BUCKET LIST IS BACK! Bungee jumping, feeding elephants, paragliding, chilling with penguins and rhino rescue… South Africa has it all!
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Comment: That’s happy.
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Pound it ?? Noggin ??
– Dude Perfect
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Lot of pressure on Ty to not miss that Rhino. Awesome job
Rhino 911
I have always wanted to do the Alaska trip and I hope one day to be able to go and see the same things they saw, we have so few truly beautiful things, keep them!!!!!!
So the question is, what do they do with the horns after they trim them? Sell them? Cuz that would be the same no?
Cameramen need more credit for the stuff they do
oten haters
In the shark bit, I find it funny that they find 18 degrees Celsius cold, that's what it's like in Canada at the start if summer
I live in SA fun fact pilaansberg is known for there dedly elephants
29:13 There is this lake that i go to and it has 2 degrees Celsius water
Bro the camera crew of dp is top notch I watched this like a reality show
That is awesome
Some of these shots are planet earth worthy
WHAT? The camera crew is amazing
Y’all should do like a scuba diving bucket list or spear fishing
I know this is a year late but I’m curious once you cut off the horn of the rhino does that affect how well they can defend themselves
Fxhgv nfd jfcy
9:31 best 5 seconds of the video
OK those are all impressive but the camera guy have to do almost every single one that involves someone having to stand there and take the video
2:37 Run Cody!!!!
I luve in south africa in the north west in protoria
I'm coming December before and maybe on my birthday
Remember To Pray Before Eating And Drinking. Spread The Gospel.
where is the leopard farm?
Lets hear it for south africa… N one more time for Duke perfect
I am from India
hello dude i live in south africa and im so proud that you made it thank u so much im a huge fan of you guys
I came here to show love to the absolutely phenomenal camera work dude perfect you have the best camera crew on YouTube keep those legends close by
Tomorrow I am moving to Angola, which is in the southern part of Africa, so these adventure now seem a lot closer to reality!
Back to here because rocket model battle 3. So we all already know Who's going to space wih BUCKET LIST NASA
Those rinos probably think the got abducted by aliens
You have lucky day ???
How much did this all cost
I am south African
I live in south Africa ??
cody saying I don't have to do this had my dead ??
I am from South Africa ??
Dude perfect go to hong kong
Save the rhinos
I am South African and I really hope you come again soon. Best VIDEO ever.
Did anyone notice that the flippers we’re back now they are yellow
You know I really appreciate that even though the dude perfect dudes are doing crazy things like going down a very tall mountains but the video crew has to do those things with them to get the shots so that we can see what happens in that POV
Do not want what belongs to others.” But all of these are summed up in the command that says, “Love others as much as you love yourself.” – Rhino's horn
14:29 This is helicopter rhino dart shot
So awesome we love the work
Ty: 'Nasa said that we can…'
Me: 'We can what?'. I need to know!!!!
Bruh I live in S.A. I live in Durban