La campaña de secuestros de la Alemania nazi | Documental DW

Por órdenes de Heinrich Himmler, los nazis secuestraron a niños de Polonia para forzarlos a germanizarlos. Hermann Lüdeking, Jozef Sowa y Alodia Witaszek nunca se conocieron, pero compartieron el mismo destino. Las lágrimas todavía acuden a los ojos de Jozef Sowa cuando habla de su vida. Sus padres fueron asesinados por soldados de la Wehrmacht en Polonia en 1943, y él y sus cuatro hermanos fueron llevados a Alemania. Cuatro de ellos lograron regresar a Polonia. Pero su hermana menor, Janina, fue dada en adopción, supuestamente como una niña alemana. Ella todavía vive en Alemania hoy. Este secuestro fue planeado. En 1941, Himmler, que dirigía las SS nazis, dio la orden de «reunir a los niños pequeños de familias polacas que fueran especialmente aptos desde el punto de vista racial y que los criáramos en jardines de infancia y hogares infantiles especiales de tamaño modesto». La profesora Isabel Heinemann explica: «Al hacerlo, pretendía construir la raza alemana». Durante años, el historiador ha estado investigando el destino de los aproximadamente 50 mil niños en Europa que fueron secuestrados. El grupo más numeroso proviene de Polonia. Sin sus padres biológicos para protegerlos, los niños fueron entregados a familias alemanas por la «Oficina Principal de Raza y Reasentamiento de las SS». Sus nombres y fechas de nacimiento fueron cambiados para ocultar su verdadera identidad. Después de que terminó la guerra, aquellos cuyos orígenes se podían rastrear regresaron a sus países de origen. Pero sus países de origen a menudo se habían vuelto extraños para ellos y ser señalados como un «niño de Hitler» alemán dificultó la reintegración. Los responsables del secuestro nunca fueron llevados ante la justicia. ————————————————– —————— DW Documentary le brinda conocimiento más allá de los titulares. Mire documentales de primera clase de emisoras alemanas y productoras internacionales. Conozca gente interesante, viaje a tierras lejanas, eche un vistazo detrás de las complejidades de la vida cotidiana y desarrolle una comprensión más profunda de los asuntos actuales y los eventos globales. Suscríbete y explora el mundo que te rodea con DW Documentary. Suscríbete a: Documental de DW: Documental de DW (español): Documental de DW وثائقية دي دبليو: (Árabe): Para obtener más información, visita: Instagram: Facebook: Política de netiqueta de DW:

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39 comentarios en “La campaña de secuestros de la Alemania nazi | Documental DW

  1. I am surprised there’s no document on the taken children like where they came from, parents name, etc.. Germans are known to keep very detail records.

  2. Oh? Seems today USA is very much like Nazi, Germany. How? Well, where did all of the Mexican children go? Or rather disappear to? They are all gone without any traces. Last I seen really rich guys who own hotels where I love mice were allowed to house Mexican children who came in on buses to our town in USA. And I heard that a lot of buses went to Erie, Pennsylvania where Nick Scott wealthy Erie guy housed the children in the Play Park in Summit Township, which is a county of Erie, Pennsylvania? They host soccer games at this place I am told? Nevertheless, they had the children there in cages & then months later moved them & they haven’t been in the news ever since. Where did all of the Mexican children go? The U.S. government has kidnapped them from their parents & offered the Mexican parents like $25,000 for their children too 😳

    Also, after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, U.S. Government stole Japanese American Children, whom thousands of them ALSO disappeared and/or got separated when U.S. government put their parents, Japanese-Americans mind you, all in internment camps. 😳 Just like the Nazi’s did to the German Jews when German Jewish citizens went to England and told England how they could defeat the Nazi’s. That js why Hitler began rounding up the German Jews in the 1st place. Because it is considered treason to go to other nations and tell them how to defeat your own nation. Just an fyi. USA did that to the Japanese-Americans which I conflate that event to the rounding up of German Jews. It’s the same thing.

  3. As a Jewish American Holocaust survivor descendant, I am currently learning the German language on Duolingo and I would love to consider moving to Germany one day where I made some really really genuine kind non-Jewish online friends from Hamburg. The part about every country has really good people and really bad people is so deeply true it tears me. I love my German friends group so much. I adore them.

