Jaina Proudmoore is no stranger to making difficult decisions. In this animated short, the choices of her past continue to influence her future.
Directed by Doug Gregory
Art and Illustration by Laurel Austin, Vasili Zorin, Jonathan Fletcher, and Yewon Park
Written by Robert Brooks
Music Composed by Logan Laflotte
Pre-purchase World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth to take your stand:
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This was the flame on the candle flickering before it went out. Nothing in Warcraft has made me feel emotion since this.
The Jaina we were promised here was not the one we were given in BFA.
Still, the art and music team showed their excellence once again.
Nice music Acree.?
One of the last great moments
Love the song hate the character.
good thankzz
the horde show no honor that day
Hands down the BEST thing to come out of BFA.
the sea shanty before the memes
Jaina did nothing wrong.
This makes me cry every time.
One of the only good things that came out of BfA in terms of story
It gives me goosebumps to imagine the Admiral in his final moments thinking "Jaina will not forgive this" in spite of her pacifism
Laura Freaking Bailey!
The GOAT voice actress!!
maybe WOW is not that game like befor … but still has the best cinematics and music … like RIOT ..
Why isn't Laura Bailey credited in this video for her perfect vocals? Oh right, it's Blizzard
Это же гимн Бурятии
cant believe its been 4 years since this video came out. One of my fav wow cinematics ever.
Arthas did nothing wrong
leaving Azeroth wasnt the hard part, disconnecting myself from its story was.
His words carried upon the ocean breeze and then WoW died
Still gives me chills when listening to it <3
Daelin Proudmoore did nothing wrong. And she should carry that shame for doing her own father dirty.
Молодец молодец только заткнись. Твой батя хотел замочить Тралла, но он хороший патаму патаму шта тот красный орк злёй. И?
LITERAL C H I L L…. 1:22
Sometimes your caress of the sea will cost you more than you'd like.
One of the best songs from WOW, Ever….
This and the "Dragons" cinematics may be Blizzards' best work.
This music touches deep in my body, mind, soul, spirit, and entity.
Did jaina’s magic flying boat come up again after undercity?
If only it said 'Child of the sea' then it would fit Percy Jackson so well
Still gives me chills to this day…