Un video exclusivo de CBS 8 News muestra al oficial de CHP esposando al bombero en la escena del accidente. En el fondo, se puede ver a otros equipos de bomberos y oficiales atendiendo a las víctimas del accidente de vuelco en Chula Vista, CA.
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Fuck the police
F.D's and E.M.T's are allowed to block traffic.These are life emergencies. Dumb ass Cops.
Lmao police telling fire they parked bad, that’s the pot calling the kettle black
Cops…they represent themselves …..
Firefighters swear to an oath to protect property and people. Cops only promise each other that they will protect their benefits. Who do you want in your life? Who do you want telling your kids what is good and bad? Who do you want as somebody that represents the spirit of the law and all the people? Who do you want to judge you? A cop that has a clip that will empty in a matter of a second or would you want somebody to protect the spirit of the law and life liberty and justice for all?
How can you safely do anything if all you can do is put people in handcuffs or pull a gun on them and threaten to kill them? It has nothing to do with safety and it has nothing to do with helping anybody that is in need of help. What they need to do is set up some bank robberies like cops do in Las vegas. That will get their rocks off, just go rob a bank or a casino, you got all the equipment
these cops will park on the sidewalk and stop their car anywhere they want as long as it impedes traffic and they can make people do something that they didn't want to do. That is a whole point of them waking up and going to work
Perhaps maybe the person driving the car was related to one of the officers and they needed to take over the scene you know. There's no emergency unless a cop tells you there's an emergency and if there's an emergency, he has a gun
Firefighters are supposed to control the officers to let them know where their assistance is needed . They are not God nor are they competent to tell everybody how to do their job, they can't even do their job without screwing up.
The cop vs firefighter softball game that year is gonna be intense.
Welcome to the land of opportunity
Dirty rat incompetent cops are inundating our society and this needs to stop jeezus
Actually learned this in college in my sensation and perception course, angled parking is actually supposed to be standard protocol (though many don't follow it) for both firefighters AND police as a part of perception psychology so it is easily and immediately clear to other drivers that the vehicle is not moving and is parked. It is also done to provide more of a barrier and protect the fire fighters, citizens, and officers who are on the road at that time. There's even a specific name for it, though I can't remember it and can't seem to find it.
No this is not ok he should not be getting arrested not ok
Police are most focused on one thing: we control we are in charge you do what I say
Shame on this officer..
The villains arresting real life heros
I do hope that asshole cop has his house burn down.
I woulda gave that pig
the DDT or Jack hammer
This is exactly why we need to defund the police. Fire fighters out here saving lives and these lazy ass pigs just eating donuts in their cars. Stupid pig had his ego hurt and had to cuff a first responder in the middle of an emergency. Stupid fucking pig should be charged with interferring with a first responder trying to do their duties. Stupid good for nothing pigs
The cop should be arrested for interfering while a fire fighter is doing his job . The cop is a jerk
Well ca is a communist run state so pretty much make since
Piece of
When stupid cops really are in action, this is what happens. protection of life is always the first step in rescue. Specially the life of the first responder. If the cop thinks that the vehicle of the responder is obstructibg the traffic, he could first help assist the traffic until they are able to finish their rescue. Life saving first stupid cop. That shows how stupid is this cop.
It is obvious tests to become a cop is not difficult enough or doesn't test logical reasoning. The way firefighters park their truck is to protect the public, themselves, and cops while working on scene. They are no danger to the cars reasoning is they have emergency lights going that traffic could see to slow down way ahead. So cops just have no ability to reason.