Arjen Robben scored many amazing and important goals for FC Bayern. On the occasion of his 35th birthday we compiled the best ones. We wish you all the best Arjen!
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Dakika 1.08 eyşanı görünce Bi değişik hissettim
vs. Fiorentina ?
"Zuschauer von Sport1 schauen sich dieses Video auch an" War ja klar.
Alter, mir ist so ein Schreck gekommen bei dem Anblick dieses Thumbnail. Richtig unnachsichtig von euch. Bah.
if Messi wouldn't exist I probably will take robben for my dribbling master head
great robben in beuatiful football
Arjen Robben is one of the best wingers in football history!
if you have to be a one trick pony and yet conquer the world…wathc him !
..i am not disrespecting him…it's just that he was so good at these curlers from edge of the box!
That volley at Old Trafford KILLED me for the next few weeks (I was 16 and I'm a United fan since 2006..)
zenitsu do futebol
Kann mir nicht vorstellen dass Bayern einen solchen Weltklassespieler mit einer solchen positiven Ausstrahlung jemals wieder bekommt.
1:33 Klopp was like "yeah.. nothing we can do there"
I think Robben would have done amazing at United during the 00s.
alle haben ihn gehasst…. mein 11 jähriges ich war der einzige von Freunde/Verwandte der ein Robben trikot trug
He had a magical left foot
what a maestro on the pitch. Got to see him live at the Bernabeu once (when he still had just a bit of hair), he was on a different level
1:46 ไหว้เหมือนคนไทย
Com certeza vai ter algum gol dele cortando pra direita e chutando de esquerda
a very rare "Game changer" player.
As good as Messi and Ronaldo .No question
gelmiş geçmiş en iyi sol ayaklardan biri
up next, his most bizarre dives
"It's here Nederland, the dutch brave warrior."
Дай Бог тебе здоровья мастер!
Дай Бог тебе здоровья мастер!
o son golü fena sokmuş
Krass das bei jedem Tor Müller schon dabei war
He like add.Adidas.F.10
Sou fã
All time fav
the fact that ribery trust him to put a ball on his foot outside of the 16 says it all
My favourite player in the world
Ich muss jetzt noch lachen, wie Subotic auf die Knie geht, bevor Robben trifft.
Better than Salah ?
hagan un top de sus mejores clavados que provocaron penales ?
Was ein Kicker!