Or award winner, professional player showing such unacceptable behaviour… it's sad to see how he fails to manage his emotions n continues his name
When you sign a lucrative contract with Manchester United you really should honour it that's called responsibility and respect something Ronaldo knows absolutely nothing about
The only person doing the disrespecting is Ronaldo no pre season tour and walking away from the fan's the club and the manager and getting 500k a week for being a total arsehole
I'm glad Ronaldo walked off eth is a cunt for treating him like this he could of at least played him for the season we will finish higher in the epl if Ronaldo starts…. why hav the best player in the world sit on the bench Ronaldo should refuse to play and also he should join man city just to say a big fuck you to UNT and I'm a UNT fan
if he joins psg it would break the internet
Pl STOOOP associating MAGICAL GOD'S GIFT MESSI to REFFadrid PENALD0, Corrupt EU MadREFFS, REFFS gift PENALDO, record penalties, 2 to 3 penalties oer games some times, record offside goals, record dives, record fouls unpunished entire MadREFF team, Pepe, Ramos. Don't believe me, look at the Ballon Dors set up for PENALDO ex teammates at MadREFFS Modric, Benzama, as if Corrupt MadREFFS saying to PENALD0, your Ballons were REFFS bought, MadREFFS bought REFFS, 3 CL on a row, 6 Ballons..
Just think..
I hope that Messi doesn't go with what's poor Ronaldo going from,I'm so sad for Ronaldo,even tho I'm Ronaldo fan I hope maasi doesn't go through this.
So ture bro complete disrespect.
Is not leaving …bait click
"All progress takes place outside the comfort zone." __Michael John Bobak
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." __Steve Jobs
i hope he joins psg LOl just wanna see messi and ronaldo in the same team
Thanx for All… Plz RETIRE…