Hey guys, thought I’d just show off another part of a collection and that would be my jerseys that I’ve collected over the years. I’ll do another collection update in half a year or year or so with hopefully the arrival of some more tops that I’ve been wanting. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Broke For Free – Melt
Broke For Free – Golden Hour
Comprar Camisetas de fútbol para adultos y niños desde 15 € y camisetas oficiales de equipos de fútbol. Clica y Recoge GRATUITO en tienda. Información corporativa y noticias relevantes sobre Driblab, la consultora especializada en análisis deportivos especializada en fútbol.
You say you have to have a USA shirt because your American. So why are you not supporting Detroit City FC.
Real Madrid plz
I subscribed
Great video man! Keep it up!!