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American tourist + Japanese game show = big trouble in little Tokyo. Aired 12/10/94
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This was before you pricks at SNL went woke, political and pushed out propaganda that would make the CCP blush.
but they fired shane gillis lol
So… other than Farley (he for other reasons) , These people will all never work again, right? They pretended to be someone of another nationality / race / culture / whatever… (Myers’s was even squinting)
You kill a person here and there due to complete negligence, you should get another chance. But, “Cultural Appropriation”… Great Scott!! What will become of us if we let this go on?
Alec Baldwin and Janeane Garofalo must be so ashamed of this disgraceful cultural appropriation. Do they get fired from everything now? Asking for a friend.
This genius.
“Mary! Call the American Embassy!” Gets me every time. He sounds so scared lol
Subtitles pleaseeee
Janeane is such a doll face.
Alec Baldwin speaks good japanese also, the hostess. not sure what her name is. Does anyone know who the Hostess is? i'm thinking Joan Allen, but not too sure.
Being that SNL has only 4 days to put together all of the skits in each episode, this is crazy impressive
Remember you can always choose dinghies ??
I do my best. Don’t appreciate the battered approach ???
Sorry guys I don’t speak criminal
Podsmash: they were hoping I’d go the first nations of Ryan route. Domoyo Domoyo
And yes I AM McCarthy.
someone said that I don’t know that I am the funny American? put them on a list.
Great skits! Too bad Generation Z would get offended if this was aired today.
Isn't anyone going to pretend to be filled with rage that white Americans are playing Japanese roles or that they're reinforcing "racist stereotypes" or any of that shit?! ???
Any chance to somebody with fluency can translate the entire show? Best episode ever.
So they just have that set up in the back room at SNL
They edited the best part of this skit.
You know… when Baldwin pulls out a gun and kills everyone.
Chris Farley was the epiphany of comedy
This is so racially offensive The days of racist still the same to the 2022
I see, Austin Powers was undercover for this, looking to score with that hot fembot to his left.
This skit would never be allowed to air today. They appropriation of the Japanese character would be an inherent "trigger". Almost as bad as bugs bunny. Sad, but true!
Heyday of SNL 'n skit comedy