    They allowed me to speak to their group about my grandparents story and they listened with such human respect, the head of the group translated it into German so the others could understand. They also help me with ideas and understand mental health stress. In our group (I call it our group but it’s me + one girl from the Balkans and most the rest from Hamburg in Germany) on video gatherings everyone holds onto their favorite comfort object … a quilt, favorite stuffed animal, a loved possession, then we all go live video together and vent anyone to anyone about anything.

  4. A German named Merlin who was former military said he'd come into information that the volunteers at the buildings of the society in the photo sent to your other social media (the society is like an octopus and keeps opening new buildings) were sex offenders who were grooming children to be gestapo/nazis, and since no one would protect the children of Deutsche,
    Polski, und Juden, they had to do this themselves. Is there basis to this and what can you do for the children?

  5. They do not tell the whole story, the Poles constantly violated the German borders in Prussia, those same borders that the allies delimited at the end of the first world war, and not only violated the German borders but also began the murders of entire families of German origin, They took them out of their homes, insulted them, beat them and killed them for racial cleansing, that is well documented and Steven Spielberg has never made a movie about it, Hitler himself in one of his speeches, threatened Poland: "the murders of German civilians have to stop, Poland insists on continuing to violate Germany's borders, they leave me no choice but to use violence against violence…"

  6. I was wondering if any of these children have done DNA testing. A DNA database of all these kidnapped might be interesting to see where the other relatives might live now and how they fit into the children's family trees.

  7. Hmmmmm
    Wonder who was behind all the children who went missing all over the US? When I would hear about all these children being kidnapped something inside me told me that their couldnt be that many 'random' people who could steal someone elses child. Everytime a story on the news reported a child disappearing I got that same 'gut' feeling.

  8. Basically world war II was the Advent of mechanized warfare and right at the point where centuries of countries warring against each other suddenly are getting their first real sight in the modern day of what other nations are rising to be and I think there was a fear of that last understanding that we have an understanding of now with the internet and the ability to view things on all sides of the world people can talk to others in Russia and China and wherever so there's a lot more transparency and we understand that even though we speak different languages by and large most people just want to live their lives peacefully but yes Hitler played upon the fears that were prevalent those fears may have been a real thing but it was still total puppetry and manipulation to say the least
    II believe we have entered into discourse about what has happened here and I have been taught that in my class here in America I understand the impact of it and I don't diminish the need to teach the history so as to not repeat it but something such as world war II aka the Holocaust it takes a lot to obscure such a thing as this I don't think anyone has the individual capability of ever silencing the truth about the great war
    And how it set in motion the changes and advancement we are now come to enjoy

  9. Sending Love and Hugs to these innocent adult children, who had nothing to do with what the nazi’s did to them. putin is doing the same to Ukrainian children right now. I am sending what little I can to Ukraine. Please help the Ukrainian people fight for their freedom💙💛❤️

  10. And to think today as I comment Russia is doing this same thing to Ukrainian people and chinese to their Muslim population and its 2022 nothing has changed only the names and origins of the monsters committing the crimes it's all horrible I wish we could all exist happily doing and believing what makes us happy we have learned nothing in 80 years these stories will be told again but by different folks it's so sad

  11. Learning about this history is so important but it feels as though it’s treated as a one time thing. This stuff is still going on. Children being abducted and indoctrinated. We need to apply what we have learned about the past to fixing the ongoing issues we have now 🙁
    I truly hope things can improve, if not for us, for the little ones coming into the world.

  12. Oh my God, this first story was so heartbreaking and terrifying. I still can't understand how this happened and how it was allowed. It's unbelievable that so many people turned a blind eye to the horrors that the nazis did. I hope they rot in hell

  13. In Germany of today the State- Offices for Children Care act like Nazis ; and steal normal Families Children !
    They can come to Your house and take Children and bring them to childrens-home or sometimes to (violent) "new" parents!
    As a german citizen; iam ashamed of my fascist country; and i will leave it so fast i can with my mexican wife and children as soon as possible!!!

  14. Sad and complicated. We must understand, that as a people we are all connected, racially, ethnically, linguistically and culturally.
    These are not a means for separation, rather adds colour to a beautiful world, like different flowers, of distinct colour and fragrance

  15. It makes my heart sank they would kill a pregnant mother and kill their father. It makes me uneased because thought Nazi itself could be married and his own wife pregnant going home after he slaughter parents and killed pregnant woman. I know Nazi no doubt had families too, I still can't believe this what happens because sounds like horror tale of tragedies that keep you up all night.

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