¡¡Encontré un BALÓN DE FÚTBOL que perdí HACE 9 AÑOS!!

¡Así que encontré la pelota que obtuve de mi antiguo equipo de fútbol años después! INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: MÁS: ¡Encontrar un balón de fútbol muchos años después! Kieran Brown.

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31 comentarios en “¡¡Encontré un BALÓN DE FÚTBOL que perdí HACE 9 AÑOS!!

  1. Couple of people seem to be thinking this video is fake. You can clearly see by the state of the ball that it has been outside for many years and it might look abit strange that it had been sitting behind the hedge for so many years, but I honestly didn't even know it was there until like 2 days ago, bare in mind the hedges have recently been cut back so that may have helped keep it hidden! – But over awesome reposes to this vid so far, appreciate that! 🙂

  2. GOD ALMIGHTY Loves you all give your life to JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY Before it’s to late and live for GOD ALMIGHTY NOT FOR THE WORLD. GOD ALMIGHTY bless you my friends

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