Un conductor que dirigió a la policía en una persecución salvaje en la autopista 110 de California hacia el puerto de Los Ángeles está muerto. El hombre subió a una grúa y se desnudó antes de saltar, o caer, 160 pies hasta su muerte. Informes de Tom Wait de KCBS. Suscríbase al canal «CBSN» AQUÍ: Vea «CBSN» en vivo AQUÍ: Siga a «CBSN» en Instagram AQUÍ: Me gusta «CBSN» en Facebook AQUÍ: Siga a «CBSN» en Twitter AQUÍ: Obtenga las últimas noticias y lo mejor en reportajes originales de CBS News entregado a su bandeja de entrada. Suscríbase a los boletines AQUÍ: ¡Obtenga sus noticias sobre la marcha! Descargue las aplicaciones móviles de CBS News AQUÍ: obtenga nuevos episodios de los programas que le encantan en todos los dispositivos al día siguiente, transmita noticias locales en vivo y vea temporadas completas de los favoritos de los fanáticos de CBS en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar con CBS All Access. ¡Pruébalo gratis! — CBSN es la primera red de transmisión de noticias digital que permitirá a los consumidores conectados a Internet ver cobertura de noticias anclada en vivo en su televisor conectado y otros dispositivos. En el momento del lanzamiento, la red está disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana y hace que todos los recursos de CBS News estén disponibles directamente en plataformas digitales con cobertura en vivo y anclada 15 horas cada día de la semana. CBSN. Siempre encendido.
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"The criminal". Was he judged already?
Good riddance. Waste of life.
Lemme save you all the trouble of watching this entire video, you're here for 1:15
…Another Happy Ending Folks! ….and Now For The Weather.
Isn't this that area in GTA5 with the containers
He was pushed
"The guy seems to be looking for an escape route…" No, actually he was looking for a hot dog vendor. Drrrrr
I wonder if they saw the episode of Family Matters where Steve Urkel got hypnotized, where Steve talked to the psychiatrist about the psychiatrist's thoughts of nude skydiving, and figured that's how they wanted to go out.
He was pushed.
Very good. He went out with a splat
This is literally straight out of GTA V. I distinctly remember you can climb and fall off a crab landing on a ship dead
This naked guy stumbled for a long time. Cops could have got him on time
He was just topless. Sort it out, CBS News Digital content owner!!!
good. like we dont have enough crazy ppl in the world, like we need naked 1s driving crazy too. the world is a better safer place alrdy LMAO
The driver ( socal criminal ) either jumps OR falls to his death !! And no explaining !? I have to say I'm absolutely except the story ?! ahaaaah , I don't know about you

He’s not naked
It literally looks like the port from GTA
Did he died
Oh, he didn't land on the ship.
I just realised this guy was a gta character and I’m an NPC
Gravity was his personal truth. As is universal for everyone+Einstein. Because If he had the flee/fly/flew gender pronouns he prefered people to call him, mandated by law with penalties of imprisonment and death, he would have survived, and landed like an LGBTQ+ butterfly. With a screen printed T' that simply said: "PHAGG". But spelled the uncensored way. With the "OT".
Mans played too much GTA 5
he used his gta experience and thought how difficult it is for the cops to follow you on some buildings
These videos are just like all those television police shows like cops, or live P.D. It's all scripted, with the purpose of fooling its viewers. Also know as PROPAGANDA!!!
Naked = No harness.
In case anyone was wondering
Umm I didn't know my GTA character made the news
This is like a GTA death when you get 6 stars and realize it's over.
Maybe you should show him falling so kids get a sense of what actually happens when you do stupid stuff