Matthew McConaughey, Hugh Grant, and Charlie Hunnam challenge each other’s knowledge of Texan, British, and Geordie slang. From «bless your heart» to «dishy,» ‘The Gentlemen’ stars explain the slang of their homelands.
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Matthew McConaughey, Hugh Grant, & Charlie Hunnam Teach You Texan and English Slang | Vanity Fair
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“Shittin in tall cotton” is the phrase, and it does mean being in a good situation.
Cornfed is for a buxom gal
Bless your heart isn’t a compliment….
Charlie likes his women thicc.
Hello, to my fellow non native English speakers who just watched a bunch of guys throwing around random words of whose existence you’ve had no clue up to this point?
'Roadman is OUT MAKIN PEAS.'
so, you can't be a "looker" if you are a big girl?
"I've colly-wobbled me punts' dead ??? also if there's ever a David Attenborough biopic Hugh HAS to play him
There was like 3 Texas phrases
I’m a native Texan and I’ve never used “howdy” to greet anyone. I’m also not a white good ol boy so that has something to do with it I’m sure ?
"Dad gum dad gum dad gum"
– Mater
Collywobbles in Australia is a nickname for the AFL Collingwood team hah.
Weird hearing two Brits and an American say it.
"Peas" – It's "P's" for paper lmao
using gaffer in south africa wil land you in jail
I thought Charlie Hunnam was Tom Hardy at first but accent wasn't quite right, then I realized who it was when I looked at the title. White people all look the same.
Bless your heart said by southern ladies doesn't just likely mean you're having a tough time, it probably means you're having a tough time using your noggin ?
Being southern bless hour heart has a few endearment as they said or being a proper bapist, the nice way of saying screw you..with a smile ofc lol tall cotton means doing well since Matthew didn't seem to know that one lol
Omg Hugh Grant is aging (in agood way). I’ve been watching all his romcoms over and over again since 2000s highschool days. ? I FEEL SO ANCIENT YEARS OLD. ?
8:09 HG missed an opportunity to point out that the Swedish 'näbb' means 'beak' and so 'nebby' probably also has Nordic origins.
I was entertained.
In Ga. We use “bless your heart” when someone does something stupid too. ? I am sure other southern states use it that way too.
Geordie and Texan are such awesome accents ? hope everyone is having a good weekend.
As a brazillian I might say that this kinda videos are extremelly instructive!
So in Ohio we don’t say “dad gawn”. We say something like “daggone”, similar to “doggone”.
Rolex y cartier ok
Ioo maciu ok macomery ok qur te dije yo ocho ok marzo yo h y m es mida perfu x igual a tanto golondrina ok años noticias almudens spsiñ.cyl sabe lo de la bañeza na ok.ya dije algi medesahogo msyo ok mesa. Vuelvo unicef así sea. sim.
Tell us the meaning of the word "banjax."
Born and raised Texan and I've never heard the "In Tall Cotton" Slang.
Repent to Jesus Christ
“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”
Colossians 4:2 NIV
I once tried to teach a New York fella how to say howdy and y'all. it was hilarious.
Loved the movie and love all three of y’all! I live in Texas so this was fun to watch!
This constant "beep" is so ridiculous. What kind of problem do you Anglo-Saxons have? When it comes to depictions of violence in films, you're not so squeamish either.
Northern English has plenty of Swedish/Scandinavian ancestry in it:
Wor – Vår – "our"
Clarts – Kladdig – "dirty"
Bairn – Barn – "child"
Nebby – Näbbig – "cheeky"
Hugh talking cockney is like an American trying to sound English, lol
A list acting
matthew looks smaller sitting next to these two…. I though he was a big football kind of man. I saw Hugh once on the street and he is not tall and at the time, he was quite slender.
In east Tennessee we say "Hidey" like Cab Calloway. My dad would say it 3 times whenever entering a relative's house.
Can we all just take a very long moment to adore Charlie? I mean the perfection…. JESUS!! ?
Illuminati 3