Fans voted in numbers on Twitter to have their favourite World Cup matches streamed on YouTube. Now, it’s time to enjoy these classic games with fans across the globe.
We’ve got an eventful South Africa 2010 encounter in store that saw plenty of goals, a famous call by the referee and two rivals locking horns: Germany v England in the Round of 16!
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대한민국?? 축구협회
HDC 현대산업개발 IPARK 정몽규?
부천약대주공 재건축 40개 동 조합원 1034세대 추가부담금 1368억 발생시킴 왜 1368억이 발생 된건지 근거를 제시해봐?
단지 내 설계대로 공사를 안해 도로폭이 좁아져 준공과 등기가 늦게나며 조합원께 어마 어마한 피해를 입혔고 정몽규?가 아파트 단지 내 땅 파놓고 추가부담금 올려 달라고 1년간 공사를 중단해 빗물이 고인 곳에 소중한 아이들 2명 씩이나 빠져 사망케 했으니 살인죄 맞지요?
아울러 HDC현산IPARK 정몽규?는 약대주공 1기 조합장 과 확정지분제 계약을 했고,
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총회를 반복해서 열어 통과 시키는 이런 악날하고 추악한 갑질이 세상에 또 있을까요?
현대산업개발 과 약대주공 간에 확정지분제 계약을 했음에도 이런 나쁜 짓을한 정몽규?는 계약위반 맞지요?
해서 1기 조합장 놈을 해임 시키고,
저는 2기 조합장 때부터 조합사무실을 자주 찾아가 조합을 지키며 감시를 했건만 역시나 믿었던 2기 조합장 놈도 조합원을 배신하고 현대산업개발 정몽규?편에 서는 바람에 해임 시키고,
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축구협회 회장 정몽규?
HDC현산IPARK 정몽규? 갑질 때문에 저는 오늘도 전국 재건축 재개발 리모델링 하시는조합원님께 약대주공 같은 피해를 널리 알리고, 피해를 막고자 아깝고 소중한 시간을 쪼개서 댓글을 올려봅니다,
혹여 HDC현대산업개발IPARK 재건축 재개발 리모델링 경쟁 하는곳 아시면 정보 부탁합니다,
긴글 읽어 주셔서 감사하고 사랑합니다 파이팅 ?,
< 네이버 블로그, daebok5812 검색 ?
약대주공 3번째 조합장 박대복
I think from the all big teams from the world England is the most loser team
This match is the cause of Goal Line Technology. What an evolution of World Cup!
If that Goal was allowed then the result could have been different
it's 2022 and FREE GAZA
Serious heart breaker
This is the perfect opposite to the 1966 World Cup Final, where England scored a controversial goal in extra time which was allowed, but modern analysis shows that 3% of the ball actually hadn't crossed the line. Here, an England goal that crossed the line was denied, and Neuer even admitted later that the knew it had crossed the line. And in both games, even if their respective goals had been judged correctly, it wouldn't have affected the result.
This England team was a disgrace
بسبب لأخطاء تحكيميه
تم إقتراح تقنية عين صقر
Neur had an assist in this game that's funny
Back when Ozil called Oezil and Muller as Mueller
Nostalgic 2010 world cup history legend world.road to world cup 2022 qatar 21 november 2022-18 december 2022 world
Never count out Germany! What a nation! They have all my respect.
Thanks to my great Germany player…
Die Rache für Wembley ´66!
How funny would it be if Podolski scored just after Lampard had his goal denied. I wish that happened and the English commentators reaction ?
Between Neuer's goal kick and Klose's goal it goes quiet.
i hate muller
Wohlhabendes Deutschland
Deutschland erfolgreich sein
i believe rooney is inside a german.
22:50 Miroslav Klosa Goal
40:52 Lampard Goal 2-2
Do noord mc vs nl
Duel captain team
Philipp Lahm (Germany) VS Steven Gerrard (England)
Lampards goal makes me so upset. Neuer literally just runs away smh.
FIFATV when you gonna do Perú vs Denmark full match?
That was a goal from Lampard bad ref
anybody knows the name of the track used in the intro ?
Ozil was absolutely great in this game.
The game which led to VAR invention
Neuer knew right then and there that second goal should have been validated %110.
Jerman?? vs? inggris???? ???????
FIFA World ??? cup ? 2010
00:00 sepak bola
01:54 steven Gerrard 4 c inggris ???????
Cara se fosse nos dias de hoje aquela bola que o Lampard chutou foi gol 100 %
Why not??ohh
Referee has blind..can't see score in the goal
John Terry and Steven Gerrard were tragic in this match ?. Golden generation una
Whenever english commentators lament over this (clear!) goal not given I think by myself: If it was a final in a worldcup hosted by Germany – then we could call it equal… ?